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Or again, "I will become His Father, and He shall become my Son"? But when He brings again His first-born Son into the world, He says, "And let all the angels worship Him."

They will perish, but you always remain; they all will grow old like a coat,

And you will fold them up just like a robe, and they will be changed like the changing of one's coat, but you are the same, and your years will never cease."

You have put all things under His feet!" Now when He gave Him authority over everything, He did not leave a single thing that was not put under His authority. But as yet we do not see everything actually under His authority,

For of course it is not angels but descendants of Abraham that He is to help.

For every house is built by somebody, but the builder and furnisher of the universe is God.

and yet the warning continues to be spoken: "If you but hear His voice, you must not harden your hearts as they did in provoking me."

He again fixes a definite day, saying long afterward through David, as has been quoted: "If you but hear His voice, you must not harden your hearts."

and so is obliged to offer sin-offerings, not only for the people but for himself as well.

So Christ too did not take upon Himself the glory of being appointed High Priest, but it was God who said: "You are my Son; I have today become your Father,"

I have much to say to you about Him, but it is difficult to make it clear to you, since you have become so dull in your spiritual senses.

But if it continues to yield thorns and thistles, it is considered worthless and in danger of being cursed, and its final fate is burning.

But in your case, my dearly loved friends, even though we speak in such a tone, we are sure of better things, yea, things that point to salvation.

with no father, no mother, no ancestry; no beginning to his days, no end to his life, but, like the Son of God, as priest continues on and on with no successor.

But in this case, the man whose ancestry is not traced from them collected a tenth from Abraham, and put his blessing on the man who had the promises from God.

who is appointed not on the basis of a physical qualification but on the basis of a power flowing from a life that cannot end.

for the Levitical priests were appointed without His taking an oath, but He with His oath, when He said to Him: "The Lord took oath and will not change, You are a priest forever" --

but He, on the other hand, because He Himself lives on forever, enjoys the only priesthood that has no successors in office.

For the law appoints imperfect men as high priests, but the assertion about the taking of an oath, which was spoken after the time of the law, appoints a Son who is perfectly qualified to be High Priest forever.

But, as the case with Him now stands, He has entered upon a priestly service as much superior to theirs as the covenant of which He is the Mediator is superior to theirs, superior because it has been enacted upon superior promises.

But behind the second curtain is the tent that is called the holy of holies,

but into the second or inner part nobody but the high priest may go, and he only once a year, and never without blood which he offers for himself and for the sins committed in ignorance by the people.

But when Christ came as the High Priest of good things that have already taken place, He went by way of that greater and more perfect tent of worship, not made by human hands, that is, not belonging to this material creation,

So, on the one hand, the copies of the original things in heaven had to be purified with such sacrifices; but on the other hand, the original things themselves in heaven with better sacrifices than these.

For it was not a sanctuary made by human hands, a mere copy of the true one, that Christ entered, but it was into heaven itself that He went, in order now to appear for us in the very presence of God.

for, if that had been the case, He would have had to suffer over and over again, ever since the creation of the world. But, as it is, once at the close of the ages He has appeared, to put away sin by His sacrifice.

"Sacrifice and offering you did not wish, but a body you have prepared for me; in burnt-offerings and sin-offerings you never took delight.

But this One offered up once for all and for all time one sacrifice for sins, and once for all took His seat at God's right hand,

but only a terrifying prospect of judgment and that fiery indignation which is going to devour God's enemies.

Meantime, my righteous servant will live by faith. But if a man draws back, my soul has no delight in him."

But we are not of a disposition to draw back so as to perish, but we have faith that leads to the saving of the soul.

They were stoned to death, they were tortured to death, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword. With nothing on their bodies but skins of sheep or goats they wandered here and there, destitute, oppressed, mistreated --

and keep your feet in straight paths, so that limbs may not be dislocated, but instead be cured.

but now His promise is, "Once more I will make not only the earth but heaven itself tremble." Now that expression, "Once more," signifies the final removal of the things that can be shaken, to let remain the things that cannot be shaken.