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And the nakedness of the skins of the shegoats, she put upon his hands and upon the smoothness of his neck.

And by thy sword shalt thou live and shalt serve thy brother: and it shall be when thou shalt wander about and thou shalt break his yoke from thy neck.

And Esau will run to his meeting and he will embrace him and will fall upon his neck and will kiss him, and they will weep.

And Pharaoh will remove his signet ring from his hand, and will give it upon Joseph's hand; and will put upon him a white garment, and will put a gold collar about his neck.

And he will fall upon his brother Benjamin's neck, and will weep; and and Benjamin wept upon his neck

And Joseph will harness his chariot, and will go up to meet Israel his father, to Goshen; and he will be seen to him: and he will fall upon his neck, and will yet weep upon his neck