46 Bible Verses about Respecting Your Body
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You know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God, don't you? You do not belong to yourselves,
because you were bought for a price. Therefore, glorify God with your bodies.
Now I want you to realize that the Messiah is the head of every man, and man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of the Messiah.
You know that the person who unites himself with a prostitute becomes one body with her, don't you? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh."
Each of you must know how to control his own body in a holy and honorable manner,
"You are not to make incisions in your flesh on account of the dead nor submit to cuts or tattoos. I am the LORD.
and the parts of the body that we think are less honorable are treated with special honor, and we make our less attractive parts more attractive.
But do this gently and respectfully, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak evil of your good conduct in the Messiah will be ashamed of slandering you.
so that you may win the respect of outsiders, and have need of nothing.
Therefore, let no one judge you in matters of food and drink or with respect to a festival, a New Moon, or Sabbath days.
Honor everyone. Keep on loving the community of believers, fearing God, and honoring the king.
You know that you are God's sanctuary and that God's Spirit lives in you, don't you?
But if the Messiah is in you, your bodies are dead due to sin, but the spirit is alive due to righteousness.
Be devoted to each other with mutual affection. Excel at showing respect for each other.
But each individual man among you must love his wife as he loves himself; and may the wife fear her husband.
Since we have these promises, dear friends, let's cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit by becoming mature in our holy fear of God.
it will be a nation whose language you don't understand, whose stern appearance neither shows regard nor extends grace to anyone whether old or young.
These things have the appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion, humility, and harsh treatment of the body, but they have no value against self-indulgence.
Consequently, brothers, we are not with respect to human nature, that is under an obligation to live according to human nature.
For there are three witnesses in heaven the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.
In the same way, husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself.
But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and will be convicted by the Law as violators.
Do not be wise in your own opinion. Fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
Physical exercise is of limited value, but Godliness is very dear, a pledge of life, both there and here.
A man should not cover his head, because he exists as God's image and glory. But the woman is man's glory.
Husbands, love your wives as the Messiah loved the church and gave himself for it,
Instead, by speaking the truth in love, we will grow up completely and become one with the head, that is, one with the Messiah,
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear, trembling, and sincerity, as when you obey the Messiah.
For the person who does what is wrong will be paid back for what he has done without favoritism.
because you know that everyone will receive a reward from the Lord for whatever good he has done, whether he is a slave or free.
"The LORD will show his abundant goodness with respect to your children, the offspring of your animals, and the produce of your farmland that he promised your ancestors he would give you.
Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks from the cup in an unworthy manner will be held responsible for the Lord's body and blood.
so that you might live in a manner worthy of the Lord and be fully pleasing to him as you bear fruit while doing all kinds of good things and growing in the full knowledge of God.
The second is this: "You must love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these."
Did he not make them one? And the vestige of the spirit remains in him. And why did he make them one? He was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and don't be unfaithful to the wife of your youth.
Therefore humanity fears him, which none of the wise can quite comprehend."
What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
while Abel brought the best parts of some of the firstborn from his flock. The LORD looked favorably upon Abel and his offering,
"I'll look after you, ensuring that you'll be fruitful. I'll increase your number and keep my covenant with you.
Therefore, whatever you want people to do for you, do the same for them, because this summarizes the Law and the Prophets."
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