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upon which the steward said in himself, what shall I do, now my master strips me of my employment? dig I cannot: and 'tis shameful to beg: I see it now,

Jesus answered, if I honour'd my self, my honour would be vain: it is my father that honoureth me, of whom ye say, that he is your God.

or let these now declare, if they could convict me of any misdemeanor, when I was brought before the Sanhedrim:

pass thro' Macedonia) and perhaps I shall make some stay, if not pass the winter with you, that you may forward me on my journey, wherever I go.

if he that is come to you, preaches another Jesus whom I have not preached, or if ye receive other gifts of the spirit, than what ye have received from me, or another gospel, than what you have accepted, you might well bear with his pretensions:

I solemnly protest, no man shall hinder me of this applause, in the regions of Achaia.

whether it be an advantage to me or not still to lead this mortal life, what to chuse I cannot tell.

For I was greatly pleased when the brethren came and assured me of your fidelity and religious conduct.