'Seed' in the Bible
“The sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell beside the road, and it was trampled under foot and the birds of the air ate it up.
Other seed fell on rocky soil, and as soon as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture.
Other seed fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up with it and choked it out.
Other seed fell into the good soil, and grew up, and produced a crop a hundred times as great.” As He said these things, He would call out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
The seed which fell among the thorns, these are the ones who have heard, and as they go on their way they are choked with worries and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to maturity.
But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance.
It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and threw into his own garden; and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.”
And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’; and it would obey you.
Related Words
- Sea (336 instances )
- Sea-shore (15 instances )
- Seacoast (5 instances )
- Seagull (2 instances )
- Seal (31 instances )
- Sealed (24 instances )
- Seals (7 instances )
- Seamless (1 instance )
- Seams (2 instances )
- Search (46 instances )
- Searched (21 instances )
- Searches (7 instances )
- Searching (3 instances )
- Searchings (1 instance )
- Seared (1 instance )
- Seas (28 instances )
- Season (18 instances )
- Seasoned (2 instances )
- Seasons (7 instances )
- Seat (37 instances )
- Seated (13 instances )
- Seating (2 instances )
- Seats (6 instances )
- Sebam (1 instance )
- Secluded (1 instance )
- Seclusion (1 instance )
- Second (184 instances )
- Secret (45 instances )
- Secretaries (2 instances )
- Secretary (2 instances )
- Secretly (24 instances )
- Secrets (6 instances )
- Sect (6 instances )
- Section (8 instances )
- Sections (2 instances )
- Sector (1 instance )
- Secu (1 instance )
- Secure (17 instances )
- Secured (2 instances )
- Securely (28 instances )
- Security (14 instances )
- Sedan (1 instance )
- Seduce (2 instances )
- Seduced (2 instances )
- Seduces (2 instances )
- Seductive (1 instance )
- Seeds (10 instances )
- Seedtime (1 instance )
- Seeing (49 instances )
- Seek (200 instances )
- Seeking (71 instances )
- Seeks (29 instances )
- Seem (8 instances )
- Seemed (15 instances )
- Seemliness (1 instance )
- Seemly (2 instances )
- Seems (22 instances )
- Seen (236 instances )
- Seer (20 instances )
- Seer's (1 instance )
- Seers (4 instances )
- Sees (50 instances )
- Seest (3 instances )
- Seething (1 instance )
- Seize (37 instances )
- Seized (53 instances )
- Seizes (8 instances )
- Seizing (1 instance )
- Seizure (1 instance )
- Select (8 instances )
- Selected (6 instances )
- Selection (1 instance )
- Selects (1 instance )
- Self (7 instances )
- Self-abasement (2 instances )
- Self-condemned (1 instance )
- Self-control (7 instances )
- Self-controlled (1 instance )
- Self-exaltation (1 instance )
- Self-indulgence (1 instance )
- Self-made (1 instance )
- Self-restraint (1 instance )
- Self-will (1 instance )
- Self-willed (2 instances )
- Selfish (4 instances )
- Selfishly (1 instance )
- Selfishness (1 instance )
- Sell (33 instances )
- Seller (4 instances )
- Selling (8 instances )
- Sells (10 instances )
- Selves (1 instance )
- Seminal (5 instances )
- Senate (1 instance )
- Send (231 instances )
- Sending (27 instances )
- Sends (18 instances )
- Senior (1 instance )
- Sense (15 instances )
- Senseless (5 instances )
- Senses (5 instances )
- Sensible (6 instances )
- Sensibly (1 instance )
- Sensual (4 instances )
- Sensuality (9 instances )
- Sensuously (2 instances )
- Sent (660 instances )
- Sentence (13 instances )
- Sentenced (1 instance )
- Sentries (1 instance )
- Separate (27 instances )
- Separated (30 instances )
- Separates (5 instances )
- Separation (9 instances )
- Sequence (1 instance )
- Serious (4 instances )
- Seriously (1 instance )
- Serpent (33 instances )
- Serpent's (2 instances )
- Serpents (12 instances )
- Servant (383 instances )
- Servant's (5 instances )
- Servant-girl (4 instances )
- Servant-girls (1 instance )
- Servants (403 instances )
- Serve (196 instances )
- Served (79 instances )
- Serves (8 instances )
- Service (123 instances )
- Services (4 instances )
- Serving (23 instances )
- Servitude (2 instances )
- Session (1 instance )
- Set (552 instances )
- Sets (30 instances )
- Setting (25 instances )
- Settings (12 instances )
- Settle (16 instances )
- Settled (38 instances )
- Settlement (1 instance )
- Settlements (3 instances )
- Settlers (1 instance )
- Settling (1 instance )
- Seven (317 instances )
- Seven-fold (4 instances )
- Sevens (2 instances )
- Seventeen (6 instances )
- Seventeenth (6 instances )
- Seventh (110 instances )
- Seventy (56 instances )
- Seventy-five (3 instances )
- Seventy-seven (2 instances )
- Seventy-seven-fold (1 instance )
- Seventy-six (1 instance )
- Seventy-two (1 instance )
- Sever (2 instances )
- Several (6 instances )
- Severe (30 instances )
- Severed (1 instance )
- Severely (9 instances )
- Severer (1 instance )
- Severity (6 instances )
- Sew (2 instances )
- Sewed (2 instances )
- Sews (1 instance )
- Sexual (2 instances )
Bible Theasaurus
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Quwm (Aramaic)