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Exact Match

Moreover even the throng of the cities all round Jerusalem was coming together, bearing sick folk, and such as were harassed by impure spirits, - who, indeed, were being cured, one and all.

Non-Exact Match

Then, were going forth unto him - Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the country round about the Jordan:

And Jesus was going round all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the glad-message of the kingdom, - and curing every disease, and every infirmity.

And he entered into Jerusalem, into the temple, and, looking round on all things, late already being the hour, he went out into Bethany, with the twelve.

And, looking round upon them all, he said unto him - Stretch forth thy hand! and, he, did so, and his hand was restored.

And, all the messengers, were standing round about the throne and the elders and the four living creatures; and they fell down before the throne upon their faces, and rendered homage unto God,