Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

"When a person has touched a ceremonially unclean thing inadvertently, such as the carcass of an unclean animal, or some unclean creeping thing, he will be unclean and guilty nevertheless. LivestockCarcass, Literal UseContaminationIgnorance Of EvilPeople Being PollutedRules About CorpsesGuiltpork

"Anyone whom the one with the discharge touches without rinsing his hands with water is to wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will remain unclean until evening. ContaminationPollutionsTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean Until Evening

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

"When a person has touched a ceremonially unclean thing inadvertently, such as the carcass of an unclean animal, or some unclean creeping thing, he will be unclean and guilty nevertheless. LivestockCarcass, Literal UseContaminationIgnorance Of EvilPeople Being PollutedRules About CorpsesGuiltpork

"Anyone whom the one with the discharge touches without rinsing his hands with water is to wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will remain unclean until evening. ContaminationPollutionsTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean Until Evening

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

Whoever is out in an open field and touches the body of someone who was killed by a sword, or a dead body, or someone's bones, or a grave, he is to be considered unclean for seven days. Dead bodiesGrave, TheTombsCemeterySeven DaysTouching Unclean ThingsRules About CorpsesSeven Days For Legal Purposesnatural Death

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

"The person who is unclean but who doesn't purify himself is to be eliminated from contact with the assembly, since he has defiled the LORD's sanctuary and the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He is to be considered unclean Ritual WashingSanctuaryExcommunicationDisfellowshipSprinkling WaterPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

"Whoever comes in contact with the body of a dead person is to remain unclean for seven days. He is to purify himself on the third day and he will be clean on the seventh day. But if he can't purify himself on the third day then he can't be clean on the seventh day. Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. read more.
"This is the procedure to follow when a man dies in his tent: Everyone who enters the tent and everyone in it is to remain unclean for seven days. Every open vessel that has no covering fastened around it is to be considered unclean. Whoever is out in an open field and touches the body of someone who was killed by a sword, or a dead body, or someone's bones, or a grave, he is to be considered unclean for seven days. "Now as for the unclean, they are to take ashes from the burning sin offering, and pour running water on it inside a vessel. A clean person is to take some hyssop, dip it in water, and then sprinkle it on the tent, on every vessel, and on whoever was there (that is, on whoever touched the bones, the killed person, or the dead body, including whoever dug the grave). The clean person is to sprinkle the unclean person on the third day and seventh day and then he is to purify himself on the seventh day, wash his clothes, and bathe with water. He is to be considered clean at evening. "The person who is unclean but who doesn't purify himself is to be eliminated from contact with the assembly, since he has defiled the LORD's sanctuary and the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He is to be considered unclean as a continuing reminder to them. Whoever sprinkles the water of impurity is to wash his clothes, and whoever comes in contact with the water of impurity is to remain unclean until evening. Furthermore, anything that the unclean person touches is to be considered unclean and the person who touches him is to be considered unclean until the evening."

"Now you are to stay outside the camp for seven days, after which any of you who has killed a person or touched someone who was killed may purify yourselves on the third day. You and your captives will be pure on the seventh day. Furthermore, you are to purify every garment that is, everything made of leather, goat's hair, or containing wood."

"Now you are to stay outside the camp for seven days, after which any of you who has killed a person or touched someone who was killed may purify yourselves on the third day. You and your captives will be pure on the seventh day. QuarantiningHealingQuarantineSeven DaysPeople Being PollutedSeven Days For Legal Purposes

The LORD told Moses, "Speak to the priests, Aaron's sons, and tell them that no priest is to defile himself on account of the dead among his people, Holiness,  Worldly SeparationPriests, Function In Ot TimesPollutionsPollution ForbiddenDeath Of A Family MemberGrandmothers

"Whoever comes in contact with the body of a dead person is to remain unclean for seven days. He is to purify himself on the third day and he will be clean on the seventh day. But if he can't purify himself on the third day then he can't be clean on the seventh day. Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. read more.
"This is the procedure to follow when a man dies in his tent: Everyone who enters the tent and everyone in it is to remain unclean for seven days. Every open vessel that has no covering fastened around it is to be considered unclean. Whoever is out in an open field and touches the body of someone who was killed by a sword, or a dead body, or someone's bones, or a grave, he is to be considered unclean for seven days.

"The person who is unclean but who doesn't purify himself is to be eliminated from contact with the assembly, since he has defiled the LORD's sanctuary and the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He is to be considered unclean Ritual WashingSanctuaryExcommunicationDisfellowshipSprinkling WaterPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

But the person who eats meat from the sacrifice that belongs to the LORD, while still affected by his uncleanness, is to be eliminated from contact with his people. Any person who touches a ceremonially unclean thing whether the uncleanness pertains to human beings, animals, or to creeping things and then eats from the meat of peace offerings that belongs to the LORD is to be eliminated from contact with his people."

"The person who is unclean but who doesn't purify himself is to be eliminated from contact with the assembly, since he has defiled the LORD's sanctuary and the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He is to be considered unclean Ritual WashingSanctuaryExcommunicationDisfellowshipSprinkling WaterPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

But if he doesn't wash or bathe his body, then he is to bear the punishment of his iniquity."

A clean person is to take some hyssop, dip it in water, and then sprinkle it on the tent, on every vessel, and on whoever was there (that is, on whoever touched the bones, the killed person, or the dead body, including whoever dug the grave). Sprinkling Water

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

"Whoever comes in contact with the body of a dead person is to remain unclean for seven days. He is to purify himself on the third day and he will be clean on the seventh day. But if he can't purify himself on the third day then he can't be clean on the seventh day. Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. read more.
"This is the procedure to follow when a man dies in his tent: Everyone who enters the tent and everyone in it is to remain unclean for seven days. Every open vessel that has no covering fastened around it is to be considered unclean. Whoever is out in an open field and touches the body of someone who was killed by a sword, or a dead body, or someone's bones, or a grave, he is to be considered unclean for seven days. "Now as for the unclean, they are to take ashes from the burning sin offering, and pour running water on it inside a vessel. A clean person is to take some hyssop, dip it in water, and then sprinkle it on the tent, on every vessel, and on whoever was there (that is, on whoever touched the bones, the killed person, or the dead body, including whoever dug the grave). The clean person is to sprinkle the unclean person on the third day and seventh day and then he is to purify himself on the seventh day, wash his clothes, and bathe with water. He is to be considered clean at evening. "The person who is unclean but who doesn't purify himself is to be eliminated from contact with the assembly, since he has defiled the LORD's sanctuary and the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He is to be considered unclean as a continuing reminder to them. Whoever sprinkles the water of impurity is to wash his clothes, and whoever comes in contact with the water of impurity is to remain unclean until evening. Furthermore, anything that the unclean person touches is to be considered unclean and the person who touches him is to be considered unclean until the evening."

Then someone who is unclean is to gather the ashes of the heifer and lay them outside the camp in a clean place. This is to be done for the community of Israel to use for water of purification from sin. Holiness, Believers' Growth InAnimal Sacrifices, BurntOutside The CampMeans Of PurifyingClean ObjectsBeing Cleansed From Sin

"When a person has touched a ceremonially unclean thing inadvertently, such as the carcass of an unclean animal, or some unclean creeping thing, he will be unclean and guilty nevertheless. LivestockCarcass, Literal UseContaminationIgnorance Of EvilPeople Being PollutedRules About CorpsesGuiltpork

But there were men who couldn't observe the Passover that day because they had come in contact with a corpse. That very day, they approached Moses and Aaron Rules About Corpses

such a person who comes in contact with anything like this will become unclean until evening. As a result, he is not to eat the sacred things unless he has bathed himself with water. Touching Holy ThingsUnclean Until Evening

and is unclean. Anyone who touches their carcasses becomes unclean until evening. And anyone who carries their carcasses is to wash his clothes, since he will remain unclean until evening." "Any animal that has divided hooves and is cloven-footed but doesn't chew the cud is unclean for you. Anyone who touches them is unclean. read more.
Among the animals, anything that walks on their paws and on four legs is unclean for you. Anyone who touches their carcasses becomes unclean until evening. Whoever carries their carcass is to wash their clothes, because they've become unclean until evening. They're unclean for you.

If one of Aaron's descendants has an infectious skin disease or a discharge, he is not to eat anything sacred until he has been cleansed. Anyone who touches an unclean thing on account of the dead, or who has a seminal discharge, LeprosySkinSemenDischargesRules About Corpses

"Now you are to stay outside the camp for seven days, after which any of you who has killed a person or touched someone who was killed may purify yourselves on the third day. You and your captives will be pure on the seventh day. QuarantiningHealingQuarantineSeven DaysPeople Being PollutedSeven Days For Legal Purposes

"If a man is guilty of a capital offense, is executed, and then is impaled on a tree, his body must not remain overnight on the tree. You must bury him that same day, because cursed of God is the one who has been hanged on a tree. Don't defile your land that the LORD is about to give you as your inheritance."

"Whoever comes in contact with the body of a dead person is to remain unclean for seven days. He is to purify himself on the third day and he will be clean on the seventh day. But if he can't purify himself on the third day then he can't be clean on the seventh day. Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. read more.
"This is the procedure to follow when a man dies in his tent: Everyone who enters the tent and everyone in it is to remain unclean for seven days. Every open vessel that has no covering fastened around it is to be considered unclean. Whoever is out in an open field and touches the body of someone who was killed by a sword, or a dead body, or someone's bones, or a grave, he is to be considered unclean for seven days.

Then Moses called on Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel, Aaron's uncle, and said, "Come here and carry your brothers away from the sanctuary, outside the camp." So they approached to carry them in their tunics outside the camp, just as Moses had commanded.

These are unclean for you among the swarming creatures, so anyone who touches them when they're dead becomes unclean until evening. Furthermore, anything on which they fall when they're dead becomes unclean, whether on an article of wood, clothing, skin, or a sack. And any vessel used for any work is to be washed in water, because it has become unclean until evening. Any earthen vessel into which any of these things fall becomes unclean, along with everything in it. You are to destroy it, along with all its contents." read more.
"Any food that may be eaten, but into which water has soaked, becomes unclean. Any drink that may be drunk in any of these vessels becomes unclean, and anything into which their carcass falls becomes unclean. An oven or stove is to be broken in pieces. They're unclean and therefore unclean for you. "A spring or a cistern that holds water is clean, but whoever touches the carcass of an unclean animal will be unclean. If their carcass falls on a seed, which is for sowing, what is to be sown is clean. But if water is put on the seed and part of their carcass falls on it, then it has become unclean for you. "If any of the animals that you may eat dies, the one who touches its carcass becomes unclean until evening. The one who eats from its carcass is to wash his clothes, because he has become unclean until evening. Even the one who carries the carcass is to wash his clothes, because he has become unclean until evening."

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"Instruct the Israelis that when any of you or your descendants becomes unclean due to contact with a corpse, or if he is on a long journey, he nevertheless is to observe the LORD's Passover. JourneyRules About Corpses

"So separate the Israelis from their uncleanness so that they won't die in their uncleanness if they defile my tent that is in their midst. ExclusivenessHoliness,  Worldly SeparationParticipation, In SinSeparationDeath Due To God's PresencePolluting Holy Places

"The person who is unclean but who doesn't purify himself is to be eliminated from contact with the assembly, since he has defiled the LORD's sanctuary and the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He is to be considered unclean Ritual WashingSanctuaryExcommunicationDisfellowshipSprinkling WaterPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

"Therefore, as sure as I live," declares the Lord GOD, "because you've defiled my sanctuary with every loathsome thing and every abomination, I'll restrain myself, and I'll show neither pity nor compassion. Abominations, Judgments OfGod Without MercyNot SparingPolluting Holy PlacesDefilement

"They've also done this to me: They defiled my sanctuary and profaned my Sabbaths, all at the same time! At The Same TimePolluting Holy PlacesSabbath Violated

"So separate the Israelis from their uncleanness so that they won't die in their uncleanness if they defile my tent that is in their midst. ExclusivenessHoliness,  Worldly SeparationParticipation, In SinSeparationDeath Due To God's PresencePolluting Holy Places

Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. Holiness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

"This is the ordinance of the law that the LORD commanded that the Israelis be told: They are to bring you a spotless red heifer, without physical defect, that has never been fitted with a yoke. They are to deliver it to Eleazar the priest, and it is to be brought outside the camp and slaughtered in his presence. Then Eleazar the priest is to take blood from it with his finger and sprinkle the blood in front of the Tent of Meeting. read more.
The entire heifer is to be incinerated in his presence, including its skin, its flesh, its blood, and its dung. Then the priest is to take some cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet material and throw it into the middle of the burning heifer. The priest is to wash his clothes and bathe himself with water, after which he may enter the camp, but he is to remain unclean until evening. Whoever takes part in the burning is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and is to remain unclean until the evening. Then someone who is unclean is to gather the ashes of the heifer and lay them outside the camp in a clean place. This is to be done for the community of Israel to use for water of purification from sin. Whoever gathers the ashes of the heifer is to wash his clothes and is to remain unclean until the evening. This ordinance is to remain for the benefit of both the Israelis and the resident aliens who live among them." "Whoever comes in contact with the body of a dead person is to remain unclean for seven days. He is to purify himself on the third day and he will be clean on the seventh day. But if he can't purify himself on the third day then he can't be clean on the seventh day. Anyone who comes in contact with a dead person (that is, with the corpse of a human being who has died), but who does not purify himself, defiles the LORD's tent. That person is to be eliminated from Israel, because the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He remains unclean and his uncleanness will remain with him. "This is the procedure to follow when a man dies in his tent: Everyone who enters the tent and everyone in it is to remain unclean for seven days. Every open vessel that has no covering fastened around it is to be considered unclean. Whoever is out in an open field and touches the body of someone who was killed by a sword, or a dead body, or someone's bones, or a grave, he is to be considered unclean for seven days. "Now as for the unclean, they are to take ashes from the burning sin offering, and pour running water on it inside a vessel. A clean person is to take some hyssop, dip it in water, and then sprinkle it on the tent, on every vessel, and on whoever was there (that is, on whoever touched the bones, the killed person, or the dead body, including whoever dug the grave). The clean person is to sprinkle the unclean person on the third day and seventh day and then he is to purify himself on the seventh day, wash his clothes, and bathe with water. He is to be considered clean at evening. "The person who is unclean but who doesn't purify himself is to be eliminated from contact with the assembly, since he has defiled the LORD's sanctuary and the water of impurity wasn't sprinkled on him. He is to be considered unclean as a continuing reminder to them. Whoever sprinkles the water of impurity is to wash his clothes, and whoever comes in contact with the water of impurity is to remain unclean until evening. Furthermore, anything that the unclean person touches is to be considered unclean and the person who touches him is to be considered unclean until the evening."

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Youngs Literal Translation