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But God made selection of the foolish things of this world so that he might put the wise to shame; and the feeble things that he might put to shame the strong;

I say this to put you to shame. Is there not among you one wise man who may be able to give a decision between his brothers?

Every man who takes part in prayer, or gives teaching as a prophet, with his head covered, puts shame on his head.

But every woman who does so with her head unveiled, puts shame on her head: for it is the same as if her hair was cut off.

For if a woman is not veiled, let her hair be cut off; but if it is a shame to a woman to have her hair cut off, let her be veiled.

Does it not seem natural to you that if a man has long hair, it is a cause of shame to him?

What? have you not houses to take your meals in? or have you no respect for the church of God, putting the poor to shame? What am I to say to you? am I to give you praise? certainly not.

And to those parts of the body which seem to have less honour we give all the more honour; and to those parts of the body which are a cause of shame to us we give the greater respect;

And if they have a desire for knowledge about anything, let them put questions to their husbands privately: for talking in the church puts shame on a woman.

Be awake to righteousness and keep yourselves from sin; for some have no knowledge of God: I say this to put you to shame.

It is planted in shame; it comes again in glory: feeble when it is planted, it comes again in power: