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And Yahweh God, caused to spring up, out of the ground, every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food, - and the tree of life, in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Now, a river, was coming forth out of Eden, to water the garden, - and, from thence, it parted, and became four heads,

And Yahweh God laid command on the man, saying, - Of every tree of the garden, thou mayest eat;

And the woman said unto the serpent, - Of the fruit of the trees of the garden, we may eat;

but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said Ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it, - lest ye die.

So Lot lifted up his eyes and beheld all the circuit of the Jordan, that the whole of it, was well-watered, - before Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the Garden of Yahweh, like the land of Egypt, as thou enterest into Zoar.