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But when they had given them orders to go out of the Sanhedrin, they had a discussion among themselves,

And hearing this, they went into the Temple at dawn, and were teaching. But the high priest and those who were with him got together the Sanhedrin and the representatives of the children of Israel, and sent to the prison to get them.

And they took them into the Sanhedrin, and the high priest said to them,

But one of the Sanhedrin, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a man of learning in the law, of whom all the people had a high opinion, got up and made a suggestion for the men to be put outside for a little time.

And the people, with the rulers and the scribes, were moved against him, and they came and took him before the Sanhedrin,

And all those who were in the Sanhedrin, looking at him, saw that his face was like the face of an angel.

But on the day after, desiring to have certain knowledge of what the Jews had to say against him, he made him free, and gave orders for the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin to come together, and he took Paul and put him before them.

And Paul, looking fixedly at the Sanhedrin, said, My brothers, my life has been upright before God till this day.

But when Paul saw that half of them were Sadducees and the rest Pharisees, he said in the Sanhedrin, Brothers, I am a Pharisee, and the son of Pharisees: I am here to be judged on the question of the hope of the coming back from the dead.

So now, will you and the Sanhedrin make a request to the military authorities to have him sent down to you, as if you were desiring to go into the business in greater detail; and we, before ever he gets to you, will be waiting to put him to death.

And he said, The Jews are in agreement together to make a request to you for Paul to be taken, on the day after this, into the Sanhedrin, to be questioned in greater detail.

And, desiring to get at the reason for their attack on him, I took him down to their Sanhedrin:

Or let these men here present say what wrongdoing was seen in me when I was before the Sanhedrin,