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Likewise, the inanimate things which produce a sound, whether flute or lyre, if they do not produce a distinction in the tones, how will it be known what is played on the flute or on the lyre?

Verse ConceptsFlutesHarpsIgnorant Of FactsBeing Differentinstruments

[We are] giving no one an occasion for taking offense in anything, in order that our ministry will not have fault found [with it],

Verse ConceptsBlamelessness, In Christian LivingOffenceDo Not HinderMinistrynegativity

[We are] trying to avoid this, lest anyone should find fault with us in this abundant gift that is being administered by us.

Verse ConceptsMoney Managementcriticismaccounting

For in finding fault with them he says, "Behold, days are coming, says the Lord, when I will complete a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah,

Verse ConceptsCovenant, the newBlameRebukeBlemished People

with respect to which they are surprised [when] you do not run with [them] into the same flood of dissipation, [and so they] revile [you].

Verse ConceptsAbuse, To God's PeopleInsultsSuffering, Of BelieversNot SharingPartyingAbusebehaviorpetersurprises

And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared there by God, so that they could feed her there [for one] thousand two hundred sixty days.

Verse ConceptsThe Final Days Of TimeFeedingThree And A Half YearsA Place PreparedTaking Care Of The Earthempowermentmistress

And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute players and trumpeters will never be heard in you again! And every craftsman of every trade will never be found in you again! And the sound of a mill will never be heard in you again!

Verse ConceptsBabylonFlutesHarpsMillstonesGrinding FoodNo MusicInstrumentalistsartistscraftsmanship

And I saw a great white throne and the one who was seated on it, {from whose presence} earth and heaven fled, and a place was not found for them.

Verse ConceptsColors, WhiteGod, Sovereignty OfEarth, Destruction OfSkyTheophanyWhiteHeaven, God's ThroneThe Universe DestroyedFleeing From GodNo RoomAutomobiles