Thematic Bible: As saints they
Thematic Bible
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Should have their treasure in heaven
Lay not up for your selves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.
Verse Concepts
If then you are risen with Christ, seek the things, that are above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God. let the things above, and not such worldly matters be the object of your thoughts.
sell your possessions and give alms. lay up for yourselves a stock not subject to decay, a treasure in the heavens that will never fail, where no thief can approach, nor moth can spoil.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Long for their pilgrimage to end
For I know, that if my body, which is but a tent for my sojourning upon earth, were dissolved, I have what is not fram'd by human art, but by the divine architect, a mansion eternal in the heavens. while I am thus incas'd, I groan with desire to have that celestial vehicle superinduc'd: tho' should I be divested of this body, I shall not even then be destitute of one. read more.
we that are in this tabernacle do groan under the burden of it: not that we desire to be divested of it, but we desire to have our celestial body, that this mortal state may vanish into immortality. now he that hath prepared us for this very state, is God, who hath given us the spirit as a pledge of it. therefore being always certainly assur'd that whilst I sojourn in this body, I am absent from the Lord, (for I regulate my conduct by my future expectations, not by visible enjoyments: ) in this assurance, I say, I think it best to be quit of this body, and be present with the Lord.
we that are in this tabernacle do groan under the burden of it: not that we desire to be divested of it, but we desire to have our celestial body, that this mortal state may vanish into immortality. now he that hath prepared us for this very state, is God, who hath given us the spirit as a pledge of it. therefore being always certainly assur'd that whilst I sojourn in this body, I am absent from the Lord, (for I regulate my conduct by my future expectations, not by visible enjoyments: ) in this assurance, I say, I think it best to be quit of this body, and be present with the Lord.
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Are strengthened by God
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Are exposed to persecution
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Pray for direction
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Shine as lights in the world
that you may be without reproach, the inoffensive spotless children of God in the midst of a depraved and perverse generation (among whom you should shine as stars in the world,
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Have a heavenly conversation
but we are the denisons of heaven, from whence we expect the saviour Jesus Christ our Lord.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Are not mindful of this world
and truly, if that had been in their view, they might have had an opportunity of returning to the place from whence they came.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Invite others to go with them
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Have their faces toward zion
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Look for a heavenly country
they desired therefore a better, that is, an heavenly country: so that God is very justly stiled their God: for he had appointed a city for them.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » The world is not worthy of
(of whom the world was not worthy) they wandred in desarts, and in mountains, having no retreat but the dens and caves of the earth.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Keep the promises in view
These all died in faith, without receiving what was promised, having only a distant view of what they eagerly expected, professing to live as strangers and pilgrims in the land.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Look for a heavenly city
for he had in view the city, whose foundations are sure, the architect and founder being God.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Hate worldly fellowship
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Forsake all for Christ
Then said Peter, but we, who have left every thing to follow thee; what advantage shall we get by it?
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Die in faith
These all died in faith, without receiving what was promised, having only a distant view of what they eagerly expected, professing to live as strangers and pilgrims in the land.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Should not be over anxious about worldly things
I therefore direct you, not to be sollicitous, with regard to life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor with regard to the body, what clothes ye shall wear: Is not life it self a greater gift than food; and the body a greater gift than rayment?
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Should abstain from fleshly lusts
but at present have obtain'd it. I exhort you, my dear brethren, as strangers and travellers to avoid all sensual passions, as destructive to your
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Rejoice in the statutes of God
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Pass their sojourning in fear
and since you invoke him as your father, who without respect of persons judges every one according to his actions; while you are passing thro' this world, be fearful of offending him:
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Are not at home in this world
'twas by faith that he sojourned in a land that was promised, as in a strange country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, who were equally entitled to the same promise.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Are actuated by faith
'twas by faith that he sojourned in a land that was promised, as in a strange country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, who were equally entitled to the same promise.
Verse Concepts
Pilgrims and strangers » As saints they » Have the example of Christ
Jesus answered him, foxes have their kennels, and birds of the air their nests, but the son of man hath not where to lay his head.
Verse Concepts