Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

to keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the stranger's tongue. Do not lust after her beauty in thy heart, nor let her take thee with her eyelids. For the price of a harlot is as much as a piece of bread, but the adulteress hunts for the precious life. read more.
Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Or can a man walk upon hot coals, and his feet not be scorched? So [is] he who goes in to his neighbor's wife. Whoever touches her shall not be unpunished. Men do not despise a thief, if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry. Yet if he is found, he shall restore sevenfold. He shall give all the substance of his house. He who commits adultery with a woman is void of understanding. He who would destroy his own soul does it. Wounds and dishonor he shall get, and his reproach shall not be wiped away. For jealousy is a man's fury, and he will not spare in the day of vengeance.

There are three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not: The way of an eagle in the air, the way of a serpent upon a rock, the way of a ship in the midst of the sea, and the way of a man with a maiden. So is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats, and wipes her mouth, and says, I have done no iniquity.

And the scholars and the Pharisees bring to him a woman taken in adultery. And having stood her in the midst, tempting, they say to him, Teacher, we found this woman committing adultery, in the act. Now in the law, Moses commanded us such women are to be stoned. What therefore do thou say about her?

And to the agent of the congregation in Thyatira write, These things says the Son of God, who has his eyes as a flame of fire, and his feet resembling highly refined metal: I know thy works, and thy love and faith and service and perseverance. And thy last works are more than the first. Nevertheless, I have against thee that thou tolerate thy woman Jezebel. She calls herself a prophetess, and teaches and leads astray my bondmen to fornicate, and to eat idol sacrifices. read more.
And I gave her time so that she would repent, and she did not want to repent of her fornication. Behold, I throw her into a bed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, if they do not repent of her works.

Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters. And take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters, and multiply ye there, and be not diminished.

I desire therefore the younger women to marry, to bear children, to manage house, to give not one occasion to him who opposes on account of slander.

(I speak man-like because of the weakness of your flesh). For as ye presented your body-parts servile to uncleanness, and to lawlessness for lawlessness, so now present your body-parts servile to righteousness for sanctification.

Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters. And take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters, and multiply ye there, and be not diminished.

I desire therefore the younger women to marry, to bear children, to manage house, to give not one occasion to him who opposes on account of slander.

For ye are men who know this, that no fornicator, or unclean man, or covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of the Christ and God. Let no man deceive you by empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Do not become ye therefore partakers with them.

But we know that the law is good, if any man uses it lawfully, knowing this, that law is not laid down for righteous men, but for the lawless and rebellious, for the irreverent and sinful, for the impious and profane, for father killers and mother killers, for man killers, for fornicators, for homosexuals, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing contrary to the sound doctrine

I, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Blessed are those doing his commandments, so that their right will be to the tree of life, and they may enter in the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every man who loves and makes a lie.

to deliver thee from the interloping woman, even from the stranger who flatters with her words, who forsakes the companion of her youth, and forgets the covenant of her God (for her house inclines to death, and her paths to the dead; read more.
none who go to her return again, nor do they attain to the paths of life),

Say to wisdom, Thou are my sister, and call understanding [thy] kinswoman, that they may keep thee from the interloping woman, from the stranger who flatters with her words. For at the window of my house I looked forth through my lattice, read more.
and I beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding passing through the street near her corner. And he went the way to her house, in the twilight, in the evening of the day, in the middle of the night and in the darkness. And, behold, there met him a woman attired like a harlot, and wily of heart. She is loud and headstrong. Her feet abide not in her house. Now she is in the streets, now in the broad places, and lays in wait at every corner. So she caught him, and kissed him. With an impudent face she said to him, Sacrifices of peace-offerings are with me. I have paid my vows this day. Therefore I came forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee. I have spread my couch with carpets of tapestry, with striped cloths of the yarn of Egypt. I have perfumed my bed With myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning. Let us solace ourselves with love. For the man is not at home. He has gone a long journey. He has taken a bag of money with him. He will come home at the full moon. With her much fair speech she causes him to yield. With the flattering of her lips she forces him along. He goes after her straightaway, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks, till an arrow strikes through his liver, as a bird hastens to the snare. And he does not know that it is for his life.