Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

([Psalm of David]) How long, O Jehovah? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

O Jehovah, how long will you observe? Rescue me from their attacks. Rescue my precious life from the lions.

How long, O Jehovah? Will you remain angry forever? Will your fury (zeal) continue to burn like fire?

O Jehovah God, commander of armies, how long will you be angry against the prayer of your people?

How long, O Jehovah? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your anger continue to burn like fire?

Return, O Jehovah! How long? Change your plans about us, your servants.

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save.

Then the Messenger (Angel) of Jehovah said: Jehovah of Hosts, how much longer until you show compassion to Jerusalem and the cities of Judah? You have been angry with them for seventy years.

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save.

The tents of marauders prosper and those who provoke God are secure in what God's hand brings them.

I have seen all things in the days of my vanity. There is a just man who perished in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man who prolonged his life in his wickedness.

The same thing comes to all. There is one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrifices and to him that does not sacrifice. As is the good, so is the sinner; and he that swears, as he that fears and refrains from an oath.

Jehovah, if I argued my case with you, you would prove to be right. Indeed, I must question you about matters of justice. Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why do dishonest people succeed with impunity?

But you say: Jehovah's way is unfair. Listen, nation of Israel, is my way fair? Is it your ways that are unfair?

They said: 'The last ones have done only one hour's work. You have made them equal to us. We have undergone the hard work of the day and the burning heat.'

What shall we say then? Is there injustice with God? There is not!

They resented him. But Jesus responded to them: A prophet is without honor in his own country, and in his own house.

Yet, I will make you as stubborn and as hardheaded as they are. I will make you as hard as a diamond, harder than flint stone. Do not be afraid of them. Do not be terrified in their presence, even though they are rebellious people.

The Spirit lifted me and took me away. I went away feeling bitter and angry. The strong power of Jehovah came over me.

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save. Why do you make me see wickedness and immorality? Destruction and violence are before me. Strife exists and contention arises.

Is this the carpenter, the son of Mary, brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? Are not his sisters here with us? He offended them. Jesus said to them: A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own people and in his own house.

He continued: Truly I tell you no prophet is accepted (welcomed) (honored) in his own country.

Jesus testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save.

The tents of marauders prosper and those who provoke God are secure in what God's hand brings them.

I have seen all things in the days of my vanity. There is a just man who perished in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man who prolonged his life in his wickedness.

The same thing comes to all. There is one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrifices and to him that does not sacrifice. As is the good, so is the sinner; and he that swears, as he that fears and refrains from an oath.

Jehovah, if I argued my case with you, you would prove to be right. Indeed, I must question you about matters of justice. Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why do dishonest people succeed with impunity?

But you say: Jehovah's way is unfair. Listen, nation of Israel, is my way fair? Is it your ways that are unfair?

They said: 'The last ones have done only one hour's work. You have made them equal to us. We have undergone the hard work of the day and the burning heat.'

What shall we say then? Is there injustice with God? There is not!

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save.

The tents of marauders prosper and those who provoke God are secure in what God's hand brings them.

I have seen all things in the days of my vanity. There is a just man who perished in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man who prolonged his life in his wickedness.

The same thing comes to all. There is one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrifices and to him that does not sacrifice. As is the good, so is the sinner; and he that swears, as he that fears and refrains from an oath.

Jehovah, if I argued my case with you, you would prove to be right. Indeed, I must question you about matters of justice. Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why do dishonest people succeed with impunity?

But you say: Jehovah's way is unfair. Listen, nation of Israel, is my way fair? Is it your ways that are unfair?

They said: 'The last ones have done only one hour's work. You have made them equal to us. We have undergone the hard work of the day and the burning heat.'

What shall we say then? Is there injustice with God? There is not!

O Jehovah God, commander of armies, how long will you be angry against the prayer of your people?

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save.

([Psalm of David]) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far away from my deliverance, so far away from the words of my moaning? My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer. I cry by night, but I find no rest.

Why do you reject me, O Jehovah? Why do you hide your face from me (turn from me)?

Ten days later Jehovah spoke to me.

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save.

God will listen and answer them. The one who has sat enthroned from the beginning will deal with them. They never change. They never respect God.

When you did these things, I remained silent. That made you think I was like you. I will argue my point with you and lay it all out for you to see.

I called you! I stretched out my hand to you. You paid no attention to me. You have ignored all my counsel. You accept no correction. I also will laugh at your trouble. I will mock when your fear comes. read more.
Trouble and distress will surround you like a whirlwind, like a great storm. You will ask for my help, but I will not listen. You will search, but you will not find me. You have no use for knowledge and you refuse to respect Jehovah. You rejected my advice and paid no attention when I warned you.

Sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly. Therefore the hearts of the sons of men are fully committed to do evil. Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and he lives a long life, yet I know that it will be well with those who respect (reverence) God and worship him. Things will not go well with the wicked. He will not prolong his days. His days are like a shadow. He does not respect God.

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save. Why do you make me see wickedness and immorality? Destruction and violence are before me. Strife exists and contention arises. The law is paralyzed and justice is never delivered. The wicked surround the righteous and deliver perverted justice.

([Psalm of David]) How long, O Jehovah? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

O Jehovah, how long will you observe? Rescue me from their attacks. Rescue my precious life from the lions.

How long, O Jehovah? Will you remain angry forever? Will your fury (zeal) continue to burn like fire?

O Jehovah God, commander of armies, how long will you be angry against the prayer of your people?

How long, O Jehovah? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your anger continue to burn like fire?

Return, O Jehovah! How long? Change your plans about us, your servants.

How long, O Jehovah (YHWH), will I call for help and you do not hear? I cry out to you, save me from violence! And yet you do not save.

Then the Messenger (Angel) of Jehovah said: Jehovah of Hosts, how much longer until you show compassion to Jerusalem and the cities of Judah? You have been angry with them for seventy years.