Thematic Bible: Door
Thematic Bible
Christ » Names of » Door
Jesus therefore subjoin'd, I declare unto you, I am the door of the sheep-fold.
Verse Concepts
Door » Figurative » Closed
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write, "THESE things saith He that is holy, He that is true, He that hath the key of David, He that openeth what no man can shut; and shutteth what no man can open:
Verse Concepts
when once the master of the family is enter'd in, and has fastned the door, you will stand without beating at the door, and cry, Lord, Lord, let us in: but he will answer, you are strangers to me.
Verse Concepts
and while they were gone to buy, the bridegroom came, and they that were ready, entred with him into the hall, and the door was shut.
Verse Concepts
Door » Figurative » Of opportunity
I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for tho' few in number, you have kept my word, and have not renounced my name.
Verse Concepts
for I have a very fair and promising opportunity given me of propagating the gospel, tho' there are many opposers.
Verse Concepts
Door » Doors of the temple made of two leaves, cherubim and flowers carved upon, covered with gold
Door » Posts of, sprinkled with the blood of the paschal lamb
Door » The law to be written on
Door » Hinges for
Door » Made of gold
Door » Figurative » Door of hope
Names » Of Christ » Door
Jesus therefore subjoin'd, I declare unto you, I am the door of the sheep-fold.
Verse Concepts