Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Jesus responded, Do you speak this of yourself, or did others tell you concerning me? Pilate responded, Whether am I a Jew? thine own nation and the chief priests delivered thee to me: what hast thou done? read more.
Jesus responded, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight for me, in order that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from thence. Then Pilate said to Him, Then, art thou not a king? Jesus responded, Thou says that I am king. Unto this I was born, and unto this I have come into the world, in order that I may bear witness to the truth. Every one being of the truth hears my voice.

Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Verse ConceptsJews, TheRoyal HousesChrist Is King Of Israel

They responded and said to him, If He were not an evil doer, we would not deliver Him to you. Verse ConceptsIndignities Suffered By ChristFalse Accusations, Examples OfHanding Over Christ

After this Pilate still sought to release Him: but the Jews continued to cry out, saying, If you release Him, you are not the friend of Caesar: every one making himself king speaks against Caesar. Verse ConceptsCaesarClaimsPeople OpposedFriends FailingPeople Set Free By PeoplePeople Releasing Others

And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked Him, saying; Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said to him, Thou sayest it. Verse ConceptsClaimsJews, TheKingship, DivineStandingTreasonInterrogatingAssentingChrist Is King Of Israel

Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Verse ConceptsJews, TheRoyal HousesChrist Is King Of Israel

And Pilate asked Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And responding He says to him, Thou sayest it. Verse ConceptsClaimsJews, TheKingship, DivineInterrogatingAssentingWho Is Jesus?Christ Is King Of IsraelJews

And the superscription of His accusation was written over Him, THE KING OF THE JEWS. Verse ConceptsJews, TheAccusations, Against ChristMessianic Titles, King Of The JewsInscriptionsChrist Is King Of Israel

And they began to accuse Him, saying, We found Him perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that He is Christ, a King. And Pilate asked Him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And responding to him, He said, Thou sayest it.

And Pilate also wrote His title, and placed it upon the cross. And it was written, JESUS THE NAZARENE THE KING OF THE JEWS. Then many of the Jews read this title: because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city: And it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Roman. Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, Write not, King of the Jews; but that He said, I am the King of the Jews. read more.
Pilate answered, What I have written I have written.

And it being morning, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put Him to death. And having bound Him, took Him away, and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate, the governor.

And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked Him, saying; Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said to him, Thou sayest it. And while He is accused by the chief priests and elders, He responded nothing. Then Pilate says to Him, Do you not hear, bow many things they witness against you? read more.
And He responded to him not one word, so that the governor marveled exceedingly.

And immediately early in the morning the high priests having made counsel with the elders and scribes, and all the sanhedrim, having bound Jesus, led Him away, and delivered Him to Pilate. And Pilate asked Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And responding He says to him, Thou sayest it. And the chief priests were accusing Him of many things. read more.
And Pilate again asked Him, saying, Do you not answer? behold, how many things they witness against you. And Jesus responded nothing at all; so that Pilate marveled.

And all the multitude of them rising up, lead Him to Pilate. And they began to accuse Him, saying, We found Him perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that He is Christ, a King. And Pilate asked Him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And responding to him, He said, Thou sayest it. read more.
And Pilate said to the chief priests and the multitudes, I find nothing criminal in this man. And they became stronger and stronger, saying, He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee unto this place.

Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas to the judgment hall: and it was morning. And they did not come into the judgment hall, in order that they might not be polluted, but that they might eat the passover. Then Pilate came out to them, and says, What accusation do you bring against this man? They responded and said to him, If He were not an evil doer, we would not deliver Him to you. read more.
Then Pilate said to them. You take Him, and judge Him according to your law. Then the Jews said to him, It is not lawful for us to kill any one. In order that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which He spoke, signifying by what death He was about to die. Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Jesus responded, Do you speak this of yourself, or did others tell you concerning me? Pilate responded, Whether am I a Jew? thine own nation and the chief priests delivered thee to me: what hast thou done? Jesus responded, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight for me, in order that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from thence. Then Pilate said to Him, Then, art thou not a king? Jesus responded, Thou says that I am king. Unto this I was born, and unto this I have come into the world, in order that I may bear witness to the truth. Every one being of the truth hears my voice. Pilate says to Him, What is truth? And saying this, again he went out to the Jews, and speaks to them, I find no crime in Him.

For in truth they were assembled together in this city, against thy holy Child Jesus, whom thou didst anoint; both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, Verse ConceptsAnointing, Of ChristJesus Christ, Holiness OfChrist, Character OfProphecies Concerning ChristChrist, Names ForThe Anointed OneAntagonism From Jew And GentileNamed Gentile Rulers

I charge you before God, who creates life in all things, and Jesus Christ, who witnessed a beautiful testimony before Pontius Pilate, Verse Conceptseternal life, nature ofSolemn ChargesGod Giving LifeThe Witness Of ChristAll Life Is Dependent On GodWitnessingtestimonyconfessing

The God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Child, Jesus, who you indeed delivered up and denied before the face of Pilate having decided to release Him. Verse Conceptsenemies, of Jesus ChristJacob, The PatriarchMoses, Significance OfPeter, Preacher And TeacherRenunciationHanding Over ChristPeople Set Free By People

Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas to the judgment hall: and it was morning. And they did not come into the judgment hall, in order that they might not be polluted, but that they might eat the passover. Then Pilate came out to them, and says, What accusation do you bring against this man? They responded and said to him, If He were not an evil doer, we would not deliver Him to you. read more.
Then Pilate said to them. You take Him, and judge Him according to your law. Then the Jews said to him, It is not lawful for us to kill any one. In order that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which He spoke, signifying by what death He was about to die. Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Jesus responded, Do you speak this of yourself, or did others tell you concerning me? Pilate responded, Whether am I a Jew? thine own nation and the chief priests delivered thee to me: what hast thou done? Jesus responded, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight for me, in order that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from thence. Then Pilate said to Him, Then, art thou not a king? Jesus responded, Thou says that I am king. Unto this I was born, and unto this I have come into the world, in order that I may bear witness to the truth. Every one being of the truth hears my voice. Pilate says to Him, What is truth? And saying this, again he went out to the Jews, and speaks to them, I find no crime in Him. There is a custom to you, that I release unto you one during the passover. Then do you wish that I may release unto you the King of the Jews? Then they all again cried out, saying, Not Him, but Barabbas. And Barabbas was a robber.

fulfilled the voices of the prophets which are read every Sabbath; and having found no cause of death, asked Pilate that he should be executed; Verse ConceptsChrist Was Killed

And Pilate asked Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And responding He says to him, Thou sayest it. Verse ConceptsClaimsJews, TheKingship, DivineInterrogatingAssentingWho Is Jesus?Christ Is King Of IsraelJews

And the high priest rising, said to Him, Do you respond nothing? what are they witnessing against you? Verse ConceptsOthers Not AnsweringPeople Getting UpRivers

And Pilate asked Him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And responding to him, He said, Thou sayest it. Verse ConceptsClaimsKingship, DivineQuestioning ChristAssentingWho Is Jesus?Christ Is King Of IsraelSalvation For Israel

Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Jesus responded, Do you speak this of yourself, or did others tell you concerning me?

Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas to the judgment hall: and it was morning. And they did not come into the judgment hall, in order that they might not be polluted, but that they might eat the passover. Verse ConceptsPassover lambExclusivenessGovernorsHigh Priest, In NtPalacesReligionArmies, RomanRoyal Houses

Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Verse ConceptsJews, TheRoyal HousesChrist Is King Of Israel

then he went again into the judgment hall, and speaks to Jesus, Whence art thou? And Jesus gave him no answer. Verse ConceptsSilenceChrist Being SilentWhere From?

and ascertaining that he is from Cilicia, said, I will hear thee, when thy accusers may also be present, having commanded that he should be kept in Herod's judgment hall. Verse ConceptsGuardsPalacesPunishment, Legal Aspects Of

Then the soldiers of the governor taking Jesus into the judgment hall, gathered to Him the whole band. Verse ConceptsSoldiersMustering TroopsRoyal HousesSoldiers Treatment Of Christ

And the soldiers led Him into the court, which is the judgment hall; and call around Him the whole band. Verse ConceptsMustering TroopsRoyal HousesSoldiers Treatment Of Christ

So that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the pretorian army, and to all the rest; Verse ConceptsGuards

And He still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and elders of the people. And the one having betrayed Him gave them a sign, saying, The one whom I shall kiss, is He: hold Him fast. And immediately coming forward to Jesus, he said, Hail, Master; and kissed Him copiously. read more.
And Jesus said to him, Comrade, unto what do you come? Then having come forward they laid hands on Him, and bound Him. And behold, one of those along with Jesus, reaching out his hand, drew his sword, and smiting the servant of the high priest, cut off his ear. Then Jesus says to him, Turn away thy sword into its place; for all taking the sword shall perish by the sword. Whether do you think that I am not able now to call upon my Father, and He will send me more than twelve legions of angels? How then would the Scriptures be fulfilled, because it is necessary thus to be done? And at that hour Jesus said to the multitudes, You have come out as against a robber with swords and clubs to take me: daily did I sit with you, teaching in the temple, and you did not arrest me: but all this took place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then the disciples all leaving Him, fled away. Taking Jesus they led Him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the chief priests and elders were assembled together. And Peter followed Him a long way off, into the court of the high priest, and having come in, was sitting with the officers, to see the end. And the high priests and all the sanhedrim were seeking false testimony against Jesus, in order that they might kill Him. And they found none. And many false witnesses having come forward, they found none. And afterwards two false witnesses having come forward, said, He said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and build it in three days. And the high priest rising, said to Him, Do you respond nothing? what are they witnessing against you? And Jesus was silent; and the high priest responding said to Him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us if thou art the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus says to him, Thou didst say it. Moreover I say unto you, that, Hereafter you shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest tore his robes, saying, He blasphemed: why have we yet need of witnesses? behold, now you heard His blasphemy: what seems to you? They responding said, He is worthy of death. They spat in His face, and buffeted Him: and they slapped Him, saying, Prophesy unto us, who is the one smiting thee? And Peter was sitting without in the court. And a certain maidservant came to him, saying, Truly, thou wast with Jesus the Galilean. And he denied before all, I know not what you say. And another maidservant saw him, having come to the gate, and says to them there, This man was with Jesus the Nazarene. And again he denied with an oath, I know not the man. And after a little the bystanders coming to Peter, said, Truly, thou art also one of them, for indeed thy speech betrays thee. Then he began to anathematize and to swear, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew. And Peter remembered the word of Jesus having spoken to him, That before the cock shall crow, thou wilt deny me thrice. And having gone out, he wept bitterly.

And immediately, He still speaking, Judas Iscariot comes, being one of the twelve, and with him a great multitude with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. And the one having betrayed Him gave them a sign, saying, The one whom I shall kiss, is He: seize Him and lead Him away securely. And having come, immediately advancing forward, he said to Him, Master, and kissed Him copiously. read more.
And they laid their hands on Him and arrested Him. And a certain one of those standing by drew his sword, and smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear. Jesus responding said to them, You have come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to take me: I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you did not arrest me: but in order that the Scriptures may be fulfilled. And all leaving Him, fled away. And one certain young man followed Him, invested with a linen cloth on his unclothed body: and they take hold of him. And he leaving the linen cloth, fled from them in a state of nudity. And they led Jesus to the high priest: and all the chief priests and elders and scribes came together to Him. And Peter followed Him a long way off, even into the court of the high priest; and was sitting with the officers, and warming at the fire. And the chief priests and all the sanhedrim were seeking testimony against Him to put Him to death; and they found none. For many were testifying falsely against Him, and their testimonies were not equal. And certain ones rising up, were testifying falsely against Him, saying, We heard Him saying, I will destroy this temple made with hands, and will build another in three days, made without hands. And thus their testimony was not equal. And the high priest rising up in their midst, asked Jesus, saying, Do you respond nothing? what are they witnessing against you? And He was silent, and answered nothing: again the high priest asked Him, and says to Him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am: and you shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. The high priest tearing his garments, says, Why have we yet need of witnesses? You heard the blasphemy: what seems to you? And all answered, He is worthy of death. And certain ones began to spit on Him, and to cover His face, and to buffet Him, and say to Him, Prophesy: and the officers received Him with blows. And Peter being in the court, one of the maidservants of the high priest comes down; and seeing Peter warming, looking upon him, says, Thou wast with Jesus the Nazarene. And he denied, saying, I know not, neither do I understand what you say. And he went out into the portico; and the cock crew. And the maidservant seeing him again, began to say to the bystanders, He is one of them. And again he denied: and after a little again the bystanders were saying to Peter, Truly, thou art one of them; for indeed thou art a Galilean. But he began to anathematize, and to swear, I know not this man of whom you speak. And the cock crew the second time. And Peter remembered the word which Jesus told him; That, before the cock shall crow twice, thou wilt deny me thrice. And having gone out, he continued to weep.

And He still speaking, behold, a multitude and the one called Judas, one of the twelve, was coming before them; and he drew near to Jesus to kiss Him. And Jesus said to him, Judas, do you betray the Son of man with a kiss? And those around Him seeing what was coming on Him, said, Lord, shall we smite with the sword? read more.
And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. And Jesus responding said, Hold on until this: and touching his ear, healed him. Jesus said to the high priests, and magistrates of the temple, and elders who were assembled to Him; You have come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs. I being daily with you in the temple, you reached not out your hands unto me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness. And taking Him, they led Him away, and led Him into the house of the chief priest. And Peter followed Him a long way off. And having lighted a fire in the midst of the court, and they sitting together, Peter was sitting in the midst of them. And a certain maidservant, seeing him sitting at the fire, and fixing her eyes on him, said, This man was with Him. And he denied Him, saying, Woman, I know Him not. And after a brief interval another seeing him, said, Truly, thou art one of them. And Peter said, Man, I am not. And about one hour having elapsed, a certain other man accosted him, saying, He was truly with Him: for he is a Galilean. And Peter said, Man, I know Him not. And immediately, he yet speaking, the cock crew. And the Lord turning, looked upon Peter; and Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He said to him, that, Before the cock shall crow thou shalt deny me thrice. And having gone out, he wept bitterly. And the men having Him, began to mock, beating Him, and covering Him, they continued to ask saying, Prophesy, who is the one smiting thee. And blaspheming, they continued to speak many other things against Him. And when it was day, the eldership of the people was convened, and the chief priests and scribes, and they led Him into their sanhedrim. Saying, If thou art the Christ, tell us. And He said to them, If I may tell you, you will not believe: and if indeed I will ask you, you will not respond to me, or release me. And from now the Son of man shall be sitting on the right hand of the power of God. And all said, Art thou the Son of God? And He said to them, You say that I am. And they said, Why have we yet need of testimony? for we heard from His own mouth.

Then Judas, having taken a band and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, comes thither with lanterns and torches and arms. Then Jesus, knowing all things which are coming on Him, came out, says to them, Whom do you seek? They responded to Him, Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus says to them, I am He. And Judas also, the one having betrayed Him, stood with them. read more.
Then when He said to them, I am He, they went back, and fell on the ground. Then He again asked them, Whom do you seek? And they said, Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus responded, I told you that I am He: if then you seek me, let these depart. In order that the word which He spoke might be fulfilled, that, I have lost none of those whom thou hast given unto me. Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. And the name to that servant was Malchus. Then Jesus said to Peter, Put thy sword in the scabbard: the cup which the Father gave me, shall I not drink it? Then the band and chiliarch, and the officers of the Jews, took Jesus and bound Him. And they led Him first to Annas; for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was high priest that year. And Caiaphas was the one counseling the Jews, that it is profitable that one man die for the people. And Simon Peter and the other disciples followed Jesus. And that disciple was known to the high priest, and came with Jesus into the court of the high priest. And Peter stood without at the door. Then the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, came out and spoke to the porter, and led in Peter. And then the maidservant porter says to Peter, Art thou not one of the disciples of this man? He says, I am not. And the servants and officers, having made a fire; because it was cold; were standing by it, and warming. And Peter was standing with them, and warming. Then the high priest asked Jesus concerning His disciples and concerning His teaching. And Jesus said to him, I have spoken openly to the world. I always taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, where all the Jews come together; and I spoke nothing in secret. Why do you ask me? ask those who have heard, what I said to them: behold, they know what I said. And He speaking these things, one of the officers standing by gave Jesus a slap, saying, Do you thus answer the high priest? Jesus responded to him, If I spoke wickedly, witness concerning the wickedness: but if beautifully, why do you smite me? Then Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas the high priest. And Simon Peter was standing and warming: and they said to him, Art thou not one of His disciples? He denied, and said, I am not. And one of the servants of the chief priest, being a kinsman of him whose ear Peter cut off, says, Did I not see thee in the garden with Him? Then Peter again denied, and immediately the cock crew. Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas to the judgment hall: and it was morning. And they did not come into the judgment hall, in order that they might not be polluted, but that they might eat the passover. Then Pilate came out to them, and says, What accusation do you bring against this man? They responded and said to him, If He were not an evil doer, we would not deliver Him to you. Then Pilate said to them. You take Him, and judge Him according to your law. Then the Jews said to him, It is not lawful for us to kill any one. In order that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which He spoke, signifying by what death He was about to die. Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Jesus responded, Do you speak this of yourself, or did others tell you concerning me? Pilate responded, Whether am I a Jew? thine own nation and the chief priests delivered thee to me: what hast thou done? Jesus responded, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight for me, in order that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from thence. Then Pilate said to Him, Then, art thou not a king? Jesus responded, Thou says that I am king. Unto this I was born, and unto this I have come into the world, in order that I may bear witness to the truth. Every one being of the truth hears my voice. Pilate says to Him, What is truth? And saying this, again he went out to the Jews, and speaks to them, I find no crime in Him. There is a custom to you, that I release unto you one during the passover. Then do you wish that I may release unto you the King of the Jews? Then they all again cried out, saying, Not Him, but Barabbas. And Barabbas was a robber.