'Rest' in the Bible
May the Lord give you rest in the houses of your husbands. Then she gave them a kiss; and they were weeping bitterly.
But Ruth said, Give up requesting me to go away from you, or to go back without you: for where you go I will go; and where you take your rest I will take my rest; your people will be my people, and your God my God.
And she took it up and went into the town; and she let her mother-in-law see what she had got, and after taking enough for herself she gave her the rest.
But see to it, when he goes to rest, that you take note of the place where he is sleeping, and go in there, and, uncovering his feet, take your place by him; and he will say what you are to do.
Now when Boaz had taken meat and drink, and his heart was glad, he went to take his rest at the end of the mass of grain; then she came softly and, uncovering his feet, went to rest.
Take your rest here tonight; and in the morning, if he will do for you what it is right for a relation to do, very well, let him do so: but if he will not, then by the living Lord I myself will do so.
And she took her rest at his feet till the morning: and she got up before it was light enough for one to see another. And he said, Let it not come to anyone's knowledge that the woman came to the grain-floor.
Then she said, Do nothing now, my daughter, till you see what will come of this; for the man will take no rest till he has put this thing through.
Topical Concordance
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Search Results by Book
- Genesis (37)
- Exodus (15)
- Leviticus (24)
- Numbers (19)
- Deuteronomy (17)
- Joshua (21)
- Judges (18)
- Ruth (8)
- 1 Samuel (9)
- 2 Samuel (13)
- 1 Kings (37)
- 2 Kings (45)
- 1 Chronicles (16)
- 2 Chronicles (33)
- Ezra (8)
- Nehemiah (13)
- Esther (5)
- Job (13)
- Psalm (15)
- Proverbs (10)
- Ecclesiastes (5)
- Song of Songs (6)
- Isaiah (36)
- Jeremiah (31)
- Lamentations (4)
- Ezekiel (39)
- Daniel (6)
- Hosea (3)
- Amos (5)
- Micah (6)
- Nahum (1)
- Habakkuk (1)
- Zephaniah (5)
- Haggai (3)
- Zechariah (7)
Related Words
- Railing (1 instance )
- Rain (101 instances )
- Raindrops (1 instance )
- Rained (2 instances )
- Raining (7 instances )
- Rains (4 instances )
- Range (1 instance )
- Rapture (4 instances )
- Rate (6 instances )
- Rating (1 instance )
- Raven (6 instances )
- Ravens (5 instances )
- Rays (2 instances )
- Reader (5 instances )
- Readers (10 instances )
- Readily (10 instances )
- Reading (53 instances )
- Ready (365 instances )
- Reason (199 instances )
- Reasoning (11 instances )
- Reasonings (3 instances )
- Reasons (1 instance )
- Record (25 instances )
- Recorded (122 instances )
- Recorder (7 instances )
- Recorders (1 instance )
- Records (9 instances )
- Red (119 instances )
- Redder (1 instance )
- Reed (1 instance )
- Regret (13 instances )
- Regretted (1 instance )
- Regular (62 instances )
- Regularly (12 instances )
- Relation (72 instances )
- Relation's (2 instances )
- Relations (61 instances )
- Religion (20 instances )
- Rephan (1 instance )
- Representative (7 instances )
- Representatives (28 instances )
- Request (212 instances )
- Requested (4 instances )
- Requesting (48 instances )
- Requests (22 instances )
- Respect (92 instances )
- Respected (10 instances )
- Respecter (2 instances )
- Respecting (2 instances )
- Responsible (219 instances )
- Resting (67 instances )
- Resting-place (204 instances )
- Resting-places (26 instances )
- Revelation (40 instances )
- Revelations (2 instances )
- Reward (165 instances )
- Rewarded (17 instances )
- Rewarder (1 instance )
- Rewarding (3 instances )
- Rewards (19 instances )
- Right (730 instances )
- Righteousness (369 instances )
- Rightly (11 instances )
- Rights (12 instances )
- Ring (23 instances )
- Ringed (1 instance )
- Rings (40 instances )
- Rishathaim (2 instances )
- River (136 instances )
- Rivers (48 instances )
- Riverside (3 instances )
- Road (61 instances )
- Roads (21 instances )
- Roadside (1 instance )
- Robe (110 instances )
- Robed (3 instances )
- Robes (102 instances )
- Rock (142 instances )
- Rocks (30 instances )
- Rod (121 instances )
- Rodan (1 instance )
- Rods (62 instances )
- Roe (16 instances )
- Roe's (1 instance )
- Roes (10 instances )
- Roll (12 instances )
- Rolled (22 instances )
- Rolling (23 instances )
- Rolls (1 instance )
- Roof (29 instances )
- Roofed (3 instances )
- Roofing (1 instance )
- Roofs (3 instances )
- Room (104 instances )
- Rooms (62 instances )
- Root (38 instances )
- Rooted (6 instances )
- Rooting (2 instances )
- Roots (19 instances )
- Rose (2 instances )
- Rough (16 instances )
- Rougher (2 instances )
- Roughly (1 instance )
- Round (471 instances )
- Roundabout (1 instance )
- Rubbed (6 instances )
- Rubbing (6 instances )
- Rubies (2 instances )
- Ruby (2 instances )
- Rule (156 instances )
- Ruled (33 instances )
- Ruler (282 instances )
- Ruler's (6 instances )
- Rulers (239 instances )
- Rules (134 instances )
- Ruling (97 instances )
- Run (1 instance )
- Runner (2 instances )
- Runners (9 instances )
- Running (93 instances )
- Rush (6 instances )
- Rushing (46 instances )
Bible Theasaurus
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Quwm (Aramaic)