Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and do not have love, I have become like loud sounding brass, or a clashing cymbal.

Then those who sing as well as those who play the flutes will say: All my springs of joy are in you.

If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget how to play the harp.

There should be no division in the body. So the members should have the same care for each other.

The anointing (special endowment of Holy Spirit) you received from Him is a part of you (is with you) and you do not need anyone (any human) to teach you. His anointing taught you concerning all things. It is no lie. It is truth, just as you were taught you live through him.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and do not have love, I have become like loud sounding brass, or a clashing cymbal.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and do not have love, I have become like loud sounding brass, or a clashing cymbal.

Jehovah is good and decent. That is why he teaches sinners the way they should live. He leads humble people to do what is right, and he teaches them his way.

You know the commandments we gave you through the Lord Jesus. This is the will of God, for your sanctification (holiness) (purification), that you should abstain from fornication. Every one of you should know how to possess his own vessel in holiness and honor, read more.
not in the lust of sexual desire like the nations who do not know God. Let no man defraud his brother in any matter. Jehovah is the avenger of this. We also have warned you and testified. For God has not called us to uncleanness, but to holiness. He therefore that rejects this, rejects not man, but God, who has also given his Holy Spirit to us. I do not need to write you about brotherly love. For God taught you to love one another.