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" 'You will mark out your eastern boundary from Hazar Enan to Shepham;

Sihon king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon, and ruled from Aroer, which [is] on the edge of the wadi of Arnon, [from] the middle of the valley and half of Gilead, up to the {Jabbok River}, [which marks] the border of the {Ammonites};

And you put my feet in the block, and you watch all my paths; you carve [a mark] on the soles of my feet.

And Yahweh said to him, "Go through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and you must place a mark on the foreheads of the men {who are groaning and lamenting} about all of the detestable things {that are being done} in the midst of her."

You must kill {totally} old man, young man and young woman, and little children and women, but {concerning} every man {with the mark on him} you must not approach; and from my sanctuary you must begin." And they began with the old men who {were before} the house.

"And you, son of man, mark [out] for yourself two roads for the coming of the sword of the king of Babylon; they must {both} go out from the same land. And hew [out] a {signpost}; hew [it] at [the] head of [the] road of [the] city.

You must mark a road for [the] coming of [the] sword [to] Rabbah of the {Ammonites} and [to] Judah, in Jerusalem [the] fortified.