'Streets' in the Bible
Therefore the Lord’s anger burns against His people.He raised His hand against them and struck them;the mountains quaked,and their corpses were like garbage in the streets.In all this, His anger is not removed,and His hand is still raised to strike.
I will send him against a godless nation;I will command him to goagainst a people destined for My rage,to take spoils, to plunder,and to trample them down like clay in the streets.
In its streets they wear sackcloth;on its rooftops and in its public squares everyone wails,falling down and weeping.
In the streets they cry for wine.All joy grows dark;earth’s rejoicing goes into exile.
Listen! Their warriors cry loudly in the streets;the messengers of peace weep bitterly.
He will not cry out or shoutor make His voice heard in the streets.
Some of you will rebuild the ancient ruins;you will restore the foundations laid long ago;you will be called the repairer of broken walls,the restorer of streets where people live.