13 occurrences in 13 translations

'Worship' in the Bible

“The king’s servants have also gone to congratulate our lord King David, saying, ‘May your God make the name of Solomon more well known than your name, and may He make his throne greater than your throne.’ Then the king bowed in worship on his bed.

Verse ConceptsBowingBowing Before GodThe Kingdom Of Solomon

So that they may give you worship all the days of their life in the land which you gave to our fathers.

But if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children, and will not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them:

Verse ConceptsDifferent GodsIf You Do Not Keep Commands

And their answer will be, Because they were turned away from the Lord their God, who took their fathers out of the land of Egypt; they took for themselves other gods and gave them worship and became their servants: that is why the Lord has sent all this evil on them.

Verse ConceptsDifferent GodsGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

Three times a year Solomon offered burnt offerings and peace offerings on the altar he had built for the Lord, burning incense along with them before the Lord. He made the temple his official worship place.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingCeremoniesAltar Of IncenseBuilding AltarsThree Times A YearMan's Work Finished

Because they are turned away from me to the worship of Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians, and Chemosh, the god of Moab, and Milcom, the god of the Ammonites; they have not been walking in my ways or doing what is right in my eyes or keeping my laws and my decisions as his father David did.

Verse ConceptsFalse GodsForsaking GodServing Asherah

And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan.

And he made places for worship at the high places, and made priests, who were not Levites, from among all the people.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesPriests, Institution In Ot Times

And more than this, there were those in the land who were used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods, doing the same disgusting crimes as the nations which the Lord had sent out before the children of Israel.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsHomosexualityProstitutionShrinesIdolatry, Wicked Practices OfMale Prostitutes

Those used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods he sent out of the country, and he took away all the images which his fathers had made.

Verse ConceptsBanishmentHomosexualityShrinesIdolatry, Wicked Practices OfMale ProstitutesAbandoning Idols

Then, as if following the sin of Jeroboam son of Nebat were a trivial matter, he married Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and then proceeded to serve Baal and worship him.

Verse ConceptsMarriage, Restrictions ConcerningPolygamyServanthood, And Worship Of GodImitating Wicked KingsUnimportant Thingsjezebel

And Elijah came near to all the people and said, How long will you go on balancing between two opinions? if the Lord is God, then give worship to him; but if Baal, give worship to him. And the people said not a word in answer.

Verse ConceptsChoicesdoubt, results ofdouble mindednessChallengesChoosingHesitationIndecisionOpinionsPublic OpinionSyncretismSkepticismDivided HeartsIndividuals Being SilentTwo Intangible ThingsThe Lord [Yahweh] Is Godfollowing

He put an end to the rest of those who were used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods, all those who were still in the land in the time of his father Asa.

Verse ConceptsHomosexualityExcommunicationMale Prostitutes

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Root Form
C@gid (Aramaic) 
Usage: 12

Usage: 288

Usage: 17

Usage: 171

Usage: 141

will worship
Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 39

Usage: 4

Usage: 19

Usage: 1

Usage: 49

Usage: 0

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 8

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

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