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Is there a word will be said, See, this is new? This was already to a long time which was before us.

And I will give my heart to know wisdom, and the knowledge of praise and understanding: I knew this also it is the striving of the spirit

And I saw there is profit to wisdom more than to folly, as the excellence of the light above darkness.

The wise, his eyes in his head; and the foolish one goes in darkness: and I knew, I also, that one event will meet with them all.

And I said in my heart, As the event of the foolish one, also I, it will meet me; and wherefore then was I more wise? And I spake in my heart, This is also vanity.

For no remembrance for the wise with the foolish one forever, since in the days coming, all being forgotten. And how will the wise die? with the foolish one.

And who shall know whether he shall be wise or foolish? And he shall have dominion over all my labor which I labored, and was wise under the sun. Also this is vanity.

For there is man his labor in wisdom, and in knowledge and in success; and to man not laboring in it he shall give his portion. Also this is vanity and much evil.

For all his days pains, and vexation, his labor; also in the night his heart rested not Also this it is vanity.

Not good in man he shall eat and drink and cause his soul to see good in his labor. Also this I saw that it is from the hand of God.

For to a man good before his face, he gave wisdom and knowledge and gladness: and to him sinning, he gave labor, to gather and to heap up, to give to the good one before the face of God. Also this is vanity and the striving of the spirit.

What was, it is already; and what to be, was already; and God will seek him being driven away.

For the event of the sons of man, and the event of the cattle, one event to them: as this, so dies this; and the breath of one to all; and the preeminence of man not above the cattle: for all is vanity.

And I saw that no good more than that man shall rejoice in his works; for this is his portion: for who shall bring him to look upon what shall be after him?

And I saw all the labor and all the success of the work, for this the jealousy of a man from his neighbor. Also this is vanity and striving of spirit.

There is one, and not a second; also a son and brother not to him: and no end to all his labor; also his eye shall not be satisfied with riches: and for whom do I labor and diminish my soul from good? Also this is vanity, and it is an evil labor.

No end to all the people, to all which were before them: also the last ones shall not rejoice in him. For also this is vanity and striving of the spirit

Thou shalt not hasten with thy mouth, and thy heart shall not be quick to bring forth a word to the face of God: for God is in the heavens, and thou upon the earth: for this thy words shall be few.

When thou shalt vow a vow to God, thou shalt not delay to repay it; for there is no desire in the foolish: repay what thou shalt vow.

Thou shalt not give thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; and thou shalt not say to the face of the messenger that it is an error: wherefore shall God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thy hands?

If thou shalt see the oppression of the poor one, and the spoiling of judgment and justice in a province, thou shalt not wonder at the inclination: for the high one above the high one is watching, and the high ones over them.

And the profit of the earth in all: it is the king being served to the field.

The sleep of the servant is sweet, if little, or if much he shall eat: and the satiety to the rich not permitting to him to sleep.

There is an evil making sick I saw under the sun: riches watched to its owners for their evil.

According as he came forth from his mother's womb, naked he shall turn back to go as he came, and he shall not take away anything in his labor that shall go in his hand.

And also this an evil making sick, wholly as he came so shall he go: and what to him he shall labor for the wind?

Behold, what I saw: good, which is beautiful to eat and to drink, and to see good in all his labor that he will labor under the sun the number of the days of his life, which God gave to him; for this his portion.

There is evil which I saw under the sun, and it is much upon man:

A man which God will give to him wealth and riches and honor, and wanting not to his soul from all which he shall desire, and God will not permit him to eat from it, for a man, a stranger shall eat it. This is vanity and it is an evil disease.

For what will remain to the wise one more than the foolish one? what to the poor that shall know to go before the living

Good the sight of the eyes above the going of the soul. Also this is vanity and striving of spirit

What was, its name was called already, and it was known that it is man: and he shall not be able to contend with the powerful above him.

For who shall know what is for man in life, the number of the days of the life of his vanity, and he will make them as a shadow? for who shall announce to man what shall be after him under the sun?

Good to go to the house of mourning rather than to go to the house of drinking, in that it is the end of every man; and he living shall give to his heart.

The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; and the heart of the foolish in the house of gladness.

Good to hear the reproof of the wise one, above a man hearing the song of the foolish:

For as the voice of thorns under the pot, so the laughter of the foolish one. Also this is vanity.

For oppression will make foolish the wise one; and a gift will destroy the heart.

Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and a remainder to those seeing the sun.

I saw all in the days of my vanity: there is a just one perishing in his justice, and there is an unjust one, being prolonged in his evil.

Wisdom shall strengthen to the wise one more than ten having power which were in the city.

All this I proved by wisdom: I said I will be wise, and it was removed far off from me.

And I find bitter above death the woman that her heart it is snares and nets, her hands are bonds: the good one before God shall escape from her, and he sinning shall be taken by her.

Who as the wise one? and who will know the interpretation of the word? The wisdom of man shall enlighten his face, and the hard of face shall be hated.

Wheresoever the word of a king, it is powerful: and who shall say to him, What wilt thou do?

He watching the command knew no evil word: and time and judgment the wise one will know.

And so then I saw the unjust buried, and they came and they will go from the holy place, and they will be forgotten in the city where they did thus: also this is vanity.

And it shall not be good to the unjust one; he shall not lengthen the days as a shadow, for he feared not from before the face of God.

There is vanity which was done upon the earth; that there is the just which it comes upon them according to the work of the unjust: and there is the unjust, it comes upon them according to the work of the just. I said, Also this is vanity.

And I praised joy, because there is no good to man under the sun but to eat and to drink, and to rejoice: for this shall lodge with him in his labor the days of his life which God gave to him under the sun.

According as I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to see the labor that was done upon the earth: for also in the day and in the night he saw not sleep with his eyes.

And I saw all the work of God, that no man shall be able to find out the work that was done under the sun in whatsoever a man shall labor to seek out, and he shall not find: and also if the wise one shall say to know, he shall not be able to find.

For all this I gave to my heart, and to examine all this, that the just and the wise and their works are in the hand of God: also love, also hatred, no man shall know of all before them.

All according to all: one event to the just one and to the unjust one; to the good one and to the clean one, and to the unclean one; to him sacrificing and to him not sacrificing: as the good one, so the sinning one; he swearing, as he who shall fear an oath.

This an evil in all being done under the sun, thus one event is to all: and also the heart of the sons of man being full of evil, and folly in their heart in their living, and after it to their deaths.

For whoever shall choose to all the living there is hope: for to a living dog it is good above a dead lion.

I turned back, and saw under the sun that not to the fleet the race, and the war not to the strong, and also not to the wise, bread; and also not to the understanding ones, riches; and also not to the knowing, favor; for time and chance will light upon all of them.

For also man knew not his time: as the fishes being laid hold of in an evil net, and as the birds laid hold of in the snare, as they, the sons of men being snared for an evil time, as it will fall upon them suddenly.

And a poor wise man was found in it, and he delivered the city by his wisdom; and not a man remembered that poor man.

And I said, Wisdom is good above strength: and the wisdom of the poor one was despised, and his words not heard.

The words of the wise being heard in quiet more than the cry of him ruling among the foolish.

Wisdom is good above the instruments of encounter: and one sinning will destroy much good.

And also as the foolish one went in the way, his heart was wanting, and he said to all, It is folly.

There is an evil I saw under the sun as an error going forth from before him having power:

I saw servants upon horses, and chiefs going as servants upon the earth.

The words of the wise one's mouth, grace; and the lips of the foolish one shall swallow him down.

In the morning sow thy seed, and at evening thou shalt not let thy hand rest: for thou shalt not know whether this shall be right, this or that, or if they two as one being good.

If man shall live many years, in them all shall he rejoice; and he shall remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. All coming is vanity.

And besides, the preacher was wise; he yet taught the people knowledge; and he gave ear, and sought out, setting in order many parables.

The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails planted of the masters of the gatherings; they were given from one shepherd.