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For Jerusalem has stumbled
and Judah has fallen
because they have spoken and acted against the Lord,
defying His glorious presence.

Verse ConceptsdefianceJerusalem, Significance OfDisobedience, To GodInfidelity To GodDownfall Of Israel

On that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of Israel’s survivors.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDBeautifulBranches, Illustrating MessiahMessianic AgeNames And Titles For ChristBeauty Of GodSurvivors Of IsraelWomen's BeautyExcellence

On that day the root of Jesse
will stand as a banner for the peoples.
The nations will seek Him,
and His resting place will be glorious.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDGentiles, In OtBanner, Figurative UseHope, As ConfidenceMission, Of IsraelJesus Christ, KingChrist, Names ForMessianic PropheciesFlags

Sing to Yahweh, for He has done glorious things.
Let this be known throughout the earth.

Verse ConceptsGod, Glory OfPraiseGod's Glory RevealedGod's Deed RevealedExcellence

wind you up into a ball, and sling you into a wide land. There you will die, and there your glorious chariots will be—a disgrace to the house of your lord.

Verse ConceptsTrusting In ChariotsRollingShame Has Come

The Lord of Hosts planned it,
to desecrate all its glorious beauty,
to disgrace all the honored ones of the earth.

Verse ConceptsendHumilitySuperiorityHumbling The ProudGod Opposes The ProudGod's Plans

The Lord was pleased, because of His righteousness,
to magnify His instruction and make it glorious.

Verse ConceptsThe Law Proclaimed

He sent His glorious arm
to be at Moses’ right hand,
divided the waters before them
to obtain eternal fame for Himself,

Verse ConceptsArmsPower Of God, DescribedArm Of GodDivision Of WatersWaters DividedBlessings For The Right Hand

Like cattle that go down into the valley,
the Spirit of the Lord gave them rest.
You led Your people this way
to make a glorious name for Yourself.

Verse ConceptsDivine LeadingThe Spirit Of GodThe Spirit Of The LordGod Has GuidedGod Giving Rest

so that you may nurse and be satisfied
from her comforting breast
and drink deeply and delight yourselves
from her glorious breasts.

Verse ConceptsSatisfactionAfflictions, Consolation DuringmomsMotherhoodbreasts