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And Jesus, turning round, saw them coming after him and said to them, What are you looking for? They said to him, Rabbi (which is to say, Master), where are you living?

Early in the morning he came across his brother and said to him, We have made discovery! It is the Messiah! (which is to say, the Christ).

And he took him to Jesus. Looking at him fixedly Jesus said, You are Simon, the son of John; your name will be Cephas (which is to say, Peter).

After tasting the water which had now become wine, the master of the feast (having no idea where it came from, though it was clear to the servants who took the water out) sent for the newly-married man,

But his words were about that holy building which was his body.

So when he had come back again from the dead, the memory of these words came back to the disciples, and they had faith in the holy Writings and in the word which Jesus had said.

Now while he was in Jerusalem at the feast of the Passover, a great number of people came to have faith in his name, after seeing the signs which he did.

He came to Jesus by night and said to him, Rabbi, we are certain that you have come from God as a teacher, because no man would be able to do these signs which you do if God was not with him.

So he came to a town of Samaria which was named Sychar, near to the bit of land which Jacob gave to his son Joseph:

So when he came into Galilee, the Galilaeans took him to their hearts because of the things which they had seen him do in Jerusalem at the feast--they themselves having been there at the feast.

And Jesus said, Go in peace; your son is living. The man had faith in the word which Jesus said to him and went away.

It was clear then to the father that this was the very time at which Jesus said to him, Your son is living. And he had faith in Jesus, he and all his family.

Now this is the second sign which Jesus did after he had come out of Judaea into Galilee.

Now in Jerusalem near the sheep-market there is a public bath which in Hebrew is named Beth-zatha. It has five doorways.

For the Father has love for the Son and lets him see everything which he does: and he will let him see greater works than these so that you may be full of wonder.

But the witness which I have is greater than that of John: the work which the Father has given me to do, the very work which I am now doing, is a witness that the Father has sent me.

How is it possible for you to have faith while you take honour one from another and have no desire for the honour which comes from the only God?

And when they had had enough, Jesus said to his disciples, Take up the broken bits which are over, so that nothing may be wasted.

So they took them up: twelve baskets full of broken bits of the five cakes which were over after the people had had enough.

And when the people saw the sign which he had done, they said, Truly, this is the prophet who is to come into the world.

The sea was getting rough because of a strong wind which was blowing.

Then they readily took him into the boat: and straight away the boat was at the land to which they were going.

Now the Jews said bitter things about Jesus because of his words, I am the bread which came down from heaven.

The bread which comes from heaven is such bread that a man may take it for food and never see death.

I am the living bread which has come from heaven: if any man takes this bread for food he will have life for ever: and more than this, the bread which I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world.

This is the bread which has come down from heaven. It is not like the food which your fathers had: they took of the manna, and are dead; but he who takes this bread for food will have life for ever.

So his brothers said to him, Go away from here into Judaea so that your disciples may see the works which you do.

This he said of the Spirit which would be given to those who had faith in him: the Spirit had not been given then, because the glory of Jesus was still to come.

I say the things which I have seen in my Father's house: and you do the things which come to you from your father's house.

Now the day on which the earth was mixed by Jesus and the man's eyes were made open was the Sabbath.

Jesus said in answer, I have said it and you have no belief: the works which I do in my Father's name, these give witness about me.

That which my Father has given to me has more value than all; and no one is able to take anything out of the Father's hand.

Jesus said to them in answer, I have let you see a number of good works from the Father; for which of those works are you stoning me?

Then a number of the Jews who had come to Mary and had seen the things which Jesus did had belief in him.

And I have knowledge that his order is eternal life: so that the things which I say, I say them even as the Father says them to me.

Then he put water into a basin and was washing the feet of the disciples and drying them with the cloth which was round him.

Truly I say to you, He who puts his faith in me will do the very works which I do, and he will do greater things than these, because I am going to my Father.

He who has no love for me does not keep my words; and the word which you are hearing is not my word but the Father's who sent me.

If I had not done among them the works which no other man ever did, they would have had no sin: but now they have seen, and they have had hate in their hearts for me and my Father.

Because I have given them the words which you gave to me; and they have taken them to heart, and have certain knowledge that I came from you, and they have faith that you sent me.

And I have given to them knowledge of your name, and will give it, so that the love which you have for me may be in them and I in them.

When Jesus had said these words he went out with his disciples over the stream Kedron to a garden, into which he went with his disciples.

Then Jesus, having knowledge of everything which was coming on him, went forward and said to them, Who are you looking for?

Jesus made answer, I said things openly to the world at all times; I have given my teaching in the Synagogues and in the Temple to which all the Jews come; and I have said nothing secretly.

And he went out with his cross on him to the place which is named Dead Man's Head (in Hebrew, Golgotha):

So they said among themselves, Let this not be cut up, but let us put it to the decision of chance and see who gets it. (They did this so that the Writings might come true, which say, They made a distribution of my clothing among them, and my coat they put to the decision of chance.) This was what the men of the army did.

Now there was a garden near the cross, and in the garden a new place for the dead in which no man had ever been put.

And the cloth, which had been round his head, not with the linen bands but rolled up in a place by itself.

Jesus said to her, Mary! Turning, she said to him in Hebrew, Rabboni! (which is to say, Master).

Jesus said to them, Get some of the fish which you have now taken.