11 Bible Verses about Great Things

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 22:36

"Teacher," he said, "what is the greatest command in the Law?"

Mark 12:28

Then a scribe came up, who had listened to the discussion. Knowing Jesus had given them an apt answer, he put this question to him, "What is the chief of all the commands?"

Mark 12:29

Jesus replied, "The chief one is: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord,

Matthew 23:17

You are senseless and blind! for which is the greater, the gold or the sanctuary that makes the gold sacred?

Matthew 23:19

You are blind! for which is the greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred?

Romans 2:18

understanding his will, and with a sense of what is vital in religion; if you are instructed by the Law

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