Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

But God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. So if we have already been brought into right standing with God by Christ's death, it is much more certain that by Him we shall be saved from God's wrath. For if while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, it is much more certain that since we have been reconciled we shall finally be saved through His new life. read more.
And not only that, but this too: we shall continue exulting in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained our reconciliation.

This has all originated with God, for He through Christ has reconciled me to Himself and has given me the ministry of reconciliation. For it was through Christ that God was reconciling the world to Himself instead of debiting men's offenses against them, and He has committed to me the message of this reconciliation.

For when we were still helpless, Christ at the proper time died for us ungodly men. Now a man will scarcely ever give his life for an upright person, though once in a while a man is brave enough to die for a generous friend. But God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. read more.
So if we have already been brought into right standing with God by Christ's death, it is much more certain that by Him we shall be saved from God's wrath. For if while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, it is much more certain that since we have been reconciled we shall finally be saved through His new life. And not only that, but this too: we shall continue exulting in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained our reconciliation.

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not have a share in the kingdom of God? Stop being misled; people who are sexually immoral or idolaters or adulterers or sensual or guilty of unnatural sexual vice or thieves or greedy graspers for more or drunkards or slanderers or swindlers will not have a share in the kingdom of God. And these are just the characters some of you used to be. But now you have washed yourselves clean, you have been consecrated, you are now in right standing with God, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God.

For once we too were without understanding, disobedient, misled, habitual slaves to all sorts of passions and pleasures, spending our lives in malice and envy. But when the goodness and lovingkindness of God our Saviour were brought to light, He saved us, not for upright deeds that we had done, but in accordance with His mercy, through the bath of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, read more.
which He abundantly poured out upon us through Jesus Christ our Saviour, so that we might come into right standing with God through His unmerited favor and become heirs of eternal life in accordance with our hope.

that God has fulfilled it to us their children, by raising Jesus to life, just as the Scripture says in the Second Psalm, 'You are my Son, today I have become your Father.' Now as a proof that He has raised Him from the dead, no more to return to decay, He has spoken this, 'I will fulfill to you the holy promises made to David.' Because in another psalm he says, 'You will not let your Holy One experience decay.' read more.
For David, after having served God's purpose in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid among his forefathers, and so he did experience decay, but He whom God raised to life did not experience it. So, my brothers, you must understand that through Him the forgiveness of your sins is now proclaimed to you, and that through union with Him every one of you who believes is given right standing with God and freed from every charge from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses.

For everybody has sinned and everybody continues to come short of God's glory, but anybody may have right standing with God as a free gift of His undeserved favor, through the ransom provided in Christ Jesus.

For when we were still helpless, Christ at the proper time died for us ungodly men. Now a man will scarcely ever give his life for an upright person, though once in a while a man is brave enough to die for a generous friend. But God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. read more.
So if we have already been brought into right standing with God by Christ's death, it is much more certain that by Him we shall be saved from God's wrath. For if while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, it is much more certain that since we have been reconciled we shall finally be saved through His new life. And not only that, but this too: we shall continue exulting in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained our reconciliation. So here is the comparison: As through one man sin came into the world, and death as the consequence of sin, and death spread to all men; because all men sinned. Certainly sin was in the world before the law was given, but it is not charged to men's account where there is no law. And yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the way Adam had, against a positive command. For Adam was a figure of Him who was to come. But God's free gift is not at all to be compared with the offense. For if by one man's offense the whole race of men have died, to a much greater degree God's favor and His gift imparted by His favor through the one man Jesus Christ, has overflowed for the whole race of men. And the gift is not fit all to be compared with the results of that one man's sin. For that sentence resulted from the offense of one man, and it meant condemnation, but the free gift resulted from the offenses of many, and it meant right standing. For if by one man's offense death reigned through that one, to a much greater degree will those who continue to receive the overflow of His unmerited favor and His gift of right standing with Himself, reign in real life through One, Jesus Christ. So, as through one offense there resulted condemnation for all men, just so through one act of uprightness there resulted right standing involving life for all men. For just as by that man's disobedience the whole race of men were constituted sinners, so by this One's obedience the whole race of men may be brought into right standing with God.

because we know that a man does not come into right standing with God by doing what the law commands, but by simple trust in Christ, we too have trusted in Christ Jesus, in order to come into right standing with God by simple trust in Christ and not by doing what the law commands, because by doing what the law commands no man can come into right standing with God. Now if, in our efforts to come into right standing with God through union with Christ, we have proved ourselves to be sinners like the heathen themselves, does that make Christ a party to our sin? Of course not. For if I try to build again what I tore down, I really prove myself to be a wrongdoer. read more.
For through the law I myself have become dead to the law, so that I may live for God. I have been crucified with Christ, and I myself no longer live, but Christ is living in me; the life I now live as a mortal man I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.

He afterward said, "See, I have come to do your will." He is taking away the first to let the second take its place. It is by this will of God that we are consecrated through the offering of Jesus' body once for all. Every other priest stands officiating day after day and over and over again offering the same sacrifices, although they are unable to take away our sins. read more.
But this One offered up once for all and for all time one sacrifice for sins, and once for all took His seat at God's right hand, from that time waiting till His enemies should be made the footstool of His feet. For by that one sacrifice He has made perfect for all time those who are consecrated to Him.

But now through your union with Christ Jesus you who were once far away have through the blood of Christ been brought near. For He Himself is our peace, He is the one who has made us both into one body and has broken down the barrier that kept us apart; through His human nature He has put a stop to the hostility between us, namely, the law with its commands and decrees, in order to create one new humanity out of the two parties and so make peace through union with Himself, and in one body read more.
to reconcile them both to God with His cross after He had killed the hostility through it.

This has all originated with God, for He through Christ has reconciled me to Himself and has given me the ministry of reconciliation. For it was through Christ that God was reconciling the world to Himself instead of debiting men's offenses against them, and He has committed to me the message of this reconciliation. So I am an envoy to represent Christ, because it is through me that God is making His appeal. As one representing Christ I beg you, be reconciled to God. read more.
He made Him who personally knew nothing of sin to be a sin-offering for us, so that through union with Him we might come into right standing with God.

For when we were still helpless, Christ at the proper time died for us ungodly men. Now a man will scarcely ever give his life for an upright person, though once in a while a man is brave enough to die for a generous friend. But God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. read more.
So if we have already been brought into right standing with God by Christ's death, it is much more certain that by Him we shall be saved from God's wrath. For if while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, it is much more certain that since we have been reconciled we shall finally be saved through His new life. And not only that, but this too: we shall continue exulting in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained our reconciliation.

For since the law cast only a shadow of the blessings to come and did not possess the reality itself of those blessings, the priests with the same sacrifices that are perpetually offered year after year cannot make perfect those who come to worship. Otherwise, would they not have ceased offering them, because those who offered them, having once been purified, would have had no further consciousness of sins? On the other hand, through these sacrifices there is given a real reminder of their sins, read more.
for the blood of bulls and goats is unable to take away sins. So, when Christ was coming into the world, He said: "Sacrifice and offering you did not wish, but a body you have prepared for me; in burnt-offerings and sin-offerings you never took delight. Then I said, 'See, I have come, just as the Scripture writes about me in the book, O God, to do your will.'" Although at first He said, "You never wished or took delight in sacrifices and offerings, burnt-offerings and sin-offerings" -- all of which are repeatedly offered in accordance with the law -- He afterward said, "See, I have come to do your will." He is taking away the first to let the second take its place. It is by this will of God that we are consecrated through the offering of Jesus' body once for all. Every other priest stands officiating day after day and over and over again offering the same sacrifices, although they are unable to take away our sins. But this One offered up once for all and for all time one sacrifice for sins, and once for all took His seat at God's right hand, from that time waiting till His enemies should be made the footstool of His feet. For by that one sacrifice He has made perfect for all time those who are consecrated to Him.

and you will always be thanking the Father who has qualified you to share the lot of His people in the realm of light. It is God who has delivered us out of the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of His dearly loved Son, by whom we possess the ransom from captivity, which means the forgiveness of our sins. read more.
Yes, He is the exact likeness of the unseen God, His first-born Son who existed before any created thing, for it was through Him that everything was created in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen, thrones, dominions, principalities, authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. So He existed before all things, and through Him all things are held together. Yes, He is the Head of the church as His body. For He is the beginning, the first-born among the dead, so that He alone should stand first in everything. It is so because it was the divine choice that all the divine fullness should dwell in Him, and that through Him He might reconcile to Himself all things on earth or in heaven, making this peace through the blood He shed On His cross. So you, who were once estranged from Him, and hostile in disposition as shown by your wrongdoings, He has now reconciled by His death in His human body, so as to present you consecrated, faultless, and blameless in His presence,

but we do see Jesus, who was made inferior to the angels for a little while, crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, so that by God's favor He might experience death for every human being. For it was appropriate for Him, who is the Final Goal and the First Cause of the universe, in bringing many children to glory, to make the Leader in their salvation perfect through the process of sufferings. For both He who is purifying them and those who are being purified all spring from one Father; so He is not ashamed to call them brothers, read more.
when He says: "I will announce your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise"; and again, "I too will put my trust in God"; and again, "Here I am and the children God has given me." Since then the children mentioned share our mortal nature, He too took on Himself a full share of the same, in order that He by His death might put a stop to the power of him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and set at liberty those who all their lifetime had been subject to slavery because of their dread of death. For of course it is not angels but descendants of Abraham that He is to help. Therefore He had to be made like His brothers, so that He could be a sympathetic High Priest, as well as a faithful one, in things relating to God, in order to atone for the people's sins.

For when we were still helpless, Christ at the proper time died for us ungodly men. Now a man will scarcely ever give his life for an upright person, though once in a while a man is brave enough to die for a generous friend. But God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. read more.
So if we have already been brought into right standing with God by Christ's death, it is much more certain that by Him we shall be saved from God's wrath.

And you followed the example set by us and by the Lord, because you welcomed our message with a joy inspired by the Holy Spirit, in spite of the painful persecutions it brought you, so that you became examples to all the believers in Macedonia and Greece. (1:7) For the message of the Lord has rung out from you, not only in Macedonia and Greece, but everywhere the report of your faith in God has been told, so that we need never mention it. read more.
For the people themselves tell us what a welcome you gave us, and how you turned from idols to the true God, to serve the God who lives on and is real, and to wait for the coming from heaven of His Son, whom He raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.

for you are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or the darkness. So let us stop sleeping as others do, but let us stay awake and keep sober. For those who sleep at night and those who get drunk are drunken at night, read more.
but let us who belong to the day keep sober, clothed with faith and love for a coat of mail and with the hope of salvation for a helmet. For God appointed us not to reap His wrath but to gain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we still live or sleep we may live in fellowship with Him. So continue encouraging one another and helping one another in character building.