24 Bible Verses about Fulfilling The Law

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Deuteronomy 26:16

Today the Lord your God is commanding you to keep these statutes and ordinances, something you must do with all your heart and soul.

Jeremiah 26:4

Tell them that the Lord says, 'You must obey me! You must live according to the way I have instructed you in my laws.

Ezekiel 33:15

He returns what was taken in pledge, pays back what he has stolen, and follows the statutes that give life, committing no iniquity. He will certainly live -- he will not die.

Daniel 6:5

So these men concluded, "We won't find any pretext against this man Daniel unless it is in connection with the law of his God."

Luke 2:27

So Simeon, directed by the Spirit, came into the temple courts, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what was customary according to the law,

Luke 2:39

So when Joseph and Mary had performed everything according to the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth.

John 7:23

But if a male child is circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses is not broken, why are you angry with me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath?

John 18:31

Pilate told them, "Take him yourselves and pass judgment on him according to your own law!" The Jewish leaders replied, "We cannot legally put anyone to death."

1 Corinthians 6:12

"All things are lawful for me" -- but not everything is beneficial. "All things are lawful for me" -- but I will not be controlled by anything.

1 Corinthians 10:23

"Everything is lawful," but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is lawful," but not everything builds others up.

Philippians 3:6

In my zeal for God I persecuted the church. According to the righteousness stipulated in the law I was blameless.

Hebrews 8:4

Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest, since there are already priests who offer the gifts prescribed by the law.

Hebrews 10:8

When he says above, "Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and sin-offerings you did not desire nor did you take delight in them" (which are offered according to the law),

Mark 12:28

Now one of the experts in the law came and heard them debating. When he saw that Jesus answered them well, he asked him, "Which commandment is the most important of all?"

Romans 3:31

Do we then nullify the law through faith? Absolutely not! Instead we uphold the law.

Ezekiel 36:27

I will put my Spirit within you; I will take the initiative and you will obey my statutes and carefully observe my regulations.

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