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two pillars, - and the bowls of the capitals which were upon the top of the two pillars, - and the two frames of checker-work, covering the two bowls of the capitals, which were upon the top of the pillars;

and the bowls, and the snuffers, and the tossing bowls, and the spoons, and the censers, of pure gold, - and the hinge-holes, for the doors of the inner house, the holy of holies, and for the doors of the house itself, the temple, of, gold.

two pillars, and the bowls and the capitals on the top of the two pillars, and the two frames of checker work, to cover the two bowls of the capitals, which were on the top of the pillars;

bowls of gold, thirty, bowls of silver, of a secondary sort, four hundred and ten, - other utensils, a thousand.

So the people took up their dough, ere yet it was leavened, - with their kneading-bowls, bound up in their mantles on their shoulders,

and thou shalt make its dishes and its pans and its basins and its bowls, for pouring out therewith, - of pure gold, shalt thou make them.

And thou shalt make its pans for removing its ashes, and its shovels and its sprinkling bowls, and its flesh-hooks and its fire-pans, - all its vessels, shalt thou make of bronze.

and he made the utensils which were to be upon the table, its dishes and its pans and its bowls, and its basins for pouring out therewith, of pure gold.

And he made all the utensils of the altar - the pans and the shovels, and the sprinkling bowls, the flesh-hooks and the fire-pans, - all the utensils thereof, made he of bronze.

And over the Presence-table, shall they spread a wrapper of blue and put thereon the dishes and the pans and the bowls and the libation cups, the perpetual bread also, thereupon, shall remain;

and put thereupon all the utensils thereof wherewith they minister thereupon - the fire-pans, the flesh-hooks - and the shovels and the tossing-bowls, all the utensils of the altar, - and shall spread over it covering of badgers skin and put in the staves thereof.

This, was the offering for the dedication of the altar in the day when it was anointed, from the princes of Israel, - twelve chargers of silver twelve tossing bowls of silver, twelve spoons of gold;

And Hiram made lavers, and shovels, and bowls, - and Hiram ended the doing of all the work which he wrought for King Solomon, for the house of Yahweh:

and the four hundred pomegranates, for the two frames of checker-work, - two rows of pomegranates to each frame, for covering the two bowls of the capitals, which were on the face of the pillars;

and the pans, and the shovels, and the tossing bowls, and, all these vessels which Hiram made King Solomon, for the house of Yahweh, were of burnished bronze.

Howbeit there were not made for the house of Yahweh, bowls of silver, snuffers, dashing basins, trumpets, any vessel of gold, or any vessel of silver, - out of the silver that was brought into the house of Yahweh;

and, the sprinkling pans and the dashing bowls which were of gold, in gold, and which were of silver, in silver, did, the chief of the royal executions, take away.

and the fleshhooks and the bowls and the cups, pure gold, - and for the goblets of gold, by weight for each several goblet, and for the goblets of silver, by weight for each several goblet;

And he made ten tables, and placed in the temple, five, on the right hand, and, five, on the left, - and he made a hundred tossing bowls of gold.

And Huram made - the pans, and the shovels, and the tossing bowls, - and Huram finished doing the work, which he did for King Solomon, in the house of God: -

and four hundred pomegranates, for the two frames,-two rows of pomegranates, for each frame, for covering the two bowls of the capitals, which were on the face of the pillars;

and the snuffers and the bowls and the spoons and the censers, of purified gold, - and the entrance of the house, the inner doors thereof for the holy of holies, and the doors of the house of the temple, were of gold.

And, when they had finished, they brought in before the king and Jehoiada the rest of the silver, and he made it into utensils for the house of Yahweh, utensils of attendance, and bowls and spoons, even utensils of gold and silver. Then were they offering ascending-sacrifices in the house of Yahweh, continually, all the days of Jehoiada.

And they cooked the passover with fire, according to the regulation, - but, the hallowed things, cooked they in cauldrons and in pots and in bowls, and then took quickly, unto all the sons of the people.

and, bowls of gold, twenty, of a thousand drams, - and, utensils of fine bright bronze, two, precious as gold.

And, a portion of the ancestral chiefs, gave unto the work, - the governor, gave unto the treasury, of gold, a thousand darics, tossing bowls, fifty, tunics for priests, five hundred, and thirty;

and I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups, - and said unto them Drink ye wine.

and the caldrons and the shovels and the snuffers and the dashing bowls, and the spoons even all the utensils of bronze wherewith ministration used to he made did they take away;

and the basins and the censers and the dashing bowls and the caldrons and the lamps and the spoons and the cups, which were of gold in gold, and which were of silver in silver, did the chief of the royal executioners, take away.

Who are quaffing bowls of wine, and, with the best of oils, anointing themselves, - and are not afflicted for the injury of Joseph: -

Yahweh of hosts, will throw a covering over them, so shall they eat, and trample underfoot sling-stones, and shall drink - shall shout as with wine, - and shall be filled like tossing-bowls, - like the corners of an altar.

In that day, shall there be inscribed upon the bells of the horses, Holy unto Yahweh, - and the caldrons in the house of Yahweh shall be like the dashing bowls before the altar.