28 Bible Verses about Flowers
Most Relevant Verses
'Consider the lilies, how do they grow? they labour not, nor do they spin, and I say to you, not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these; and if the herbage in the field, that to-day is, and to-morrow into an oven is cast, God doth so clothe, how much more you -- ye of little faith?
Withered hath grass, faded the flower, But a word of our God riseth for ever.
As a flower he hath gone forth, and is cut off, And he fleeth as a shadow and standeth not.
His cheeks as a bed of the spice, towers of perfumes, His lips are lilies, dropping flowing myrrh,
'And thou hast made a candlestick of pure gold, of beaten work is the candlestick made; its base, and its branch, its calyxes, its knops, and its flowers are of the same; and six branches are coming out of its sides, three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the second side; three calyxes made like almonds in the one branch, a knop and a flower, and three calyxes made like almonds in one branch, a knop and a flower; so for the six branches which are coming out from the candlestick.read more.
And in the candlestick are four calyxes made like almonds, its knops and its flowers; and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, are to the six branches which are coming out of the candlestick; their knops and their branches are of the same, all of it one beaten work of pure gold;
And he maketh the candlestick of pure gold; of beaten work he hath made the candlestick, its base, and its branch, its calyxes, its knops, and its flowers, have been of the same; and six branches are coming out of its sides, three branches of the candlestick out of its one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of its second side; three calyxes, made like almonds, in the one branch, a knop and a flower; and three calyxes, made like almonds, in another branch, a knop and a flower; so to the six branches which are coming out of the candlestick.read more.
And in the candlestick are four calyxes, made like almonds, its knops, and its flowers, and a knop under the two branches of the same, and a knop under the two branches of the same, and a knop under the two branches of the same, are to the six branches which are coming out of it; their knops and their branches have been of the same; all of it one beaten work of pure gold.
And the cedar for the house within is carvings of knobs and openings of flowers; the whole is cedar, there is not a stone seen.
and all the walls of the house round about he hath carved with openings of carvings, cherubs, and palm trees, and openings of flowers, within and without.
It is standing on twelve oxen, three facing the north, and three facing the west, and three facing the south, and three facing the east, and the sea is upon them above, and all their hinder parts are within. And its thickness is a handbreadth, and its lip as the work of the lip of a cup flowered with lilies; taking hold -- baths three thousand it containeth.
Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim. And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory, That is on the head of the fat valley of the broken down of wine. Lo, a mighty and strong one is to the Lord, As a storm of hail -- a destructive shower, As an inundation of mighty waters overflowing, He cast down to the earth with the hand. By feet trodden down is the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim,read more.
And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory That is on the head of the fat valley, Hath been as its first-fruit before summer, That its beholder seeth, While it is yet in his hand he swalloweth it. In that day is Jehovah of Hosts For a crown of beauty, and for a diadem of glory, To the remnant of His people. And for a spirit of judgment To him who is sitting in the judgment, And for might to those turning back the battle to the gate.
Woe to those drawing out iniquity with cords of vanity, And as with thick ropes of the cart -- sin. Who are saying, 'Let Him hurry, Let Him hasten His work, that we may see, And let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel Draw near and come, and we know.' Woe to those saying to evil 'good,' And to good 'evil,' Putting darkness for light, and light for darkness, Putting bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.read more.
Woe to the wise in their own eyes, And -- before their own faces -- intelligent! Woe to the mighty to drink wine, And men of strength to mingle strong drink. Declaring righteous the wicked for a bribe, And the righteousness of the righteous They turn aside from him. Therefore, as a tongue of fire devoureth stubble, And flaming hay falleth, Their root is as muck, And their flower as dust goeth up. Because they have rejected the law of Jehovah of Hosts, And the saying of the Holy One of Israel despised. Therefore hath the anger of Jehovah burned among His people, And He stretcheth out His hand against it, And smiteth it, and the mountains tremble, And their carcase is as filth in the midst of the out-places. With all this His anger did not turn back, And still His hand is stretched out!
because all flesh is as grass, and all glory of man as flower of grass; wither did the grass, and the flower of it fell away, and the saying of the Lord doth remain -- to the age; and this is the saying that was proclaimed good news to you.
A voice is saying, 'Call,' And he said, 'What do I call?' All flesh is grass, and all its goodliness is As a flower of the field: Withered hath grass, faded the flower, For the Spirit of Jehovah blew upon it, Surely the people is grass; Withered hath grass, faded the flower, But a word of our God riseth for ever.
Man, born of woman! Of few days, and full of trouble! As a flower he hath gone forth, and is cut off, And he fleeth as a shadow and standeth not.
As a father hath mercy on sons, Jehovah hath mercy on those fearing Him. For He hath known our frame, Remembering that we are dust. Mortal man! as grass are his days, As a flower of the field so he flourisheth;read more.
For a wind hath passed over it, and it is not, And its place doth not discern it any more. And the kindness of Jehovah Is from age even unto age on those fearing Him, And His righteousness to sons' sons, To those keeping His covenant, And to those remembering His precepts to do them.
And let the brother who is low rejoice in his exaltation, and the rich in his becoming low, because as a flower of grass he shall pass away; for the sun did rise with the burning heat, and did wither the grass, and the flower of it fell, and the grace of its appearance did perish, so also the rich in his way shall fade away!
For before harvest, when the flower is perfect, And the blossom is producing unripe fruit, Then hath one cut the sprigs with pruning hooks, And the branches he hath turned aside, cut down. They are left together to the ravenous fowl of the mountains, And to the beast of the earth, And summered on them hath the ravenous fowl, And every beast of the earth wintereth on them.
and about clothing why are ye anxious? consider well the lilies of the field; how do they grow? they do not labour, nor do they spin; and I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. And if the herb of the field, that to-day is, and to-morrow is cast to the furnace, God doth so clothe -- not much more you, O ye of little faith?
I heal their backsliding, I love them freely, For turned back hath Mine anger from him. I am as dew to Israel, he flourisheth as a lily, And he striketh forth his roots as Lebanon. Go on do his sucklings, And his beauty is as an olive, And he hath fragrance as Lebanon.read more.
Return do the dwellers under his shadow, They revive as corn, and flourish as a vine, His memorial is as wine of Lebanon.
They joy from the wilderness and dry place, And rejoice doth the desert, and flourish as the rose, Flourishing it doth flourish, and rejoice, Yea, with joy and singing, The honour of Lebanon hath been given to it, The beauty of Carmel and Sharon, They -- they see the honour of Jehovah, The majesty of our God.
Mortal man! as grass are his days, As a flower of the field so he flourisheth; For a wind hath passed over it, and it is not, And its place doth not discern it any more.
and about clothing why are ye anxious? consider well the lilies of the field; how do they grow? they do not labour, nor do they spin;
Withered hath grass, faded the flower, For the Spirit of Jehovah blew upon it, Surely the people is grass;
Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim. And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory, That is on the head of the fat valley of the broken down of wine.
and the rich in his becoming low, because as a flower of grass he shall pass away; for the sun did rise with the burning heat, and did wither the grass, and the flower of it fell, and the grace of its appearance did perish, so also the rich in his way shall fade away!
And the earth bringeth forth tender grass, herb sowing seed after its kind, and tree making fruit (whose seed is in itself) after its kind; and God seeth that it is good;

From Thematic Bible
Flowers » Representations of, on the » Wood work of the temple
And the cedar for the house within is carvings of knobs and openings of flowers; the whole is cedar, there is not a stone seen.
and all the walls of the house round about he hath carved with openings of carvings, cherubs, and palm trees, and openings of flowers, within and without.
And he hath carved cherubs, and palms, and openings of flowers, and overlaid with straightened gold the graved work.
And so he hath made for the opening of the temple, side-posts of the oil-tree, from the fourth.
Flowers » Representations of, on the » Golden candlestick
'And thou hast made a candlestick of pure gold, of beaten work is the candlestick made; its base, and its branch, its calyxes, its knops, and its flowers are of the same;
three calyxes made like almonds in the one branch, a knop and a flower, and three calyxes made like almonds in one branch, a knop and a flower; so for the six branches which are coming out from the candlestick.
and the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs of gold -- it is the perfection of gold;
Flowers » Representations of, on the » Sea of brass
And its thickness is an handbreadth, and its edge as the work of the edge of a cup, flowers of lilies; two thousand baths it containeth.
And its thickness is a handbreadth, and its lip as the work of the lip of a cup flowered with lilies; taking hold -- baths three thousand it containeth.
Flowers » Described as » Evanescent
For a wind hath passed over it, and it is not, And its place doth not discern it any more.
Withered hath grass, faded the flower, But a word of our God riseth for ever.
Flowers » Mentioned in scripture » The lily
and about clothing why are ye anxious? consider well the lilies of the field; how do they grow? they do not labour, nor do they spin;
I am as dew to Israel, he flourisheth as a lily, And he striketh forth his roots as Lebanon.
Flowers » Illustrative of » Shortness of man's life
As a flower he hath gone forth, and is cut off, And he fleeth as a shadow and standeth not.
Mortal man! as grass are his days, As a flower of the field so he flourisheth;
Flowers » Cultivated in gardens
My beloved went down to his garden, To the beds of the spice, To delight himself in the gardens, and to gather lilies. I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine, Who is delighting himself among the lilies.
Flowers » Illustrative of » The graces of Christ
His cheeks as a bed of the spice, towers of perfumes, His lips are lilies, dropping flowing myrrh,
Flowers » Described as » Appear in spring
The flowers have appeared in the earth, The time of the singing hath come, And the voice of the turtle was heard in our land,
Flowers » Described as » Sweet
His cheeks as a bed of the spice, towers of perfumes, His lips are lilies, dropping flowing myrrh,
Flowers » Mentioned in scripture » The lily of the valley
Flowers » Mentioned in scripture » The rose of sharon
Flowers » Illustrative of » Rich men
and the rich in his becoming low, because as a flower of grass he shall pass away; for the sun did rise with the burning heat, and did wither the grass, and the flower of it fell, and the grace of its appearance did perish, so also the rich in his way shall fade away!
Flowers » Mentioned in scripture » Of the grass
because all flesh is as grass, and all glory of man as flower of grass; wither did the grass, and the flower of it fell away,
Flowers » Illustrative of » Glory of man
because all flesh is as grass, and all glory of man as flower of grass; wither did the grass, and the flower of it fell away,
Flowers » Described as » Beautiful
and I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these.
Flowers » Wild in fields
Mortal man! as grass are his days, As a flower of the field so he flourisheth;
Flowers » Mentioned in scripture » The rose
They joy from the wilderness and dry place, And rejoice doth the desert, and flourish as the rose,
Flowers » Illustrative of » Kingdom of israel
Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim. And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory, That is on the head of the fat valley of the broken down of wine.
Flowers » Garlands of, used in worship of idols
And the priest of the Zeus that is before their city, oxen and garlands unto the porches having brought, with the multitudes did wish to sacrifice,
Lebanon » Celebrated for » Flowers
He is pushing against a sea, and drieth it up, Yea, all the floods He hath made dry, Languishing are Bashan and Carmel, Yea, the flower of Lebanon is languishing.
Topics on Flowers
Carvings Of Flowers
Exodus 25:31-36'And thou hast made a candlestick of pure gold, of beaten work is the candlestick made; its base, and its branch, its calyxes, its knops, and its flowers are of the same;