Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

You see God does not trust his own servants. He accuses his angels of making mistakes.

Angels who did not keep their position left their proper habitation. He has kept them in everlasting bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day.

You see God does not trust his own servants. He accuses his angels of making mistakes.

Angels who did not keep their position left their proper habitation. He has kept them in everlasting bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day.

Eliphaz of Teman continued: I was told something secretly and heard something whispered in my ear. I am with disturbing thoughts from visions in the night, when deep sleep falls on people. Fear and trembling came over me, and all my bones shook. read more.
A spirit passed in front of me. It made my hair stand on end. Something stood there. I could not tell what it was. A vague image was in front of my eyes. I heard a soft voice say: Can any mortal be righteous to God? Can any human being be pure to his maker? You see God does not trust his own servants. He accuses his angels of making mistakes. How much more will he accuse those who live in clay houses that have their foundation in the dust? Those houses can be crushed quicker than a moth! From morning to evening, they are shattered. They will disappear forever without anyone noticing. Have the ropes of their tent been loosened? Will they die without wisdom?

When I look at your heavens, the creation of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have set in place, what is man that you remember him or the son of man that you take care of him?

You see God does not trust his own servants. He accuses his angels of making mistakes. How much more will he accuse those who live in clay houses that have their foundation in the dust? Those houses can be crushed quicker than a moth!

Can a mortal man be of use to God? Can even the wisest be of service to him? Is it any pleasure to the Almighty if you are righteous? Is it profitable to him if you make your ways blameless? Is it for your reverence that he reproves you, and enters into judgment with you? read more.
Is not your wickedness great? There is no end to your iniquities.

How then can a man be righteous before God? How can one born of woman be pure? If even the moon is not bright and the stars are not pure in his eyes, How much less man, who is but a maggot and a worm!

Do you think this to be just? You say: 'I am in the right before God.' If you ask: 'What advantage do I have? How am I better off than if I had sinned?' I will answer you and your friends with you. read more.
Look at the heavens, observe the clouds and see. They are higher than you. If you have sinned, what do you accomplish against him? If your transgressions are multiplied, what do you do to him? If you are righteous, what do you give to him? What does he receive from your hand? Your wickedness affects others like you, and your righteousness, other human beings.

Have you ever commanded the morning, or shown the dawn its place? It might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it?

Jehovah, what is man, that you notice him or the son of man, that you regard him! Man is like a mere breath. His days are like a passing shadow.

You made him a little lower than god-like ones (God) (Son of God) (angels). You crowned him with glory and honor. (John 1:18)

You made him a little lower than the angels for a little while. (Greek: brachus, short time) (Psalm 8:4, 5) You crowned him with glory and honor, and set him over the works of your hands. You put all things in subjection under his feet. You subjected all things to him and left nothing that is not subject to him. Now we do not see yet all things in subjection to him.

You see God does not trust his own servants. He accuses his angels of making mistakes. How much more will he accuse those who live in clay houses that have their foundation in the dust? Those houses can be crushed quicker than a moth! From morning to evening, they are shattered. They will disappear forever without anyone noticing. read more.
Have the ropes of their tent been loosened? Will they die without wisdom?