Thematic Bible: Palliation of

Thematic Bible

He that sayeth unto the ungodly, "Thou art righteous," him shall the people curse; yea, the commonality shall abhor him.

They that forsake the law, praise the ungodly; but such as keep the law, abhor them.

Woe be unto them that call evil good, and good evil: which make darkness light, and light darkness, that make sour sweet, and sweet sour.

Ye grieve the LORD with your words, and yet ye say, 'Wherewithal have we grieved him?' In this, that ye say: 'All that do evil are good in the sight of God, and such please him.' Or else where is the God that punisheth?

Seeing that with your lies ye discomfort the heart of the righteous, whom I have not discomforted: Again, forsomuch as ye courage the hand of the wicked, so that he may not turn from his wicked way, and live: