11 Bible Verses about Spiritual Treasures

Most Relevant Verses

2 Corinthians 4:7

But I possess this treasure in a frail vessel of earth, to show that the transcending power belongs to God, not to myself;

Matthew 6:20

store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrode, where thieves do not break in and steal.

1 Timothy 6:19

amassing right good treasure for themselves in the world to come, in order to secure the life which is life indeed.

Colossians 2:2-3

May their hearts be encouraged! May they learn the meaning of love! May they have all the wealth of conviction that comes from insight! May they learn to know that open secret of God, the Father of Christ, in whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge lie hidden!

Matthew 13:44-46

The Realm of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field; the man who finds it hides it and in his delight goes and sells all he possesses and buys that field. Again, the Realm of heaven is like a trader in search of fine pearls; when he finds a single pearl of high price, he is off to sell all he possesses and buy it.

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spiritual Treasures » Enrich the life » How secured

1 Timothy 6:19

amassing right good treasure for themselves in the world to come, in order to secure the life which is life indeed.

More verses: Matthew 6:20 Luke 12:23

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