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Now there is in Jerusalem, by the sheep-gate, a pool, which is called, in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches.

Pilate, therefore, having heard these words, led Jesus without, and sat down on the judgment-seat at a place called the "Pavement," but, in Hebrew, "Gabbatha."

They took Jesus, therefore; and, bearing the cross for Himself, He went forth into the place called "Place of a Skull," which, in Hebrew, is called "Golgotha;"

This title, therefore, many of the Jews read; because the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, in Greek.

Jesus saith to her, "Mary!" Turning, she says to Him, in Hebrew, "Rabboni!" (which is to say, Teacher).

And, when he gave him permission, Paul, standing on the stairs, beckoned with his hand to the people; and, when there was great silence, he spake to them in the Hebrew language, saying:

And, hearing that he was speaking to them in the Hebrew language, they kept more quiet;

And, we all having fallen to the earth, I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew language, 'Saul! Saul! why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.'

Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they Abraham's seed? so am I.

circumcised the eighth day, of the race of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee;

And they gathered them into the place which is called in Hebrew Harmagedon.