Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Feast of the new moon » Observance of, by Christians, condemned
So let no one take you to task on questions of eating and drinking or in connexion with the observance of festivals or new moons or sabbaths.
Verse Concepts
You observe days and months and festal seasons and years!
Verse Concepts
Judah » Kings of judaism » Superseded by Christianity
No one stitches a piece of undressed cloth on an old coat, otherwise the patch breaks away, the new from the old, and the tear is made worse:
Verse Concepts
in Christ Jesus circumcision is not valid, neither is uncircumcision, but only faith active in love.
Verse Concepts
A previous command is set aside on account of its weakness and uselessness
Verse Concepts
By saying 'a new covenant,' he antiquates the first. And whatever is antiquated and aged is on the verge of vanishing.
Verse Concepts
So let no one take you to task on questions of eating and drinking or in connexion with the observance of festivals or new moons or sabbaths.
Verse Concepts
Philosophy » Rabbinical
O Timotheus, keep the securities of the faith intact: avoid the profane jargon and contradictions of what is falsely called 'Knowledge.'
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Beware of anyone getting hold of you by means of a theosophy which is specious make-believe, on the lines of human tradition, corresponding to the Elemental spirits of the world and not to Christ.
Verse Concepts
So let no one take you to task on questions of eating and drinking or in connexion with the observance of festivals or new moons or sabbaths. All that is the mere shadow of what is to be; the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one lay down rules for you as he pleases, with regard to fasting and the cult of angels, presuming on his visions and inflated by his sensuous notions, read more.
instead of keeping in touch with that Head under whom the entire Body, supplied with joints and sinews and thus compacted, grows with growth divine.
instead of keeping in touch with that Head under whom the entire Body, supplied with joints and sinews and thus compacted, grows with growth divine.
Tribe » Kings of judaism » Superseded by Christianity
No one stitches a piece of undressed cloth on an old coat, otherwise the patch breaks away, the new from the old, and the tear is made worse:
Verse Concepts
in Christ Jesus circumcision is not valid, neither is uncircumcision, but only faith active in love.
Verse Concepts
A previous command is set aside on account of its weakness and uselessness
Verse Concepts
By saying 'a new covenant,' he antiquates the first. And whatever is antiquated and aged is on the verge of vanishing.
Verse Concepts
So let no one take you to task on questions of eating and drinking or in connexion with the observance of festivals or new moons or sabbaths.
Verse Concepts
Types » Of the saviour » The institutions ordained by moses
Then he said to them, "When I was still with you, this is what I told you, that whatever is written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled." Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. "Thus," he said, "it is written that the Christ has to suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, read more.
and that repentance and the remission of sins must be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
and that repentance and the remission of sins must be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
For as the Law has a mere shadow of the bliss that is to be, instead of representing the reality of that bliss, it never can perfect those who draw near with the same annual sacrifices that are perpetually offered. Otherwise, they would surely have ceased to be offered; for the worshippers, once cleansed, would no longer be conscious of sins! As it is, they are an annual reminder of sins read more.
(for the blood of bulls and goats cannot possibly remove sins!). Hence, on entering the world he says, Thou hast no desire for sacrifice or offering; it is a body thou hast prepared for me ??6 in holocausts and sin-offerings thou takest no delight. So I said, 'Here I come ??in the roll of the book this is written of me ??I come to do thy will, O God.' He begins by saying, thou hast no desire for, thou takest no delight in, sacrifices and offerings and holocausts and sin-offerings (and these are what are offered in terms of the Law); he then adds, Here I come to do thy will. He does away with the first in order to establish the second. And it is by this will that we are consecrated, because Jesus Christ once for all has offered up his body. Again, while every priest stands daily at his service, offering the same sacrifices repeatedly, sacrifices which never can take sins away ??12 He offered a single sacrifice for sins and then seated himself for all time at the right hand of God, to wait until his enemies are made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering he has made the sanctified perfect for all time.
(for the blood of bulls and goats cannot possibly remove sins!). Hence, on entering the world he says, Thou hast no desire for sacrifice or offering; it is a body thou hast prepared for me ??6 in holocausts and sin-offerings thou takest no delight. So I said, 'Here I come ??in the roll of the book this is written of me ??I come to do thy will, O God.' He begins by saying, thou hast no desire for, thou takest no delight in, sacrifices and offerings and holocausts and sin-offerings (and these are what are offered in terms of the Law); he then adds, Here I come to do thy will. He does away with the first in order to establish the second. And it is by this will that we are consecrated, because Jesus Christ once for all has offered up his body. Again, while every priest stands daily at his service, offering the same sacrifices repeatedly, sacrifices which never can take sins away ??12 He offered a single sacrifice for sins and then seated himself for all time at the right hand of God, to wait until his enemies are made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering he has made the sanctified perfect for all time.
Only, how could the scriptures be fulfilled then ??the scriptures that say this must be so?"
Verse Concepts
He said to them, "O foolish men, with hearts so slow to believe, after all the prophets have declared! Had not the Christ to suffer thus and so enter his glory?" Then he began with Moses and all the prophets and interpreted to them the passages referring to himself throughout the scriptures.
He cancelled the regulations that stood against us ??all these obligations he set aside when he nailed them to the cross, when he cut away the angelic Rulers and Powers from us, exposing them to all the world and triumphing over them in the cross. So let no one take you to task on questions of eating and drinking or in connexion with the observance of festivals or new moons or sabbaths. read more.
All that is the mere shadow of what is to be; the substance belongs to Christ.
All that is the mere shadow of what is to be; the substance belongs to Christ.