15 occurrences

'Brother' in the Bible

And at that time I instructed your judges, saying, '{hear out your fellow men}, and [then] judge fairly between a man and between his brother and between {his opponent who is a resident alien}.

Verse ConceptsCourtsJudgesMagistratesJudging RightlyForeigners Included In The Law

"If your brother, the son of your mother or your son or your daughter {or your wife whom you embrace} or {your intimate friend} in secrecy {says}, 'Let us go and let us serve other gods!' [gods] that you and your ancestors have not known,

Verse ConceptsSecrecyEnticersUnknown GodsDifferent GodsEncouraged To Serve Foreign godsShow No MercyMothers Love For Her ChildrenSiblingsMothers And SonsDeath Of A Motheratheism

And this [is] the manner of the remission of debt: every {creditor} shall remit his claim that he holds against his neighbor, and he shall not exact payment [from] his brother because there remission of debt has been proclaimed unto Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsDebtlent

[With respect to] the foreigner you may exact payment, but {you must remit} what shall be [owed] to you [with respect to] your brother.

Verse ConceptsForeignersLaws Restricting ForeignersDebt

If [there] is a poor [person] among you from [among] one of your brothers in one of your {towns} that Yahweh your God [is] giving to you, you shall not harden your heart, and you shall not shut your hand toward {your brother who is poor}.

Verse ConceptsAlms, Good DeedsHardness Of HeartOppression, Nature OfSympathyUnkindnessGiving, Advice OnDo Not Be StingyPeople Without MercyHelping The PoorHelping Those In Need

For the poor will not cease to be {among you} [in] the land; therefore I [am] commanding you, {saying}, 'You shall willingly open your hand to your brother, to your needy and to your poor [that are] in your land.'

Verse ConceptsLiberalityBad LeadershipCommands, in OTPoor PeopleBeggarsLendingPoverty, Remedies ForSuffering, HardshipGenerosity, Used TowardsThe poorHelping The PoorHelping Others In NeedFeeding The Poor

Then judges shall make a thorough inquiry, and [if] it turns out that the witness is a false witness [and] he testified falsely against his brother,

Verse ConceptsInvestigating

then you shall do to him as he meant to do to his brother, and so you shall purge the evil from your midst.

Verse ConceptsBanishmentSin, God's Judgment OnEquality Of Punishment

"You shall not abhor an Edomite, because he [is] your brother; you shall not abhor an Egyptian because you were an alien in his land.

Verse ConceptsOppression, Nature OfRevenge, And RetaliationAbhorOppressing ForeignersNot HatingTwin BrothersStrangers in israel

"{You shall not charge your brother interest on money}, interest on food, or interest on anything that one could lend on interest

Verse ConceptsBanksInterestLendingFamily Conflictlent

And then the firstborn that she bears {shall represent his dead brother}, so that his name is not blotted out from Israel.

Verse ConceptsNames Blotted OutSpilling Your Seed On The Ground

[then] his sister-in-law shall go near him before the eyes of the elders, and she shall pull off his sandal from his foot, and she shall spit in his face, and she shall {declare} and she shall say, 'This is how it is done to the man who does not build the house of his brother.'

Verse ConceptsFacesSpittingSaliva

"If a man and his brother fight each other and the wife of the one [man] comes near to rescue her husband from the hand of his attacker and she stretches [out] her hand and she seizes his genitals,

Verse ConceptsGraspingMale GenitalsFighting One AnotherStrugglesmanhood

The most refined and the very sensitive man among you {shall be mean with his brother} and {against his beloved wife} and against the rest of his children that he has left over,

Verse ConceptsBrothersEvil EyesPeople OpposedStingy Peopleempathytenderheartedness

You shall die on that mountain that you [are] about to go up there, and [you will] be gathered to your people, [just] as your brother Aaron died on {Mount Hor} and he was gathered to his people,

Verse ConceptsAfterlifeGathered To One's People

Bible Theasaurus

Brother (439 instances)
Comrade (14 instances)
Kinsman (27 instances)
Match (10 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 302

Usage: 6

Usage: 629

'ach (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 1

דּד דּוד 
Usage: 61

Usage: 3

Usage: 2

Usage: 5

ריע רע 
Usage: 187

Usage: 2

Usage: 2