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But there arose a mist out of the ground and watered all the face of the earth.

And Adam gave names unto all manner cattle, and unto the fowls of the air, and unto all manner beasts of the field. But there was no help found unto Adam to bear him company.

but of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, said God, see that ye eat not, and see that ye touch it not: lest ye die."

but God doth know, that whensoever ye should eat of it, your eyes should be opened and ye should be as God and know both good and evil."

And the LORD God said, "Lo, Adam is become as it were one of us, in knowledge of good and evil. But now lest he stretch forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live ever -"

But and if thou dost evil, by and by thy sin lieth open in the door. Notwithstanding, let it be subdued unto thee, and see thou rule it."

And the LORD said unto him, "Not so, but whosoever slayeth Cain shall be punished sevenfold." And the LORD put a mark upon Cain that no man that found him should kill him.

But I will make mine covenant with thee, that both thou shalt come into the ark and thy sons, thy wife and thy sons' wives with thee.

And Shem and Japheth took a mantle, and put it on both their shoulders and went backward, and covered their father's secrets, but their faces were backward, so that they saw not their father's nakedness.

But God plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues, because of Sarai, Abram's wife.

Why saidest thou that she was thy sister, and causedest me to take her to my wife? But now, lo, there is thy wife: take her and be walking."

But the men of Sodom were wicked, and sinned exceedingly against the LORD.

And behold, the word of the LORD spake unto Abram saying, "He shall not be thine heir, but one that shall come out of thine own body shall be thine heir."

And he took all these and divided them in the midst, and laid every piece, one over against another. But the fowls divided he not.

But the nation whom they shall serve, will I judge. And afterward shall they come out with great substance.

Sarai, Abram's wife, bare him no children. But she had a handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.

Therefore shalt thou no more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham: for a father of many nations have I made thee,

And God said unto Abraham, "Sarai, thy wife, shall no more be called Sarai: but Sara shall her name be.

But my covenant will I make with Isaac, which Sara shall bear unto thee: even this time, twelve month."

Then Sara denied it, saying, "I laughed not." For she was afraid. But he said, "Yes, thou laughtest."

And the men departed thence and went to Sodomward. But Abraham stood yet before the LORD,

And Abraham answered and said, "Behold, I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD, and yet am but dust and ashes.

And he said, "O let not my LORD be angry, that I speak yet, but even once more only. What if ten be found there?" And he said, "I will not destroy them for ten's sake."

And he said, "See lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house; and tarry all night and wash your feet, and rise up early and go on your ways." And they said, "Nay, but we will bide in the streets all night."

But before they went to rest, the men of the city of Sodom compassed the house round about both old and young, all the people from all quarters.

And Lot went out and spake unto his sons-in-law, which should have married his daughters, and said, "Stand up and get you out of this place, for the LORD will destroy the city!" But he seemed as though he had mocked, unto his sons-in-law.

When they had brought them out, they said, "Save thy life and look not behind thee, neither tarry thou in any place of the country, but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou perish."

But yet when God destroyed the cities of the region, he thought upon Abraham: and sent Lot out from the danger of the overthrowing, when he overthrew the cities where Lot dwelled.

And God came to Abimelech by night in a dream and said to him, "See, thou art but a dead man for the woman's sake which thou hast taken away, for she is a man's wife."

But Abimelech had not yet come nigh her, and therefore said, "LORD, wilt thou slay righteous people?

Now, therefore, deliver the man his wife again, for he is a prophet. And let him pray for thee that thou mayest live. But and if thou deliver her not again, be sure that thou shalt die the death, with all that thou hast."

But the word seemed very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son.

Then the LORD said unto Abraham, "Let it not be grievous unto thee, because of the lad and of thy bondmaid: But in all that Sara hath said unto thee, hear her voice, for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.

Now therefore swear unto me even here by God, that thou wilt not hurt me nor my children, nor my children's children. But that thou shalt deal with me and the country where thou art a stranger, according unto the kindness that I have showed thee."

And Abimelech answered, "I wist not who did it: Also thou toldest me not, neither heard I of it, but this day."

Then spake Isaac unto Abraham his father and said, "My father?" And he answered, "Here am I, my son." And he said, "See, here is fire and wood, but where is the sheep for sacrifice?"

"Not so, my lord, but hear me: The field give I thee, and the cave that therein is, give I thee also. And even in the presence of the sons of my people give I it thee to bury thy dead in."

"My lord, hearken unto me. The land is worth four hundredth sicles of silver: But what is that betwixt thee and me? Bury thy dead."

But shalt go unto my country and to my kindred, and there take a wife unto my son Isaac."

Nevertheless, if the woman will not agree to come with thee then shalt thou be without danger of this oath. But above all things bring not my son thither again."

And the fellow wondered at her. But held his peace, to wete whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not.

and there was meat set before him to eat. But he said, "I will not eat, until I have said mine errand." And he said, "Say on."

But thou shalt go unto my father's house and to my kindred, and there take a wife unto my son.'

But and if, when thou comest unto my kindred, they will not give thee one; then shalt thou bear no peril of mine oath.'

And the servant took forth jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment, and gave them to Rebekah: But unto her brother and to her mother, he gave spices.

But her brother and her mother said, "Let the damsel abide with us a while, and it be but even ten days, and then go thy ways."

and the boys grew, and Esau became a cunning hunter and a tillman. But Jacob was a simple man and dwelled in the tents.

Then the LORD appeared unto him and said, "Go not down into Egypt, but bide in the land which I say unto thee:

that thou shouldest do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and have done unto thee nothing but good, and send thee away in peace: for thou art now the blessed of the LORD."

But Rebekah heard when Isaac spoke to Esau his son. And as soon as Esau was gone to the field to catch venison, and to bring it,

But Isaac said unto his son, "How cometh it that thou hast found it so quickly my son?" He answered, "The LORD thy God brought it to my hand."

Then went Jacob to Isaac his father, and he felt him and said the voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.

And Esau said unto his father, "Hast thou but that one blessing my father? Bless me also, my father!" So lifted up Esau his voice and wept.

And with thy sword shalt thou live and shalt be thy brother's servant; But the time will come, when thou shalt get the mastery, and loose his yoke from off thy neck."

but arise and get thee to Mesopotamia, to the house of Bethuel thy mother's father: and there take thee a wife of the daughters of Laban, thy mother's brother.

And he was afraid, and said, "How fearful is this place? It is none other, but even the house of God and the gate of heaven!"

When Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, she envied her sister and said unto Jacob, "Give me children, or else I am but dead."

And Lea answered, "Is it not enough, that thou hast taken away my husband, but wouldest take away my son's mandragoras also?" Then said Rachel, "Well, let him sleep with thee this night, for thy son's mandragoras."

But he said unto him, "Thou knowest what service I have done thee, and in what taking thy cattle have been under me:

For it was but little that thou hadst before I came, and now it is increased into a multitude, and the LORD hath blessed thee for my sake. But now when shall I make provision for mine own house also?"

But in the latter bucking time, he put them not there: so the last brood was Laban's and the first Jacob's.

for I am able to do you evil. But the God of your father spake unto me yesterday, saying, 'take heed that thou speak not to Jacob ought save good.'

But with whomsoever thou findest thy gods, let him die here before our brethren. Seek that thine is by me, and take it to thee." For Jacob wist not that Rachel had stolen them.

Then went Laban into Jacob's tent, and into Lea's tent, and into two maidens' tents: but found them not. Then went he out of Lea's tent, and entered into Rachel's tent.

And Rachel took the images, and put them in the camel's straw, and sat down upon them. And Laban searched all the tent: but found them not.

Then said she to her father, "My lord, be not angry that I cannot rise up before thee, for the disease of women is come upon me." So searched he, but found them not.

Whatsoever was torn of beasts I brought it not unto thee, but made it good myself: of my hand didst thou require it, whether it was stolen by day or night.

And except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the God whom Isaac feareth, had been with me: surely thou hadst sent me away now all empty. But God beheld my tribulation, and the labour of my hands, and rebuked thee yesterday."

And Laban called it Jegar Sahadutha, but Jacob called Gilead.

But Jacob went forth on his journey. And the angels of God came and met him.

And he said, "Thou shalt be called Jacob no more, but Israel. For thou hast wrestled with God and with men and hast prevailed."

Jacob answered, "O nay, but if I have found grace in thy sight, receive my present of my hand: for I have seen thy face as though I had seen the face of God: wherefore receive me to grace

And he said unto him, "My lord knoweth that I have tender children, ewes and cows with young, under mine hand, which if men should overdrive but even one day, the whole flock would die.

And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dina, his daughter, but his sons were with the cattle in the field: and therefore he held his peace, until they were come.

But and if ye will not hearken unto us to be circumcised, then will we take our daughter and go our ways."

and said unto him, "Thy name is Jacob. Notwithstanding thou shalt be no more called Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name." And so was his name called Israel.

And they departed from Bethel, and when he was but a field breadth from Ephrata, Rachel began to travail. And in travailing she was in peril.

And Reuben said moreover unto them, "Shed not his blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hands upon him." For he would have rid him out of their hands and delivered him to his father again.

and they took him and cast him into a pit. But the pit was empty and had no water therein.

Then came all his sons and all his daughters to comfort him. And he would not be comforted, but said, "I will go down into the grave unto my son, mourning." And thus his father wept for him.

But this Er, Judah's eldest son, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; wherefore the LORD slew him.

And Judah sent the kid by his neighbour of Adullam, for to fetch out his pledge again from the woman. But he found her not.

And Judah knew them, saying, "She is more righteous than I, because I gave her not to Shelah my son." But he lay with her no more.