Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead.

After Herod died God's angel appeared in a dream to Joseph who was in Egypt. The angel told him: Take the child and his mother and go to Israel. Those who tried to kill the child are dead. Joseph took the child and his mother to Israel. read more.
When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead.

There will be no more gloom for those who were suffering. In the past he humiliated the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali. But in the future he will honor Galilee of the Nations, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan.

They said: You men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was received up from you into heaven will come in a similar manner as you saw him go into heaven.

When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead.

They approached Philip, who was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and told him: We wish to see Jesus.

Hiram, king of Tyre, had given Solomon cedar-trees and cypress-trees and gold, as much as he needed. King Solomon gave Hiram twenty towns in the land of Galilee.

Other people said: This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.

When I am raised, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.

So, on the west side of the Jordan River they set aside Kedesh in Galilee, in the hill country of Naphtali, Shechem, in the hill country of Ephraim and Hebron, in the hill country of Judah.

When Pilate heard it, he asked if the man was a Galilean.

Others said: This is the Christ. But some asked: Does the Christ come out of Galilee?

When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead.

When they had accomplished all things that were according to the law of God they returned to Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.

When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead. He made his home in Nazareth. Thus the prophecy came true: He [Jesus] will be called a Nazarene.

When they left, the angel of God appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: Herod is looking to kill the young child. Arise, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you to leave. Joseph took the child and his mother to Egypt. They did not return until the death of Herod. The words spoken by Jehovah through the prophet were fulfilled: I called my son out of Egypt. (Hosea 11:1) read more.
Herod saw that the astrologers tricked him and he was furious. He sent soldiers to kill all the boys two years old and younger in or near Bethlehem. This matched the time he learned from the astrologers. Jeremiah's prophecy came true: A sound was heard in Ramah, the sound of crying in bitter grief. Rachel is weeping for her children. She would not be comforted, because they were dead. After Herod died God's angel appeared in a dream to Joseph who was in Egypt. The angel told him: Take the child and his mother and go to Israel. Those who tried to kill the child are dead. Joseph took the child and his mother to Israel. When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead. He made his home in Nazareth. Thus the prophecy came true: He [Jesus] will be called a Nazarene.

After Herod died God's angel appeared in a dream to Joseph who was in Egypt. The angel told him: Take the child and his mother and go to Israel. Those who tried to kill the child are dead. Joseph took the child and his mother to Israel. read more.
When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead. He made his home in Nazareth. Thus the prophecy came true: He [Jesus] will be called a Nazarene.

When they left, the angel of God appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: Herod is looking to kill the young child. Arise, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you to leave. Joseph took the child and his mother to Egypt. They did not return until the death of Herod. The words spoken by Jehovah through the prophet were fulfilled: I called my son out of Egypt. (Hosea 11:1) read more.
Herod saw that the astrologers tricked him and he was furious. He sent soldiers to kill all the boys two years old and younger in or near Bethlehem. This matched the time he learned from the astrologers. Jeremiah's prophecy came true: A sound was heard in Ramah, the sound of crying in bitter grief. Rachel is weeping for her children. She would not be comforted, because they were dead. After Herod died God's angel appeared in a dream to Joseph who was in Egypt. The angel told him: Take the child and his mother and go to Israel. Those who tried to kill the child are dead. Joseph took the child and his mother to Israel. When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead. He made his home in Nazareth. Thus the prophecy came true: He [Jesus] will be called a Nazarene.

When he heard that Archelaus succeeded his father, Herod, as king of Judea, Joseph feared going. Warned in a dream, he left for Galilee instead.