John 7:6-24 - Jesus At The Feast Of Tabernacles
6 So, Jesus said to them, "My time has not yet come [i.e., to be revealed to the world as its Savior], but it is always your time [i.e., they could go to the festival anytime without rousing opposition]. 7 The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about its deeds, that they are evil. 8 You men go [on] up to the festival, but I am not going up yet [Note: Although "yet" appears in only a few manuscripts, it seems to be the proper idea here], because my time has not yet come. [See verse 6]. 9 Then after saying these things, Jesus remained in Galilee [i.e., for awhile longer. See next verse].
10 But after His [half-] brothers had gone up to the Festival, Jesus also went up, but secretly instead of openly. 11 So, the Jews [i.e., their authorities] began searching for Him at the Festival, and were saying, "Where is he?" 12 And there was much whispering about Him among the crowds. Some were saying, "He is a good man," [but] others said, "No [he is not], he is [just] deceiving the crowd." 13 However, no one said anything about Him openly for fear of the Jews.
14 But when the Festival was about half over, Jesus went up into the Temple and began teaching. 15 Now the Jewish authorities were amazed, saying, "How can this man know so much, since he has never been educated?"
16 So, Jesus answered them, "What I am teaching is not mine, but [it belongs] to Him who sent me [i.e., to God]. 17 If anyone [really] desires to do what God wants, he will know whether my teaching comes from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority [only]. 18 The person who speaks on his own authority is [just] trying to gain honor for himself. But the One who tries to gain honor from God, who sent Him, is [committed to] truth, and there is nothing false in His heart. 19 Did not Moses give you the law, and yet not one of you is obeying it? Why are you trying to kill me?"
20 [Someone from] the crowd answered, "You have an evil spirit [in you]; who is trying to kill you?"
21 Jesus answered them, "I performed one [miraculous] deed and you were all amazed by it [i.e., the healing of the crippled man on the Sabbath day. See 5:1-9]. 22 [Now] Moses gave you [the ordinance of] circumcision and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath day. (Although it was [first] required by [your] forefathers, and not Moses). 23 If a person is circumcised on a Sabbath day so that the law of Moses can be observed [properly, then why] are you upset with me for restoring a person to complete health on a Sabbath day? 24 Do not make judgments based [merely] on how things look, but make judgments on how they really are."