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Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac begat Jacob; Jacob begat Judah and his brethren;

Judah begat Perez and Zerah of Tamar; Perez begat Hezron; Hezron begat Ram;

'And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Jewry, art not the least concerning the Princes of Judah: For out of thee shall come the captain, that shall govern my people Israel.'"

which was the son of Maath: which was the son of Mattathias: which was the son of Semein: which was the son of Joseph: which was the son of Judah:

which was the son of Simeon: which was the son of Judah: which was the son of Joseph: which was the son of Jonam: which was the son of Eliakim:

Nahshon: which was the son of Amminadab: which was the son of Arni: which was the son of Hezron: which was the son of Perez: which was the son of Judah:

For it is evident that our Lord sprung of the tribe of Judah, of which tribe spake Moses nothing concerning priesthood.

For in rebuking them he saith, "Behold the days will come, saith the Lord, and I will finish upon the house of Israel, and upon the house of Judah, a new testament;

that is to say, to God our saviour which only is wise; be glory, majesty, dominion, and power, now and forever. Amen. {Here ends the General Epistle of Jude}

And one of the elders said unto me, "Weep not. Behold, a lion being of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath obtained to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof."

Of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Ruben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand.