29 Bible Verses about Reproving People
Most Relevant Verses
The rod and reproofs will give wisdom: and the youth being left shames his mother.
For the command is a lamp, and the law a light; and the way of life the reproof of instruction:
An earring of gold and a necklace of gold, the wise one reproving upon the hearing ear.
Thy wickedness shall correct thee, and thy turnings back shall convict thee: and know thou and see that evil and bitter thy forsaking Jehovah thy God, and that my fear was not to thee, says the Lord Jehovah of armies.
This testimony is true. For this cause reprove them severely, that they may be sound in the faith;
And it shall be pleasant to those reproving, and a blessing of good shall come upon them.
An elder shouldest thou not reprove, but beseech as a father; the younger as brethren;
Thou shalt not reprove him mocking, lest he shall hate thee: reprove to the wise one and he will love thee. Thou shalt give to the wise one and he will be more wise: make known to the just one and he will add receiving.
And if thy brother sin against thee, retire, and refute him between thee and him alone; if he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
Attend to yourselves: and if thy brother sin against thee, censure him; and if he should repent, let him go.
Proclaim the word; keep fixed seasonably, and unseasonably; refute, censure, beseech, in all longsnffering and teaching.
Ye shall turn back at my reproofs: behold, I will pour forth my spirit to you, I will make known my words to you.
For I am with thee, says Jehovah, to serve thee: for I will make a completion to all nations where I scattered thee there, but with thee I will not make a completion: and I corrected thee for judgment, and acquitting, I will not let thee go unpunished.
All writing divinely inspired, and profitable for doctrine, for refutation, for correction, for instruction in justice:
And we beseech you, brethren, remind the disorderly, encourage the timid, sustain the weak, and be slow to anger to all.
And we ask you, brethren, to know those being fatigued among you, and set over you in the Lord, and reminding you;
Instruction dismisses poverty and shame: and he watching reproof shall be honored.
The ear hearing the reproof of life shall lodge in the midst of the wise.
He driving away instruction despised his soul: and he hearing reproof obtained a heart
Thou shalt strike him mocking, and the simple will be crafty: and reprove to him understanding, and he will understand knowledge.
Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart: rebuking, thou shalt rebuke thy neighbor, and thou shalt not take sin upon him.
A reproof will take hold upon, him understanding more than a hundred, blows the foolish.
He reproving a man, afterwards shall find favor more than he smoothing the tongue.
Good to hear the reproof of the wise one, above a man hearing the song of the foolish:
He instructing him mocking received to himself dishonor: and he reproving to the unjust one, his blemish. Thou shalt not reprove him mocking, lest he shall hate thee: reprove to the wise one and he will love thee.
Will ye purpose to reprove words, and for the spirit of the words of him despairing?
They hated him setting right in the gate, and they will abhor the perfect word.