Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

'When thou meetest thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou dost certainly turn it back to him;

If I rejoice at the ruin of my hater, And stirred up myself when evil found him,

If he who is hating thee doth hunger, cause him to eat bread, And if he thirst, cause him to drink water. For coals thou art putting on his head, And Jehovah giveth recompense to thee.

'When thou meetest thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou dost certainly turn it back to him;

If I rejoice at the ruin of my hater, And stirred up myself when evil found him,

If he who is hating thee doth hunger, cause him to eat bread, And if he thirst, cause him to drink water. For coals thou art putting on his head, And Jehovah giveth recompense to thee.

'Ye heard that it was said: Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and shalt hate thine enemy; but I -- I say to you, Love your enemies, bless those cursing you, do good to those hating you, and pray for those accusing you falsely, and persecuting you, that ye may be sons of your Father in the heavens, because His sun He doth cause to rise on evil and good, and He doth send rain on righteous and unrighteous. read more.
'For, if ye may love those loving you, what reward have ye? do not also the tax-gatherers the same? and if ye may salute your brethren only, what do ye abundant? do not also the tax-gatherers so? ye shall therefore be perfect, as your Father who is in the heavens is perfect.

'But I say to you who are hearing, Love your enemies, do good to those hating you, bless those cursing you, and pray for those accusing you falsely; and to him smiting thee upon the cheek, give also the other, and from him taking away from thee the mantle, also the coat thou mayest not keep back. read more.
'And to every one who is asking of thee, be giving; and from him who is taking away thy goods, be not asking again; and as ye wish that men may do to you, do ye also to them in like manner; and -- if ye love those loving you, what grace have ye? for also the sinful love those loving them; and if ye do good to those doing good to you, what grace have ye? for also the sinful do the same; and if ye lend to those of whom ye hope to receive back, what grace have ye? for also the sinful lend to sinners -- that they may receive again as much. 'But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again, and your reward will be great, and ye shall be sons of the Highest, because He is kind unto the ungracious and evil;

'When thou meetest thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou dost certainly turn it back to him;

If I rejoice at the ruin of my hater, And stirred up myself when evil found him,

If he who is hating thee doth hunger, cause him to eat bread, And if he thirst, cause him to drink water. For coals thou art putting on his head, And Jehovah giveth recompense to thee.

lo, I give to you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you; but, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subjected to you, but rejoice rather that your names were written in the heavens.'

rejoiceth not over the unrighteousness, and rejoiceth with the truth;

If I rejoice at the ruin of my hater, And stirred up myself when evil found him,

Mine enemies rejoice not over me with falsehood, Those hating me without cause wink the eye.

rejoiceth not over the unrighteousness, and rejoiceth with the truth;

And -- thou dost not look on the day of thy brother, On the day of his alienation, Nor dost thou rejoice over sons of Judah, In the day of their destruction, Nor make great thy mouth in a day of distress.

Say not, 'As he did to me, so I do to him, I render to each according to his work.'

'When thou meetest thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou dost certainly turn it back to him;

If I rejoice at the ruin of my hater, And stirred up myself when evil found him,

If he who is hating thee doth hunger, cause him to eat bread, And if he thirst, cause him to drink water. For coals thou art putting on his head, And Jehovah giveth recompense to thee.

'When thou meetest thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou dost certainly turn it back to him;

If I rejoice at the ruin of my hater, And stirred up myself when evil found him,

If he who is hating thee doth hunger, cause him to eat bread, And if he thirst, cause him to drink water. For coals thou art putting on his head, And Jehovah giveth recompense to thee.