Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

So Naomi came back out of the country of Moab. Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, came with her. They came to Bethlehem in the first days of the barley harvest.

When you reap your harvest in your field and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow, in order that Jehovah your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

It is the dry season and the wheat harvest. I will pray and Jehovah will send thunder and rain. When this happens, you will realize that you committed a great sin against Jehovah when you asked him for a king.

He turned them over to the Gibeonites. They hanged all seven of them on the mountain near the place where Jehovah was worshiped. This happened right at the beginning of the barley harvest.

Like snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honor does not become a fool.

No blacksmith could be found in all of Israel. In this way the Philistines kept the Hebrews from making swords and spears. Everyone in Israel had to go to the Philistines to sharpen the blade of his plow, his mattock, ax, or sickle. The charge for sharpening plowshares and for the mattocks, and for the mattocks, and for the three-pronged forks, and for the axes was a pim.

Does the plowman keep plowing all day in order to sow seed? Does he keep turning his soil and breaking the clods? When he has leveled its surface, does he not sow the black cummin and scatter the cummin, plant the wheat in rows, the barley in the appointed place, and the spelt in its place? He instructs him in right judgment and his God teaches him. read more.
The black cummin is not threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is a cartwheel rolled over the cummin. But the black cummin is beaten out with a stick, and the cummin with a rod. Bread flour must be ground. Therefore he does not thresh it forever, break it with his cartwheel, or crush it with his horsemen.

He told them many illustrations. He said: A farmer went out to sow. Some seeds fell by the roadside, and the birds devoured them. Others fell on rocky places and did not have much soil. read more.
When they grew, the sun scorched them, and because they had no root they withered and died. Others fell upon the thorns. The thorns grew up and choked them. Some fell on good ground and yielded fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.

Noah built an altar to Jehovah and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. Jehovah smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: Never again will I curse the ground because of man, for the intent of his heart is evil from childhood. I will never again destroy every living creature, as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.

God blessed Noah and his sons. He said: Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. All the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air will be filled with fear and dread of you. Every creature that moves along the ground and all the fish of the sea are placed under your control. Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. read more.
You must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. I will require your lifeblood as an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. I will demand an accounting from each man for the life of his fellow man. Whoever sheds the blood of man will have his blood shed by man. For man was made in the image of God. You should be fruitful and increase in number. Multiply (increase) on the earth. Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you, the birds, the livestock, and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you, every living creature on earth. I establish my covenant with you: Never again will the waters of a flood destroy all life. Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. God said: This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I give you my rainbow in the clouds. It will be the sign of my covenant with the world of mankind. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant with you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the long lasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. God said: This is the sign of the covenant I have established with all life on the earth.

He confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant.

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says Jehovah. I have compassion on you.

For I, Jehovah, love justice. I hate robbery in the burnt offering. Therefore I will faithfully give them their recompense and make an everlasting covenant with them.

If you break my covenant of the day and my covenant of the night, so that day and night will not be at their appointed time,

Jehovah smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: Never again will I curse the ground because of man, for the intent of his heart is evil from childhood. I will never again destroy every living creature, as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.

Two sons were born to Eber. One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided. His brother was named Joktan.

Earth shook and shivered! The columns supporting the sky rocked back and forth. You were angry.

May God give you of the dew of heaven, the fatness of the earth, and an abundance of grain and new wine.

I will send you rain at the proper time. Then the land will produce crops and the trees will bear fruit. Your crops will be so plentiful that you will still be harvesting grain when it is time to pick grapes. You will still be picking grapes when it is time to plant grain. You will have all you want to eat and you will live in safety in your land.

Jehovah will give you rain for the seed that you plant in the ground, and the food that the ground provides will be rich and nourishing. When that day comes, your cattle will graze in large pastures.

So Naomi came back out of the country of Moab. Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, came with her. They came to Bethlehem in the first days of the barley harvest.

When you reap your harvest in your field and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow, in order that Jehovah your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

It is the dry season and the wheat harvest. I will pray and Jehovah will send thunder and rain. When this happens, you will realize that you committed a great sin against Jehovah when you asked him for a king.

He turned them over to the Gibeonites. They hanged all seven of them on the mountain near the place where Jehovah was worshiped. This happened right at the beginning of the barley harvest.

Like snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honor does not become a fool.

They do not say in their hearts, to themselves: 'We should respect Jehovah our God. He sends rain at the right time, the autumn rain and the spring rain. He makes sure that we have harvest seasons.'

Be glad you children of Zion, and rejoice in Jehovah your God! For he gives you the early rain in just measure, and he causes it to rain, the early rain and the latter rain, in the first month. The threshing floors will be full of wheat, and the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.

Jehovah appeared again to Abraham by the oak grove of Mamre. He was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day.

When you see a south wind blowing, you say there will be scorching heat and there is.

The sun rises with scorching heat and withers the grass. The flower falls off and its beauty perishes. So also the rich man will fade away in his pursuits.

If you break my covenant of the day and my covenant of the night, so that day and night will not be at their appointed time,

I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you, the birds, the livestock, and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you, every living creature on earth. I establish my covenant with you: Never again will the waters of a flood destroy all life. Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. read more.
God said: This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I give you my rainbow in the clouds. It will be the sign of my covenant with the world of mankind. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant with you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the long lasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. God said: This is the sign of the covenant I have established with all life on the earth.

You established the earth upon its foundations, so that it will not be unstable forever. You covered it with the deep like a garment. The waters stood above the mountains. They fled at your rebuke. At the sound of your thunder they hurried away. read more.
The mountains rose and the valleys sank down to the place you appointed for them. You set a boundary that they may not go beyond. They will not return to cover the earth.

He has described a circle on the face of the waters, at the boundary between light and darkness.

Jehovah smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: Never again will I curse the ground because of man, for the intent of his heart is evil from childhood. I will never again destroy every living creature, as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.