Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Courts » Advocates » The accused his own
Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered him, is it your opinion that I am, or did others give it you as theirs? Pilate answered, am I a Jew? your own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me: what hast thou done? read more.
Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, I should have had my guards to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews: whereas my kingdom is of another nature. upon this Pilate said to him, you are then a king? Jesus answered, you say right, for I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to persuade mankind of the truth. every one that loves truth is observant of my directions.
Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, I should have had my guards to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews: whereas my kingdom is of another nature. upon this Pilate said to him, you are then a king? Jesus answered, you say right, for I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to persuade mankind of the truth. every one that loves truth is observant of my directions.
Courts » Advocates » Examination of prisoners
Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews?
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Indictments » Instances of » Jesus, under two charges » The second, of treason
they answered him, if he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him to you.
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upon this, Pilate propos'd to release him: but the Jews cried out, if you let this man go, you are not Cesar's friend: he that sets up for king, opposes Cesar.
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When Jesus appear'd before the governor, the governor asked him, art thou the king of the Jews? and Jesus answer'd yes.
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Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews?
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and they set an Inscription over his head, denoting the reason of his execution, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
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Pilate therefore ask'd him, art thou the king of the Jews? and he made answer, yes.
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and the inscription of the charge against him was thus express'd, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
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and thus they began their charge, we found this man subverting our nation, opposing the giving tribute to Cesar, asserting that he himself is Christ the king. then Pilate ask'd him, art thou the king of the Jews? Jesus answer'd him, 'tis as you say.
they likewise put the following inscription over his head, in Greek, in Latin, and in Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
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and Pilate caused an inscription to be put over the cross, in these words, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. now this inscription was read by many of the Jews: for Jesus was crucified nigh the city: and it was written in Syriac, Greek, and Latin. thereupon the chief priests of the Jews went to Pilate, saying, don't write, "The king of the Jews;" but that he said, I am king of the Jews. read more.
Pilate answered, what I have writ, I have writ.
Pilate answered, what I have writ, I have writ.
Jesus Christ » History of » Led by the council to pilate (in jerusalem)
As soon as it was day, all the chief priests and senators of the people consulted measures against Jesus how they might put him to death. and when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor of Judea.
When Jesus appear'd before the governor, the governor asked him, art thou the king of the Jews? and Jesus answer'd yes. but when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he return'd no answer. whereupon Pilate said to him, don't you hear how many things they lay to your charge? read more.
but he made no answer to any thing he said, so that the governor was very much surpriz'd.
but he made no answer to any thing he said, so that the governor was very much surpriz'd.
Early in the morning the chief priests, the rulers, and Scribes, even the whole council, after having deliberated together, caus'd Jesus to be bound, then led him away and deliver'd him to Pilate. Pilate therefore ask'd him, art thou the king of the Jews? and he made answer, yes. the chief priests continuing to accuse him with much clamour, read more.
Pilate spake to him again, and said, will you make no defence for your self? don't you hear what they urge against you? but Jesus still made no answer; so that Pilate was much amaz'd.
Pilate spake to him again, and said, will you make no defence for your self? don't you hear what they urge against you? but Jesus still made no answer; so that Pilate was much amaz'd.
At length the whole assembly broke up, and Jesus was conducted to Pilate: and thus they began their charge, we found this man subverting our nation, opposing the giving tribute to Cesar, asserting that he himself is Christ the king. then Pilate ask'd him, art thou the king of the Jews? Jesus answer'd him, 'tis as you say. read more.
at last Pilate said to the chief priests, and to the people, I don't find any crime in this man. but they were the more vehement, saying, he promotes sedition by speading such doctrine thro' all Judea, from Galilee to this place.
at last Pilate said to the chief priests, and to the people, I don't find any crime in this man. but they were the more vehement, saying, he promotes sedition by speading such doctrine thro' all Judea, from Galilee to this place.
Then they led Jesus early in the morning from Caiaphas, to the Pretorium: but the Jews themselves did not enter into the Pretorium, lest they should be defiled: and so not be in a condition to eat the passover. Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, what crime do you object to this man? they answered him, if he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him to you. read more.
Pilate then said to them, take him your selves, and judge him according to your law. but the Jews said to him, it is not lawful for us to put any man to death. so that what Jesus had said, to signify the death he should die, was actually accomplished. Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered him, is it your opinion that I am, or did others give it you as theirs? Pilate answered, am I a Jew? your own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me: what hast thou done? Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, I should have had my guards to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews: whereas my kingdom is of another nature. upon this Pilate said to him, you are then a king? Jesus answered, you say right, for I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to persuade mankind of the truth. every one that loves truth is observant of my directions. what is truth? said Pilate. and upon saying this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I don't find he is guilty of any crime.
Pilate then said to them, take him your selves, and judge him according to your law. but the Jews said to him, it is not lawful for us to put any man to death. so that what Jesus had said, to signify the death he should die, was actually accomplished. Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered him, is it your opinion that I am, or did others give it you as theirs? Pilate answered, am I a Jew? your own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me: what hast thou done? Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, I should have had my guards to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews: whereas my kingdom is of another nature. upon this Pilate said to him, you are then a king? Jesus answered, you say right, for I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to persuade mankind of the truth. every one that loves truth is observant of my directions. what is truth? said Pilate. and upon saying this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I don't find he is guilty of any crime.
Pontius pilate » Tries jesus and orders his crucifixion
for it was truly against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, that Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, united themselves in this city,
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I enjoin you, before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who made a glorious confession before Pontius Pilate;
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the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and renounced in opposition to Pilate, who was determined to let him go.
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Then they led Jesus early in the morning from Caiaphas, to the Pretorium: but the Jews themselves did not enter into the Pretorium, lest they should be defiled: and so not be in a condition to eat the passover. Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, what crime do you object to this man? they answered him, if he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him to you. read more.
Pilate then said to them, take him your selves, and judge him according to your law. but the Jews said to him, it is not lawful for us to put any man to death. so that what Jesus had said, to signify the death he should die, was actually accomplished. Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered him, is it your opinion that I am, or did others give it you as theirs? Pilate answered, am I a Jew? your own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me: what hast thou done? Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, I should have had my guards to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews: whereas my kingdom is of another nature. upon this Pilate said to him, you are then a king? Jesus answered, you say right, for I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to persuade mankind of the truth. every one that loves truth is observant of my directions. what is truth? said Pilate. and upon saying this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I don't find he is guilty of any crime. but as it is customary with you to get me to discharge some prisoner at the time of the passover, would you have me release the king of the Jews? upon which they all cried out again: not him, but Barabbas. now Barabbas was a robber.
Pilate then said to them, take him your selves, and judge him according to your law. but the Jews said to him, it is not lawful for us to put any man to death. so that what Jesus had said, to signify the death he should die, was actually accomplished. Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered him, is it your opinion that I am, or did others give it you as theirs? Pilate answered, am I a Jew? your own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me: what hast thou done? Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, I should have had my guards to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews: whereas my kingdom is of another nature. upon this Pilate said to him, you are then a king? Jesus answered, you say right, for I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to persuade mankind of the truth. every one that loves truth is observant of my directions. what is truth? said Pilate. and upon saying this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I don't find he is guilty of any crime. but as it is customary with you to get me to discharge some prisoner at the time of the passover, would you have me release the king of the Jews? upon which they all cried out again: not him, but Barabbas. now Barabbas was a robber.
although they could not convict him of any thing capital, yet they demanded of Pilate, that he should be put to death.
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Pleading » Jesus declined to plead
Pilate therefore ask'd him, art thou the king of the Jews? and he made answer, yes.
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and the high priest arose, and said to him, have you nothing in answer to that charge they bring against you?
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then Pilate ask'd him, art thou the king of the Jews? Jesus answer'd him, 'tis as you say.
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Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered him, is it your opinion that I am, or did others give it you as theirs?
Pretorium » Also called praetorium, common hall, judgment hall, and palace
Then they led Jesus early in the morning from Caiaphas, to the Pretorium: but the Jews themselves did not enter into the Pretorium, lest they should be defiled: and so not be in a condition to eat the passover.
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Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews?
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and went again into the Pretorium, and said to Jesus, who was your father? but Jesus gave him no answer.
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said he, when your accusers are come: and then order'd him to the guard-room at Herod's palace.
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after this the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered all the foot-guards about him.
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Then the soldiers took Jesus away into the hall, call'd Pretorium; and summon'd their whole company together.
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so that the whole court and publick are well appriz'd that I am a prisoner upon the account of Jesus Christ.
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Prisoners » Jesus
And before he had done speaking, Judas one of the twelve appear'd, with a numerous retinue, arm'd with swords and staves, being sent by the chief priests and elders of the people. now he that was to betray him, gave them this signal, the person I shall kiss, is the very man, be sure to secure him. and immediately advancing to Jesus, he said, master, I salute you, and kissed him. read more.
Jesus said to him, friend, what are you come about? when the others advancing, seized upon Jesus, and secur'd him. At which, one of Jesus's company laying his hand upon his sword, drew it, and striking at a servant of the high priest's, took off his ear. but Jesus said to him, put up your sword in its place: for all that take to the sword, shall perish by the sword. do you think my father, if I should now desire it of him, would not instantly send me more than twelve legions of angels? but how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, which say, that thus it must happen? At the same time Jesus said to the company, you come to apprehend me with swords and clubs, as if in pursuit of a robber; I was every day with you teaching in the temple, and ye did not then seize upon me. but all this was to be done, in pursuance of what the prophets had predicted. then all the disciples abandon'd him, and fled. And they that had apprehended Jesus, led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the Scribes and the senators were assembled. but Peter followed him at a distance to the high priest's palace, and going in, he sat with the officers to see the event. Now the chief priests, the senators and the whole council, endeavour'd to get false evidence against Jesus, that he might be condemn'd to die. but they found none: and though many false witnesses came, it was not found sufficient. at last there came two false witnesses, who charg'd him with saying, "I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days." and the high priest arose, and said to him, have you nothing in answer to that charge they bring against you? but Jesus made no reply. and the high priest said to him, I conjure thee by the living God, to tell us, are you the Christ the son of God? Jesus reply'd, I am: moreover I declare to you, within a while ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven. then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, he has spoke blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? you yourselves have now heard his blasphemy. what is your opinion? they reply'd, he deserves to die. then they spit in his face, some beat him on the head, others slapt him on the cheeks, crying now Christ divine, who 't is that struck you? In the mean time Peter was sitting without in the court: and a servant maid came to him, and said, you likewise was one of Jesus the Galilean's comrades. but he denied it before them all, saying, I know nothing of the matter. and when he was going out at the porch, another maid saw him, and said to those that were by, this fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. but he denied it again, and swore I don't know the man. soon after they that stood by coming up, said to Peter, certainly you are one of them, for thy speech bewrays thee. then he fell to solemn imprecations, and swore, "I don't know the man." and immediately the cock crew: when Peter remembred what Jesus had said to him, "before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." and he went out, and wept bitterly.
Jesus said to him, friend, what are you come about? when the others advancing, seized upon Jesus, and secur'd him. At which, one of Jesus's company laying his hand upon his sword, drew it, and striking at a servant of the high priest's, took off his ear. but Jesus said to him, put up your sword in its place: for all that take to the sword, shall perish by the sword. do you think my father, if I should now desire it of him, would not instantly send me more than twelve legions of angels? but how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, which say, that thus it must happen? At the same time Jesus said to the company, you come to apprehend me with swords and clubs, as if in pursuit of a robber; I was every day with you teaching in the temple, and ye did not then seize upon me. but all this was to be done, in pursuance of what the prophets had predicted. then all the disciples abandon'd him, and fled. And they that had apprehended Jesus, led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the Scribes and the senators were assembled. but Peter followed him at a distance to the high priest's palace, and going in, he sat with the officers to see the event. Now the chief priests, the senators and the whole council, endeavour'd to get false evidence against Jesus, that he might be condemn'd to die. but they found none: and though many false witnesses came, it was not found sufficient. at last there came two false witnesses, who charg'd him with saying, "I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days." and the high priest arose, and said to him, have you nothing in answer to that charge they bring against you? but Jesus made no reply. and the high priest said to him, I conjure thee by the living God, to tell us, are you the Christ the son of God? Jesus reply'd, I am: moreover I declare to you, within a while ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven. then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, he has spoke blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? you yourselves have now heard his blasphemy. what is your opinion? they reply'd, he deserves to die. then they spit in his face, some beat him on the head, others slapt him on the cheeks, crying now Christ divine, who 't is that struck you? In the mean time Peter was sitting without in the court: and a servant maid came to him, and said, you likewise was one of Jesus the Galilean's comrades. but he denied it before them all, saying, I know nothing of the matter. and when he was going out at the porch, another maid saw him, and said to those that were by, this fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. but he denied it again, and swore I don't know the man. soon after they that stood by coming up, said to Peter, certainly you are one of them, for thy speech bewrays thee. then he fell to solemn imprecations, and swore, "I don't know the man." and immediately the cock crew: when Peter remembred what Jesus had said to him, "before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." and he went out, and wept bitterly.
All of a sudden, while he was yet speaking, appear'd Judas, one of the twelve, attended by a great number of people with swords and clubs, who were sent by the chief priests, the Scribes, and rulers. now he that betrayed him, had given them this signal, you will see me salute one with a kiss, that's he: seize him, and don't let him escape. then advancing, he went directly up to him, saying, master, master, and kissed him. read more.
and they violently laid hands on him and secured him. but one of those that stood by, drew his sword against a servant of the high priest, and struck off his ear. but Jesus addressing himself to them, said, why do you come with swords and clubs against me, as if you were to apprehend some robber? I was daily among you, teaching in the temple, and you did not then seize upon me. but the scriptures are thereby accomplished. then all his disciples abandon'd him and fled. But a certain youth, that was stript to his inmost vest, followed him, and was seized by the soldiers. but he slipt from his vest, and fled away naked. Jesus they led away to the high priest's, where all the chief priests, the rulers and Scribes, were assembled. Peter followed at a distance, even into the palace of the high priest: where he sat down among the servants to warm himself at the fire. Now the chief priests, and the whole council endeavour'd to get evidence against Jesus, to condemn him to die; but they found none. there were indeed several, who depos'd what was false against him: besides, what they deposed was insufficient. at last there appear'd some, who gave in false evidence against him, saying, we heard him say, "I will pull down this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands." but neither did this evidence appear sufficient. then the high priest rising up in the midst of the assembly, ask'd Jesus, saying, have you nothing to plead for your self? what say you to the evidence they give against you? but Jesus remain'd silent, and gave no answer. then the high priest asked him again, and said to him, art thou the Christ, the son of the most High? and Jesus answered, I AM. and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. then the high priest rent his robes, and said to the council, what occasion is there for any more witnesses? you have heard the blasphemy, what is your opinion? and they all pronounc'd, that he deserved to die. then some began to spit on him, others cover'd his face and struck him on the head, crying out, divine, who it is. and the domestics slapt him on the cheeks. In the mean time Peter was in the entry of the hall, where one of the maids belonging to the high priest came: and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked earnestly upon him, and said, you too was with Jesus the Nazarene. but he denied it, saying, I don't know him, neither am I acquainted with any such you mention. and he went out into the porch, when the cock crow'd. the maid saw him a second time, and said to the standers-by, this is one of them: but he denied it again. a little time after, they that stood by, still urg'd Peter, saying, you are certainly one of his disciples, for your speech shows you to be a Galilean. but he fell a cursing, and swore, I don't know the man you mention, and the cock crowed for the second time. then Peter calling to mind that expression of Jesus, "before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice," he cover'd his head and wept.
and they violently laid hands on him and secured him. but one of those that stood by, drew his sword against a servant of the high priest, and struck off his ear. but Jesus addressing himself to them, said, why do you come with swords and clubs against me, as if you were to apprehend some robber? I was daily among you, teaching in the temple, and you did not then seize upon me. but the scriptures are thereby accomplished. then all his disciples abandon'd him and fled. But a certain youth, that was stript to his inmost vest, followed him, and was seized by the soldiers. but he slipt from his vest, and fled away naked. Jesus they led away to the high priest's, where all the chief priests, the rulers and Scribes, were assembled. Peter followed at a distance, even into the palace of the high priest: where he sat down among the servants to warm himself at the fire. Now the chief priests, and the whole council endeavour'd to get evidence against Jesus, to condemn him to die; but they found none. there were indeed several, who depos'd what was false against him: besides, what they deposed was insufficient. at last there appear'd some, who gave in false evidence against him, saying, we heard him say, "I will pull down this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands." but neither did this evidence appear sufficient. then the high priest rising up in the midst of the assembly, ask'd Jesus, saying, have you nothing to plead for your self? what say you to the evidence they give against you? but Jesus remain'd silent, and gave no answer. then the high priest asked him again, and said to him, art thou the Christ, the son of the most High? and Jesus answered, I AM. and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. then the high priest rent his robes, and said to the council, what occasion is there for any more witnesses? you have heard the blasphemy, what is your opinion? and they all pronounc'd, that he deserved to die. then some began to spit on him, others cover'd his face and struck him on the head, crying out, divine, who it is. and the domestics slapt him on the cheeks. In the mean time Peter was in the entry of the hall, where one of the maids belonging to the high priest came: and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked earnestly upon him, and said, you too was with Jesus the Nazarene. but he denied it, saying, I don't know him, neither am I acquainted with any such you mention. and he went out into the porch, when the cock crow'd. the maid saw him a second time, and said to the standers-by, this is one of them: but he denied it again. a little time after, they that stood by, still urg'd Peter, saying, you are certainly one of his disciples, for your speech shows you to be a Galilean. but he fell a cursing, and swore, I don't know the man you mention, and the cock crowed for the second time. then Peter calling to mind that expression of Jesus, "before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice," he cover'd his head and wept.
Before he had done speaking, the company appears, Judas one of the twelve marching in front, who advanc'd to Jesus to give him a kiss. but Jesus said to him, Judas is it thus you betray the son of man, with a kiss? they who were about him seeing what would happen, said to him, shall we smite with the sword? read more.
and one of them struck a servant of the high priest, and slash'd off his right ear. but Jesus oppos'd, and said, forbear, stop there. and having touch'd his ear, he healed him. then said Jesus to the chief priests, the officers of the temple, and the rulers, who were come to take him, are you come here with swords and staves as in pursuit of a robber? I was daily with you in the temple, and you never offer'd to seize me: but now you have your hour, and the prince of darkness his day. Then they seized him and carried him away to the high priest's house, and Peter followed at a distance. now as they had made a fire in the middle of the hall, and people were sitting all round it, Peter too sat down among them. but one of the servants seeing him by the fire, star'd him in the face, and said, this man was with him too. but he renounc'd Jesus, saying, woman, I don't know him. a little while after another seeing him, said, you are even one of them. but Peter said to him, man, I am not. about an hour after another confidently affirm'd, saying, this fellow was certainly with him; for he too is a Galilean. Peter reply'd, man, I don't know what you would say, and immediately while he was yet speaking, the cock crew. whereupon the Lord turned about, and look'd upon Peter. then Peter remembred what the Lord had said to him, "before the cock-crowing you shall deny me thrice." and Peter went out, and wept bitterly. In the mean time, they who held Jesus, treated him with insults and buffoonry. they made him blind-fold, they slapt him on the face, and cry'd out, divine who it was that smote thee. and besides all this, they loaded him with the most impious invectives. As soon as it was day, the rulers of the people, the chief priests and the Scribes being assembled, they order'd him to be brought before their council, and said to him, if you are the Christ, say so. but he answer'd, if I should tell you so, you will not believe it. and if I should argue it with you, you will neither answer me, nor let me go. but in a little time the son of man shall be seated on the powerful right hand of God. then said they all, art thou then the son of God? you are in the right, answer'd he, for I am so. upon this they cry'd, what occasion have we for further evidence? for we ourselves have heard enough from his own mouth.
and one of them struck a servant of the high priest, and slash'd off his right ear. but Jesus oppos'd, and said, forbear, stop there. and having touch'd his ear, he healed him. then said Jesus to the chief priests, the officers of the temple, and the rulers, who were come to take him, are you come here with swords and staves as in pursuit of a robber? I was daily with you in the temple, and you never offer'd to seize me: but now you have your hour, and the prince of darkness his day. Then they seized him and carried him away to the high priest's house, and Peter followed at a distance. now as they had made a fire in the middle of the hall, and people were sitting all round it, Peter too sat down among them. but one of the servants seeing him by the fire, star'd him in the face, and said, this man was with him too. but he renounc'd Jesus, saying, woman, I don't know him. a little while after another seeing him, said, you are even one of them. but Peter said to him, man, I am not. about an hour after another confidently affirm'd, saying, this fellow was certainly with him; for he too is a Galilean. Peter reply'd, man, I don't know what you would say, and immediately while he was yet speaking, the cock crew. whereupon the Lord turned about, and look'd upon Peter. then Peter remembred what the Lord had said to him, "before the cock-crowing you shall deny me thrice." and Peter went out, and wept bitterly. In the mean time, they who held Jesus, treated him with insults and buffoonry. they made him blind-fold, they slapt him on the face, and cry'd out, divine who it was that smote thee. and besides all this, they loaded him with the most impious invectives. As soon as it was day, the rulers of the people, the chief priests and the Scribes being assembled, they order'd him to be brought before their council, and said to him, if you are the Christ, say so. but he answer'd, if I should tell you so, you will not believe it. and if I should argue it with you, you will neither answer me, nor let me go. but in a little time the son of man shall be seated on the powerful right hand of God. then said they all, art thou then the son of God? you are in the right, answer'd he, for I am so. upon this they cry'd, what occasion have we for further evidence? for we ourselves have heard enough from his own mouth.
Judas then having got a company of soldiers, and officers, by order of the chief priests and Pharisees, came thither with lanterns, torches, and with arms. but Jesus who knew every thing that should happen to him, advanc'd, and said to them, who do you look for? they answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. I am he, said Jesus. and Judas who was to betray him, was also with them. read more.
upon Jesus his saying to them, I am he, they fell backward to the ground. then he asked them again, who do you look for? and they said, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he. "if therefore it is me you look for, let these go their way." so that what he said was accomplished, "of those which thou gavest me, have I lost none." but Simon Peter drew his sword, and struck off the right ear of Malchus, a servant belonging to the high priest. then said Jesus to Peter, sheath thy sword: the cup which my father hath given me, shall I not drink it? Then the soldiers, the captain, and the officers of the Jews seized on Jesus, and having bound him, they brought him first to Annas; for he was father-in-law to Caiaphas, who was the high priest at that time: the same Caiaphas, who in council told the Jews, "it was expedient that one man should die for the people." Simon Peter followed Jesus, with another disciple, who being known to the high priest, was admitted into his palace at the same time with Jesus, whilst Peter stood without at the door. but that other disciple, who was known to the high priest went out, and spoke to her that kept the door, who let Peter in. then said the damsel, that kept the door, to Peter, are you also one of this man's disciples? I am not, said he. now the servants and officers that were there, had made a coal-fire, for it was cold, to warm themselves: and Peter stood warming himself among them. In the mean time, the high priest having question'd Jesus about his disciples, and his doctrine. Jesus answered him, I spoke openly to the world; I was continually teaching in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither all the Jews resort, and in secret have I said nothing. why do you question me? ask those who heard me, what discourse I had with them: they know very well what I said. Upon his expressing himself thus, one of the officers there present, struck Jesus on the face, saying, answerest thou the high priest so? Jesus replied, if I have said any thing injurious, show then wherein; but if I said right, why do you smite me? now Annas had sent him bound to Caiaphas the high priest. as Simon Peter then stood there warming himself: they said to him, art not thou also one of his disciples? which he denied, and said, I am not. one of the servants of the high priest, kinsman to him whose ear Peter struck off, said, did not I see thee in the garden with him? but Peter denied this too, and immediately the cock crew. Then they led Jesus early in the morning from Caiaphas, to the Pretorium: but the Jews themselves did not enter into the Pretorium, lest they should be defiled: and so not be in a condition to eat the passover. Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, what crime do you object to this man? they answered him, if he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him to you. Pilate then said to them, take him your selves, and judge him according to your law. but the Jews said to him, it is not lawful for us to put any man to death. so that what Jesus had said, to signify the death he should die, was actually accomplished. Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered him, is it your opinion that I am, or did others give it you as theirs? Pilate answered, am I a Jew? your own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me: what hast thou done? Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, I should have had my guards to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews: whereas my kingdom is of another nature. upon this Pilate said to him, you are then a king? Jesus answered, you say right, for I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to persuade mankind of the truth. every one that loves truth is observant of my directions. what is truth? said Pilate. and upon saying this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I don't find he is guilty of any crime. but as it is customary with you to get me to discharge some prisoner at the time of the passover, would you have me release the king of the Jews? upon which they all cried out again: not him, but Barabbas. now Barabbas was a robber.
upon Jesus his saying to them, I am he, they fell backward to the ground. then he asked them again, who do you look for? and they said, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he. "if therefore it is me you look for, let these go their way." so that what he said was accomplished, "of those which thou gavest me, have I lost none." but Simon Peter drew his sword, and struck off the right ear of Malchus, a servant belonging to the high priest. then said Jesus to Peter, sheath thy sword: the cup which my father hath given me, shall I not drink it? Then the soldiers, the captain, and the officers of the Jews seized on Jesus, and having bound him, they brought him first to Annas; for he was father-in-law to Caiaphas, who was the high priest at that time: the same Caiaphas, who in council told the Jews, "it was expedient that one man should die for the people." Simon Peter followed Jesus, with another disciple, who being known to the high priest, was admitted into his palace at the same time with Jesus, whilst Peter stood without at the door. but that other disciple, who was known to the high priest went out, and spoke to her that kept the door, who let Peter in. then said the damsel, that kept the door, to Peter, are you also one of this man's disciples? I am not, said he. now the servants and officers that were there, had made a coal-fire, for it was cold, to warm themselves: and Peter stood warming himself among them. In the mean time, the high priest having question'd Jesus about his disciples, and his doctrine. Jesus answered him, I spoke openly to the world; I was continually teaching in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither all the Jews resort, and in secret have I said nothing. why do you question me? ask those who heard me, what discourse I had with them: they know very well what I said. Upon his expressing himself thus, one of the officers there present, struck Jesus on the face, saying, answerest thou the high priest so? Jesus replied, if I have said any thing injurious, show then wherein; but if I said right, why do you smite me? now Annas had sent him bound to Caiaphas the high priest. as Simon Peter then stood there warming himself: they said to him, art not thou also one of his disciples? which he denied, and said, I am not. one of the servants of the high priest, kinsman to him whose ear Peter struck off, said, did not I see thee in the garden with him? but Peter denied this too, and immediately the cock crew. Then they led Jesus early in the morning from Caiaphas, to the Pretorium: but the Jews themselves did not enter into the Pretorium, lest they should be defiled: and so not be in a condition to eat the passover. Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, what crime do you object to this man? they answered him, if he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him to you. Pilate then said to them, take him your selves, and judge him according to your law. but the Jews said to him, it is not lawful for us to put any man to death. so that what Jesus had said, to signify the death he should die, was actually accomplished. Then Pilate entred into the Pretorium, and addressing himself to Jesus, said to him, are not you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered him, is it your opinion that I am, or did others give it you as theirs? Pilate answered, am I a Jew? your own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me: what hast thou done? Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, I should have had my guards to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews: whereas my kingdom is of another nature. upon this Pilate said to him, you are then a king? Jesus answered, you say right, for I am a king. to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to persuade mankind of the truth. every one that loves truth is observant of my directions. what is truth? said Pilate. and upon saying this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I don't find he is guilty of any crime. but as it is customary with you to get me to discharge some prisoner at the time of the passover, would you have me release the king of the Jews? upon which they all cried out again: not him, but Barabbas. now Barabbas was a robber.