Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Hereby, do ye perceive the Spirit of God: - every spirit that confesseth Jesus Christ as having come, in flesh, is, of God; And, every spirit that doth not confess Jesus, of God, is not. And, this, is the spirit of the Antichrist, touching which ye have heard that it cometh: even now, is it, in the world, already.

Nevertheless, however, even from among the rulers, many believed on him; but, because of the Pharisees, they were not confessing him, lest, excommunicants from the synagogue, they should be made; for they loved the glory of men, more than the glory of God.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord! Lord! shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, - but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in the heavens. Many, will say unto me, in, that, day, Lord! Lord! did we not, in thy name, prophesy, and, in thy name, cast, demons, out, - and, in thy name, many works of power, perform? And, then, will I confess unto them, Never, have I acknowledged you, - Depart from me, ye workers of lawlessness!

Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, I also, will confess, him, before my Father who is in the heavens; But, whoever shall deny me before men, I also, will deny, him, before my Father who is in the heavens.

(John beareth witness concerning him, and hath cried aloud, saying - the same, was he that said - He who, after me, was coming, before me, hath advanced; because, my Chief, was he.) Because, out of his fulness, we all, received, even favour over against favour. Because, the law, through Moses, was given, favour and truth, through Jesus Christ, came into existence. read more.
No one, hath seen, God, at any time: An Only Begotten God, The One existing within the bosom of the Father, He, hath interpreted him .

These things, said his parents, because they were in fear of the Jews, - for, already, had the Jews agreed together, that, if anyone should confess, him, to be Christ, an, excommunicant from the synagogue, should he be made. For this cause, his parents said - He is, of age, - question him. So they called the man a second time - him who had been blind, and said unto him - Give glory unto God! We know that, this man, is, a sinner. read more.
He, therefore, answered - Whether he is a sinner, I know not: One thing, I know, - That, whereas I was, blind, now, I see! They said, therefore, unto him - What did he unto thee? How opened he thine eyes? He answered them - I told you just now, and ye did not hear: Why, again, do ye wish to hear? Are, ye also, wishing to become, his disciples? And they reviled him, and said - Thou, art, the disciple, of that man; but, we, are, Moses', disciples: - We, know, that, unto Moses, hath God spoken; but, as for this man, we know not whence he is. The man answered, and said unto them - Why! Herein, is, the marvel: That, ye, know not whence he is, and yet he opened mine eyes. We know that, God, unto sinners, doth not hearken: but, if one be, a worshipper of God, and be doing, his will, unto this one, he hearkeneth. Out of age-past time, hath it never been heard, that anyone opened the eyes of one who, blind, had been born. If this man were not from God, he could have done nothing. They answered and said unto him - In sins, wast, thou, born, altogether; and art, thou, teaching, us? And they cast him out. Jesus heard that they had cast him out: and, finding him, said - Dost, thou, believe on the son of Man? He answered and said- And, who, is he, Sir, that I may believe on him? Jesus said unto him - Thou hast both seen him and, he that is speaking with thee, is, he. And, he, said - I believe, Sir! and worshipped him.

And Philip, opening his mouth, and beginning from this scripture, told him the glad tidings of Jesus. And, as they were journeying along the way, they came unto a certain water, - and the eunuch saith - Lo! water! What doth hinder my being immersed?

When, however, both Silas and Timothy had come down from Macedonia, Paul began to be urged on in the word, bearing full witness unto the Jews that, Jesus, was, the Christ.

Then said Paul - John, immersed with an immersion of repentance, unto the people, saying, that, on him who was coming after him, they should believe, - that is, on Jesus. And, when they heard this , they were immersed into the name of the Lord Jesus;

That, if thou shalt confess the declaration with thy mouth - That Jesus is, Lord, and shalt believe with thy hear - That, God, raised him from among the dead, thou shalt be saved; - For, in heart, it is to be believed unto righteousness, and, by mouth, it is to be confessed unto salvation. For the scripture saith - No one that resteth faith thereupon, shall be put to shame?

For, not the hearers of law, are righteous with God, but, the doers of law, shall be declared righteous; For, whensoever the nations which have not law, by nature, the things of the law, may be doing, the same, not having law, unto themselves, are a law, - Who, indeed, shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience therewith bearing witness, and, between one another, their reasonings accusing - or, even excusing, them: -

Howbeit, now, the doing also, complete ye, in order that, even according to the forwardness of the desiring, so, may be the completing - out of what ye have.

Become ye doers of the word, and not hearers only - reasoning yourselves astray; Because, if any is, a word-hearer, and not a doer, the same, is like unto a man observing his natural face in a mirror, - For he observed himself, and is gone away, and, straightway, it hath escaped him, - what manner of man, he was! read more.
But, he that hath obtained a nearer view into the perfect law of liberty, and hath taken up his abode by it, becoming - not a forgetful hearer, but a work doer, the same, happy in his doing, shall be. If any thinketh he is observant of religion, not curbing his own tongue, but deceiving his own heart, this one's, religious observance is, vain: Religious observance, pure and undefiled with our God and Father, is, this - to be visiting orphans and widows in their affliction, unspotted, to keep, himself, from the world.

Be not speaking one against another, brethren! He that speaketh against a brother, or judgeth his brother, speaketh against law, and judgeth law; Now, if, upon law, thou art passing judgment, thou art not a doer of law, but a judge!

Simon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, unto them who have obtained, equally precious, faith, with us, in the righteousness of our God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, Favour unto you, and peace, be multiplied, in the personal knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; - As, all things, suited for life and godliness his divine power, unto us, hath given, through the personal knowledge of him that hath called us through glory and excellence, - read more.
Through which, his precious, and very great, promises, have, unto us, been given, in order that, through these, ye might become sharers in a divine nature - escaping the corruption that is in the world by coveting. And, for this very reason also - adding, on your part, all diligence, supply, in your faith, excellence, and, in your excellence, knowledge, And, in your knowledge, self-control, and, in your self-control, endurance, and, in your endurance, godliness, And, in your godliness, brotherly affection, and, in your brotherly affection, love. These things, unto you, belonging and abounding, neither idle nor unfruitful, constitute you, regarding the personal knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; For, he to whom these things are not present, is, blind, seeing only what is near, having come, to forget, his purification from his old sins. Wherefore, all the more, brethren, give diligence to be making, firm, your calling and election; for, these things, doing, in nowise shall ye stumble at any time, For, thus, shall richly be further supplied unto you - the entrance into the age-abiding kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

And, he, lifting up his eyes towards his disciples, was saying: - Happy, ye destitute, for, yours, is the kingdom of God.

But, whensoever the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the messengers with him, then will he sit on his throne of glory; And there will be gathered before him, all the nations, and he will separate them one from another, just as, the shepherd! separateth the sheep from the goats, - And he will set, the sheep, indeed, on his right hand, but, the goats, on the left. read more.
Then, will the king say to those on his right hand: Come ye, the blessed of my Father! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; For I hungered, and ye gave me to eat, I thirsted, and ye gave me drink, a stranger, was I, and ye took me home, Naked, and ye clothed me, sick, and ye visited me, in prison, was I, and ye came unto me. Then, will the righteous answer him, saying: Lord! when, saw we thee - hungry, and fed thee, or thirsty, and gave thee drink? And, when, saw we thee - a stranger, and took thee home, or naked, and clothed thee? And, when, saw we thee - sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And, answering, the king will say unto them: Verily, I say unto you - Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my least brethren, unto me, ye did it. Then, will he say unto those also, on his left hand: Depart ye from me, accursed ones! Into the age-abiding fire, which hath been prepared for the adversary and his messengers; For I hungered, and ye gave me not to eat, and I was thirsty, and ye gave me not to drink, A stranger, was I, and ye took me not home, naked, and ye clothed me not, sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then, will, they also, answer, saying: Lord! when saw we thee - hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and ministered not unto thee? Then, will he answer them, saying: Verily, I say unto you - Inasmuch as ye did it not, unto one of these least, neither unto me, did ye it. And, these, shall go away, into, age-abiding, correction, but, the righteous, into, age-abiding, life.

but the holy ones of the Highest, shall receive the kingdom, - and shall possess the kingdom for the age, yea for the age of ages.

I, am the A and the Z, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Happy, they who are washing their robes, that their right may be unto the tree of life and, by the gates, they may enter into the city.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord! Lord! shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, - but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in the heavens. Many, will say unto me, in, that, day, Lord! Lord! did we not, in thy name, prophesy, and, in thy name, cast, demons, out, - and, in thy name, many works of power, perform? And, then, will I confess unto them, Never, have I acknowledged you, - Depart from me, ye workers of lawlessness! read more.
Every one, therefore, who heareth thesemy words, and doeth them, shall be likened to a prudent man, who built his house upon the rock; And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, and it fell not; for it had been founded upon the rock. And every one who heareth these my words, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand; And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and dashed against that house, and it fell; and, the fall thereof, was, great.

That they may come unto thee as people do come And may sit before thee as my people, And they will hear thy words, But the, words themselves, they not do, - though fond with their mouths, they seem to be, After their unjust gain, their heart is going. And lo! thou art to them - As a bewitching song, Of one with a beautiful voice. And skilfully touching the strings, - So will they hear thy words, And yet be going to do none of them.

Dross silver overlaid upon earthenware, so are burning lips, with a mischievous heart:

And why call ye me, Lord! Lord! and not do the things that I say?

And remembered that, Elohim, was their rock, Yea, EL Most High, their Redeemer: So they spake him fair with their mouth, And, with their tongue, did promise him falsely;

Hear ye this - O house of Jacob, Ye who call yourselves by the name of Israel, Yea from the waters of Judah, came they forth, - Who swear by the name of Yahweh, And, by the God of Israel, call to remembrance - Not in truth, nor in righteousness;

But, he, said unto them - Well, prophesied Isaiah concerning you, ye hypocrites, as it is written - This people, with the lips do honour me, while, their heart, far off, holdeth from me, -

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord! Lord! shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, - but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in the heavens. Many, will say unto me, in, that, day, Lord! Lord! did we not, in thy name, prophesy, and, in thy name, cast, demons, out, - and, in thy name, many works of power, perform?

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord! Lord! shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, - but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in the heavens. Many, will say unto me, in, that, day, Lord! Lord! did we not, in thy name, prophesy, and, in thy name, cast, demons, out, - and, in thy name, many works of power, perform?

While yet he was speaking unto the multitudes, lo! his mother and brethren, were standing without, seeking to speak with him. And one said to him, Lo! thy mother and thy brethren, without, are standing, seeking, to speak, with thee. But, he, answering, said unto him that was telling him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? read more.
And, stretching forth his hand towards his disciples, he said, Lo! my mother and my brethren! For, whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in the heavens, he, is my, brother, and sister, and mother.

And there come his mother and his brethren, and, standing, outside, they sent unto him, calling him. And there was sitting around him a multitude, and they say unto him - Lo! thy mother and thy brethren, outside, are seeking thee! And, answering them, he saith - Who are my mother and my brethren? read more.
And, looking around on them who, about him, in a circle, were sitting, he saith, See! my mother and my brethren! Whosoever shall do the will of God, the same, is my brother and sister and mother.

Jesus, therefore, answered them, and said - My teaching, is not mine, but his who sent me. If any one intend, his will, to do, he shall get to know concerning the teaching - whether it is, of God, or, I, from myself, am speaking,

That they may come unto thee as people do come And may sit before thee as my people, And they will hear thy words, But the, words themselves, they not do, - though fond with their mouths, they seem to be, After their unjust gain, their heart is going. And lo! thou art to them - As a bewitching song, Of one with a beautiful voice. And skilfully touching the strings, - So will they hear thy words, And yet be going to do none of them.

Dross silver overlaid upon earthenware, so are burning lips, with a mischievous heart:

And why call ye me, Lord! Lord! and not do the things that I say?

And remembered that, Elohim, was their rock, Yea, EL Most High, their Redeemer: So they spake him fair with their mouth, And, with their tongue, did promise him falsely;

Hear ye this - O house of Jacob, Ye who call yourselves by the name of Israel, Yea from the waters of Judah, came they forth, - Who swear by the name of Yahweh, And, by the God of Israel, call to remembrance - Not in truth, nor in righteousness;

But, he, said unto them - Well, prophesied Isaiah concerning you, ye hypocrites, as it is written - This people, with the lips do honour me, while, their heart, far off, holdeth from me, -

That they may come unto thee as people do come And may sit before thee as my people, And they will hear thy words, But the, words themselves, they not do, - though fond with their mouths, they seem to be, After their unjust gain, their heart is going. And lo! thou art to them - As a bewitching song, Of one with a beautiful voice. And skilfully touching the strings, - So will they hear thy words, And yet be going to do none of them.

Dross silver overlaid upon earthenware, so are burning lips, with a mischievous heart:

And why call ye me, Lord! Lord! and not do the things that I say?

And remembered that, Elohim, was their rock, Yea, EL Most High, their Redeemer: So they spake him fair with their mouth, And, with their tongue, did promise him falsely;

Hear ye this - O house of Jacob, Ye who call yourselves by the name of Israel, Yea from the waters of Judah, came they forth, - Who swear by the name of Yahweh, And, by the God of Israel, call to remembrance - Not in truth, nor in righteousness;

But, he, said unto them - Well, prophesied Isaiah concerning you, ye hypocrites, as it is written - This people, with the lips do honour me, while, their heart, far off, holdeth from me, -