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and there was so great a croud of people got about him, that he was oblig'd to go into a bark, where he sat, while the people all stood on the shore.
but your doctrine is this, if any man declares to his father or mother, that whatever he has to give for their relief is dedicated to the temple; he is not oblig'd to regard his father or his mother.
master, said they, by the law of Moses, in case a man die without children, his brother is oblig'd to marry his wife, in order to perpetuate his brother's name.
He began again to teach by the sea-side: but there was so great a crowd gathered about him, that he was oblig'd to go into a ship, where he sat down, and stay'd on board while the people stood on the shore.
but Jesus oblig'd them to withdraw; then grasping her hand, he said, my child, arise.
will he think himself oblig'd to that servant for doing what he was order'd? I believe not.
As they were conducting him to execution, they seiz'd upon one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming to town, and oblig'd him to carry the cross after Jesus,
however having oblig'd Jason and the rest to give security, they let them go.
I myself too once thought myself oblig'd strenuously to oppose the professors of Jesus the Nazarene, as I actually did at Jerusalem,
but the Jews opposing it, I was oblig'd to appeal to the emperor: not having however any design to accuse them.
You are, therefore, brethren oblig'd to oppose your sensual passions;
be thankful to God for every thing, for so christians are oblig'd to be.
We are oblig'd, my brethren, to render thanks to God continually upon your account, as it is but just; since your faith still improves, and your mutual love is always increasing.
As for you, my brethren, the favourites of the Lord, we are oblig'd to render perpetual thanks to God, for having chosen you from the beginning, in purifying you by his spirit, upon your believing the gospel.
who tasted the goodness of God's word and the powers of the world to come, and then fell away ??6 it is impossible to make them repent afresh, since they crucify the Son of God in their own persons and hold him up to obloquy.
partly by being held up yourselves to obloquy and anguish, partly by making common cause with those who fared in this way;
considering obloquy with the messiah to be richer wealth than all Egypt's treasures ??for he had an eye to the Reward.
Let us go to him outside the camp, then, bearing his obloquy