Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Christian conduct » Walking » Honestly
So that your conduct may win respect from those outside the Church, and that you may not want for anything.
Verse Concepts
Evil » Appearance of, to be avoided
But, if any one should say to you 'This has been offered in sacrifice to an idol,' then, for the sake of the speaker and his scruples, do not eat it. I do not say 'your' scruples, but 'his.' For why should the freedom that I claim be condemned by the scruples of another? If, for my part, I take the food thankfully, why should I be abused for eating that for which I give thanks? read more.
Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do everything to the honor of God. Do not cause offence either to Jews or Greeks or to the Church of God; For I, also, try to please everybody in everything, not seeking my own advantage, but that of men in general, that they may be saved.
Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do everything to the honor of God. Do not cause offence either to Jews or Greeks or to the Church of God; For I, also, try to please everybody in everything, not seeking my own advantage, but that of men in general, that they may be saved.
Shun every form of evil.
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Still, it is not every one that has this knowledge. Some people, because of their association with idols, continued down to the present time, eat the food as food offered to an idol; and their consciences, while still weak, are dulled. What we eat, however, will not bring us nearer to God. We lose nothing by not eating this food, and we gain nothing by eating it. But take care that this right of yours does not become in any way a stumbling-block to the weak. read more.
For if some one should see you who possess this knowledge, feasting in an idol's temple, will not his conscience, if he is a weak man, become so hardened that he, too, will eat food offered to idols? And so, through this knowledge of yours, the weak man is ruined-your Brother for whose sake Christ died! In this way, by sinning against your Brothers and injuring their consciences, while still weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if what I eat makes my Brother fall, rather than make my Brother fall, I will never eat meat again.
For if some one should see you who possess this knowledge, feasting in an idol's temple, will not his conscience, if he is a weak man, become so hardened that he, too, will eat food offered to idols? And so, through this knowledge of yours, the weak man is ruined-your Brother for whose sake Christ died! In this way, by sinning against your Brothers and injuring their consciences, while still weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if what I eat makes my Brother fall, rather than make my Brother fall, I will never eat meat again.
Make it your ambition to live quietly, and to attend to your own business, and to work with your hands, as we directed you; So that your conduct may win respect from those outside the Church, and that you may not want for anything.
Jesus Christ » Names of » Lord jesus
And they stoned Stephen, while he cried to the Lord: "Lord Jesus! receive my spirit!"
Verse Concepts
So that your conduct may win respect from those outside the Church, and that you may not want for anything.
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And, whatever you say or do, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus; and through him offer thanksgiving to God the father.
Verse Concepts
Labor » Laboring
Make it your ambition to live quietly, and to attend to your own business, and to work with your hands, as we directed you; So that your conduct may win respect from those outside the Church, and that you may not want for anything.
Let the man who steals steal no longer, but rather let him toil with his hands at honest work, so that he may have something to share with any one in want.
Verse Concepts
Life » Christ » Consistent life
He should also be well spoken of by outsiders, that he may not incur censure and so fall into the snares of the Devil.
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Under all circumstances let your lives be worthy of the Good News of the Christ: so that, whether I come and see you, or whether I hear of your affairs at a distance, I may know that you are standing firm, animated by one spirit, and joining with one heart in a common struggle for the Faith taught by the Good News,
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Who among you claims to be wise and intelligent? Let him show that his actions are the outcome of a good life lived in the humility of true wisdom.
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Now, since all these things are in the process of dissolution, think what you yourselves ought to be--what holy and pious lives you ought to lead,
Verse Concepts
So that your conduct may win respect from those outside the Church, and that you may not want for anything.
Verse Concepts