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A witness, be this heap, and, a witness, the pillar, - That, I, am not to pass, unto thee, over this heap, And, thou, art not to pass, unto me, over this heap and this pillar for harm.

Then went forth the taskmasters of the people and their overseers, and spake unto the people, - saying, - Thus, saith Pharaoh, I am not going to give you straw,

Then said the ass unto Balaam - Am not I thine own ass on which thou hast ridden all thy life, until this day? Have I, been wont, to do unto thee, thus? And he said, Nay!

Then said Yahweh unto me - Say unto them Ye shall not go up, nor fight, for I am not in your midst, - lest ye should be smitten before your enemies.

for, I, am about to die in this land, I am not to pass over the Jordan, - but, ye, are to pass over, and possess this good land.

Then answered Saul, and said - Am not I, a man of Benjamin, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, and is not , my family, the poorest of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Wherefore, then, hast thou spoken unto me of such a thing as this?

And he took his stand, and cried unto the ranks of Israel, and said unto them, Wherefore should ye come out, to set in array for battle? Am not, I, a Philistine, while, ye, are servants unto Saul? Choose you a man, and let him come down unto me:

Nor shall see me - the eye that used to behold me, Thine eyes, are upon me, and I am not.

And then the writing is delivered to one unacquainted with writing, saying, Pray thee read this, And he saith I am not acquainted with writing.

Thou, therefore - Do not pray for this people Neither lift up for them cry or prayer Neither intercede with me, - For I am not going to heat thee.

Thou, therefore do not pray for this people, Neither lift thou up for them cry or prayer, - For I am not going to hear in the time that they cry unto me concerning their calamity.

Though they fast, I am not going to hearken unto their loud cry, and Though they offer ascending-sacrifice and meal-offering, I am not going to accept them, - For with sword and with famine and with pestilence, am, I, about to consume them.

Then said Jeremiah, False! I am not falling away unto the Chaldeans! Howbeit he hearkened not unto him, - so Irijah seized Jeremiah, and brought him in unto the princes.