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And he said, Is it because he is named Jacob that he has twice taken my place? for he took away my birthright, and now he has taken away my blessing. And he said, Have you not kept a blessing for me?

Verse ConceptsJacob, Life And Character OfDoing Things TwicePeople Naming PeopleGraspingPeople BlessingStoring Other Things

And this dream came to Pharaoh twice, because this thing is certain, and God will quickly make it come about.

Verse ConceptsDoing Things TwiceGod Not DelayingEverything Happening For A Reason

And take twice as much money with you; that is to say, take back the money which was put in your bags, for it may have been an error;

Verse ConceptsHonestyMistakesDouble MoneyIndeterminate Sums Of Money

So they took what their father said for the man, and twice as much money in their hands, and Benjamin, and went on their journey to Egypt, and came before Joseph.

Verse ConceptsDouble MoneyIndeterminate Sums Of Money

And on the sixth day they are to make ready what they get in, and it will be twice as much as they get on the other days.

Verse ConceptsDouble PortionsThe Sixth Day Of The WeekDay 6

And on the sixth day they took up twice as much of the bread, two omers for every person: and all the rulers of the people gave Moses word of it.

Verse ConceptsGathering FoodDouble PortionsThe Sixth Day Of The WeekDay 6

If he still has what he had taken, whatever it is, ox or ass or sheep, he is to give twice its value.

Verse ConceptsRestitutionDouble PenaltyLiving ThingsRules About Booty

If a man puts money or goods in the care of his neighbour to keep for him, and it is taken from the man's house, if they get the thief, he will have to make payment of twice the value.

Verse ConceptsRestitutionDouble PenaltyPeople Keeping

In any question about an ox or an ass or a sheep or clothing, or about the loss of any property which anyone says is his, let the two sides put their cause before God; and he who is judged to be in the wrong is to make payment to his neighbour of twice the value.

Verse ConceptsDouble Penalty

Let it not seem hard to you that you have to send him away free; for he has been working for you for six years, which is twice the regular time for a servant: and the blessing of the Lord your God will be on you in everything you do.

Verse ConceptsValuesSix YearsHardship

But he is to give his first son his birthright, and twice as great a part of his property: for he is the first-fruits of his strength and the right of the first son is his.

Verse ConceptsHeirsDouble Portions

And Saul, balancing the spear in his hand, said, I will give David a blow, pinning him to the wall. And David got away from him twice.

Verse ConceptsThrowing SpearsEscaping From PeopleAttempting To Kill Specific People

And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had twice come to him in a vision;

Verse ConceptsConversion, God's demands forDoing Things TwiceGod AppearingGod Angry With Individualsrehabilitation

So the traders in all sorts of goods took their night's rest outside Jerusalem once or twice.

Truly, God does all these things to man, twice and three times,

I have said once, and even twice, what was in my mind, but I will not do so again.

Verse ConceptsSpeaking Again

And though he goes on living a thousand years twice over and does not see good, are not the two going to the same place?

Verse Concepts1000 Years And MoreDeath Is UniversalLiving LongBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Life

Say kind words to the heart of Jerusalem, crying out to her that her time of trouble is ended, that her punishment is complete; that she has been rewarded by the Lord's hand twice over for all her sins.

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodJerusalem, Significance OfPunishment, Nature OfRansomRedemption, In Everyday LifeSensitivityDouble PenaltyGod Has ForgivenTime Of PeaceJerusalem In Millennial Kingdom

As they had twice as much grief, and marks of shame were their heritage, so in their land they will be rewarded twice over, and will have eternal joy.

Verse ConceptsGod, The EternalDouble PortionsEternal BlessingDoubled OverEliminating ShameYou Will Rejoice In SalvationInjusticeInheritanceBlessings And Prosperityanniversaryrejuvenation

And I will give them the reward of their evil-doing and their sin twice over; because they have made my land unclean, and have made my heritage full of the bodies of their unholy and disgusting things.

Verse ConceptsFalse ReligionCarcass, Literal UseAbominations, Idolatry IsPolluting The LandDouble Penalty

Let them be put to shame who are attacking me, but let me not be shamed; let them be overcome with fear, but let me not be overcome: send on them the day of evil, and put them to destruction twice over.

Verse ConceptsDouble Penalty

And they will come back to you, O daughter of Zion, as prisoners of hope: today I say to you that I will give you back twice as much;

Verse ConceptsHope, In GodHope, Results OfRestoring NationsGod Being Our RefugeDouble PortionsHope In Hard TimesHope And FaithTragedy