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So she hastened and lowered her pitcher from off her, and said. Drink! and to thy camels also, will I give to drink, - So I drank and the camels also, she let drink.

So he said, Bring it near to me., that I may eat of the game of my son, To the end my soul may bless thee. And he brought it near to him, and he did eat, and be brought in to him wine, and he drank.

And he sent portions from before him unto them, and the portion of Benjamin exceeded the portions of them all, five-fold. And they drank and made merry with him.

So then God clave open the hollow that is in Lehi, and there came therefrom water, and he drank, and his spirit came back, and he revived, - for this cause, called he the name thereof - Ain-hakkore, which is in Lehi, until this day.

And David called him, and he did eat before him, and drank, and he made him drunk, - and he went forth in the evening to lie down on his bed, with the servants of his lord, but, unto his own house, went he not down.

So he went back with him, and did eat bread in his house, and drank water.

And the king appointed them the provision of each day upon its day, out of the delicacies of the king and out of the wine which he drank, and so to let them grow three years, - and, at the end thereof, that they should stand before the king.

But Daniel laid it upon his heart, that he would not defile himself with the delicacies of the king, nor with the wine which he drank, - therefore sought he of the ruler of the eunuchs, that he might not defile himself.

Then brought they the vessels of gold which had been taken out of the temple of the house of God, which was in Jerusalem, - and the king and his nobles, his wives and, his concubines, drank therein:

they drank wine, - and praised the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone.

And, for my people, they cast lots, - and gave a boy for a harlot, and a girl sold they for wine - and drank.

And, taking a cup, he offered thanks, and gave unto them; and they, all, drank of it.

Art, thou, greater than, our father Jacob, who gave us the well, - and, himself, out of it drank, and his sons, and his flocks?

And, all, drank, the same spiritual drink, - for they continued to drink of the spiritual rock that followed them, and, the rock, was the Christ: -