Thematic Bible: Cruelty
Thematic Bible
Ambition » Connected with » Cruelty
Anger » Connected with » Cruelty
Cruelty » Examples of
Who having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks.
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And the counsel of the soldiers was to kill the prisoners, least any of them should swim out and escape.
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Cruelty » To animals
Cruelty » General references to
Cruelty » Instances of » Soldiers to jesus
and threw a purple robe about Him, and said, "Hail king of the Jews," and struck Him with their hands.
Verse Concepts
and when they had blind-folded Him, they struck Him on the face, and asked Him, saying, Prophesy who it was that smote thee.
Verse Concepts
Cruelty » Instances of » Of jews to jesus
Then did they spit in his face, and beat Him about the head; and some struck Him with rods,
Verse Concepts
and when they had stript Him, they covered Him with a scarlet robe; and having platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand; and they bowed the knee before Him in derision, saying, Hail king of the Jews: and they spit upon Him, and took the reed and struck Him on the head. read more.
And after they had thus abused Him, they took off the scarlet robe from Him, and put on Him his own clothes, and led Him away to be crucified.
And after they had thus abused Him, they took off the scarlet robe from Him, and put on Him his own clothes, and led Him away to be crucified.